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Movie World's New Website


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Movie World has updated their website, and from my first impressions looks a lot better. The imagery is a lot better and is now a lot better use and seems to have taken some ideas from DWs website, such as the maintenance page


And they've updated their map again to include the same style, but from directly above


Edited by themagician
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Bloody great job to the folks who made the new Movie World site - all the things I bitched & moaned about years ago are all addressed. It's mobile friendly, the imagery is large and punchy, the UX is very focussed and gets you to key information very efficiently (the mega menus are way, way more concise than Dreamworld's) and the UI is very modern (which is to say like everyone else in 2018 and thus super large and boring, it could be honestly made a few points smaller but in terms of being "boring" realistically that's totally fine because the content should ultimately do the talking, which it does very well here). There's still some bugs that need to be ironed out (like showing local's prices in Melbourne) but i'm sure they'll whack in some code to fix that in due course as not to alienate or tick off interstate customers.

I still hate the park map because it's actually not at all useful but that's not digital's fault.

What they need to do now is hop on getting their e-commerce portal up to snuff (it's missing lots of core features like affiliates etc.) and go the extra effort of having something solid like a rolling newsfeed on park updates & a PR portal that actually has up to date artwork and imagery. This is all pretty basic blog stuff in 2018 - the less time they spend trying to implement the world's most elegant solution and going between departments to achieve that and just go hard on keeping it simple and putting it out there will go a long way.

Lastly - a lot of their video content needs improving and will play as the core of strengthening their digital comms. That's all i'll say there - not giving away concepts for free here.

Definitely looking forward to seeing this rolled out across the board.

Also, it's worth noting that Dreamworld have rolled out a new front page. I'm also a fan, but the biggest pet peeve as it stands as that their "learn more" button (which is the first thing people will undoubtedly see from a UX perspective) no longer goes to the pure imagination page but rather a dreary what's on page. I'm sure their heat maps will corroborate my thoughts and they'll go to work on fixing that up quick smart. (You're welcome in advance, i'll send you an invoice soon.)

Do like the rolling park updates and a few other things, it's definitely a step in the right direction.

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Website looks amazing (have only seen it on mobile so far though).

The park map.... I know this has been critisised to death already but god the top-down view is even worse than the isometric view. The paths are slightly clearer... but it’s so much harder to work out which ride is which. A guest will see the rides from the ground - so having a top-down view of the park is completely useless. For example - DC rivals towers over the park - but it’s now so much harder to work out which ride on the map is that ride for a first-time visitor (sorta a bad example since it’s out the front of the park but the concept still applies). This is the reason why almost all park maps I’ve seen use an isometric view.

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12 hours ago, Santa07 said:

The park map.... I know this has been critisised to death already but god the top-down view is even worse than the isometric view. The paths are slightly clearer... but it’s so much harder to work out which ride is which. A guest will see the rides from the ground - so having a top-down view of the park is completely useless. For example - DC rivals towers over the park - but it’s now so much harder to work out which ride on the map is that ride for a first-time visitor (sorta a bad example since it’s out the front of the park but the concept still applies). This is the reason why almost all park maps I’ve seen use an isometric view.

But a top-down view is pretty much the standard for any map around the world... Sure many park maps are stylised and cartoonish, but from a navigation perspective, top down maps are pretty much the standard...

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Just found this cool new feature on the website, that allows you to adjust the height minimum, the level of thrills and the extra features the ride offers; which then shows what rides fits into these categories. I think thats a great idea, especially for figuring out what rides parents kids will be able to ride on


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8 hours ago, AlexB said:

But a top-down view is pretty much the standard for any map around the world... Sure many park maps are stylised and cartoonish, but from a navigation perspective, top down maps are pretty much the standard...

This is the first park map I've seen that is fully-top-down (they might as well have pulled a screenshot from Google Maps). Every other park map I've seen is either isometric, or in-between the two (for example, the Cedar Point map (pictured below) is pretty much top-down when it comes to the layout of the paths, but the height profiles of the rides can still be easily be identified).


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14 hours ago, Santa07 said:

This is the first park map I've seen that is fully-top-down (they might as well have pulled a screenshot from Google Maps). Every other park map I've seen is either isometric, or in-between the two (for example, the Cedar Point map (pictured below) is pretty much top-down when it comes to the layout of the paths, but the height profiles of the rides can still be easily be identified).

I wasn't referring to park maps, just maps in general. almost any map you'll find (including google maps) tends to be a top-down view...

I mentioned this because you said a top down view is completely useless, but if that were the case - why are so many maps top down? because they're the most useful.

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I think the website’s great and I like the detail given for the rides, especially the model names. This website was incredibly overdue! But Movie World, that map, that map!! In the smaller version you can’t even make out the hypercoaster (and only the lift hill features anyway). And all those shadows. And the ugly yellow banners everywhere. They desperately need to go back to some type of illustrated map that gives the artist the flexibility to change sizes and perspectives and make it all work. And make the hypercoaster fit!

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  • 1 month later...

The ticket purchase UI has also now been completely changed, and is now a popup window. You can still purchase tickets through themeparks.com.au but you can also just be on the parks individual websites and a window will open directly on the website for all forms of ticket purchasing



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  • 3 months later...

They have also updated this website with the new look too: https://themeparks.com.au/

The new website includes Topgolf, and they have categorised, tickets, attractions, accomodation, events and functions.

Really like how they used this look for the main VRTP website, reads and works really well

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38 minutes ago, themagician said:

They have also updated this website with the new look too: https://themeparks.com.au/

The new website includes Topgolf, and they have categorised, tickets, attractions, accomodation, events and functions.

Really like how they used this look for the main VRTP website, reads and works really well

I agree. Now the only website that needs to be updated is the WNW website....

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