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  1. Today
  2. For anyone planning a trip. In summer adventure world in geelong is pretty good for waterslides. It’s not wet n wild but it’s still a solid day out. and gumbuya world is great now and more coming there as well.
  3. Haha I’ll pay a fine by reporting back on the current crappiness level inside MW at present
  4. The probelm is though the things they do sell you can find remarkbly simlar things in a genric clothes shop. Target for exampe.
  5. I agree I always wanted to buy the Green lantern shirts the ride ops use to wear if they ever did sell them but genric ip merch can be good but usally its boring same old same old.
  6. Very little, but Movie World also has very little merch for their rides (even the park itself). I’d just like to see more park/attraction based merch in general instead of just having IPs on it.
  7. Oh my goodness. I got given a bum steer on that. Should have just googled it myself to confirm. Thanks guys
  8. Should be fine I reckon since it isnt a Public Holiday in QLD.
  9. Yes! Doesn’t have to be for every kids rides, but I’d expect merch for Rivals, Superman Escape, The Flash, Green Lantern, Justice League 3D, Batwing, SDSC, Wild West Falls, Road Runner and maybe even Marvin the Martian since that’s there newest kids ride. Even Roxy Theatre and Hollywood Stunt Driver could have something.
  10. I don’t think it’s a public holiday in Queensland
  11. Hey team, apparently I live in a vacuum and I just realised this Monday is Kings birthday public holiday. We had that day scheduled in for movie world. Can anyone pass on any thoughts of what public holidays are like when they are outside of school holidays busyness wise. Am I crazy to still consider going ? Or over thinking it ? Thanks
  12. Yesterday
  13. Do people honestly expect ride specific merch for a non-flagship ride? DC Rivals needs some for sure, and I expect Superman Escape and scooby also. Potentially even Green Lantern since it has that 'steepest drop' bit, but not Flash. I think the extended flash merch is more than enough (and looks cool. My sons favourite hat is the red flash one)
  14. All previously available/released for the film. Nothing for the new ride. Mambo released this shirt quite a few years back and honestly it’s perfect for the ride considering its history.
  15. If they want some good 'flash' apparel, maybe they could sell a long trenchcoat.
  16. When I rode Splash Mountain at Tokyo Disneyland I was like, "yeah, such a great water ride!" But did I care about the theme, or the animatronics, or what the overall overarching story was through the queue and the slow sections of the ride was? No. Not a single bit, I didn't know that this was some old-school apparently racist live-action/cartoon hybrid adaptation, I didn't care about the supposed "stakes" of these rigid animatronics was throughout the so-called 'story', all I cared about was that I could look at something amusing and polished and entertaining while sitting down after having queued up for hours and get a 'rush and splash' at the end. I don't care about the IP, I don't have nostalgia for Disney brands (or Marvel or Star Wars brands for that matter) I just want something that looks good, sounds good and is fun.
  17. I'Il be in Japan on June 7th for 23 days. It'll be our 4th trip to Japan, we've done a lot of parks plenty of times (Disney, Universal, etc) but have yet to visit to Fuji Q or Nagashima Spa Land, any tips for visiting both with regards to public transport? I'm good with trains but when it comes to buses I've never attempted to take one and it's something of a source of anxiety which is why we skipped Fuji Q on our previous 3 trips. This'll be our first time in Nagoya so Nagashima is pretty much locked in, even if we have to taxi to the park, but is Legoland Nagoya worth a visit too? Not from an 'enthusiast' point of view just from something that's fun to do?
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