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Stage 3 is go go go

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Ive been thinking about the "room for expansion".......after the stage 3 area is full (thunderbolt site), they could then continue going staright back.. there is an area witha large shed, and were they grow there plants..when they used to have nice flower gardens..lol. Basically were the cleared thunderbolt area ends and tree area is. If they kept on expanding staight back they would end up heading towards the back of tiger island(but there is still plenty of area from the shed/plant area b4 ur close to boarding on tiger island. And as long as you kept everything going staright back, you wouldnt even need to cut into dreamworlds area behind the gravatron,(the big clear area)......over on the far right behind gravatron is some avariey/animal areas,which also looks a large space. So with www going staight back They could go into that area as well..(once they have used the area were the shed/plants etc. is first) and keep the park in a L shape. Ths then would make it a quite large park. Hope that made sense (its been awhile since I contributed on the forum boards with regrads to park related things)

Edited by kennykoala
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Good to have you back Kenny. Personally I'm counting on the WhiteWater World expansion to go ahead as it may be the only positive thing we see coming out of Dreamworld for a while (based on Stephen Gregg's comments). I'm hoping a decent number of the new slides/attractions will be opened this year and not spread over many years. I received a Macquarie Lesiure newsletter in the mail recently. It talked about future growth being partly driven by the 'planned WhiteWater World expansion'. So things appear to still be on the right track at this stage

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  • 1 month later...

well after reading all this i decided im going to throw my 2 cents worth into the bowl as well... alot of dreamworld is currently resting on Big Brother. the sooner that raps up, the sooner they can bring in a few cat bulldozers. once thats out of the way, i reckon watch out as they head north. either they will chuck some rides in there, or even possibly go out behind the old paddle steamer a bit more. last time i was up there and from what ive seen on google earth you could probably head east a bit but i could be grossly mistaken. anywho. once big brother raps up entirely which will hopefully be soon, 8 years is pushing it i think, this gives them room, with that gone they have room to expand, even if this means moving a carpark up to there making that a new entry thus giving WWW room to move around the side of cyclone. from what ive read, they are looking to dreamworld the backdrop of WWW and vice versa, sort of integrating the two in a way. quite frankly In my opinion, MLT just initially probably went small to sent WnW a declaration of War. which i am sure they got loud and clear. start small and work up. go small first dont jump in the deep end and try to swim, in a way they have done the right thing, start small with some good rides see what people think of it and how they react and see what is wanted next. i reckon in the long run this move could pay off for them, it will end up with the customer getting what they want which is what we are seeing now. people want individuality between these two parks. not the same stuff at both parks. that happens they might as well get together split the cusotmers up 50 50 and call it even. if its war you need things that are different, and WWW are definately doing this through such things as tornado alley, their river and the flocoaster i think its called? you know what im talking about..... space. big issue that may or may not end up being important. i think even if they sort of rap around, move up into the carpark a bit it might work. then again i could be wrong, which tends to happen alot. but the most likely option they seem to be looking at is going in an L shape. but yes we are right they havent utilised their current space to the best of their abilities. maybe this is a design flaw? maybe a hint of things to come? your guess is as good as mine. the introduction of the AMF bowling facility in dreamworld is a sign that MLT is ready to get on with this entertainment precinct. get rid of BB and this will start gaining momentum as well as new rides i think. means they can push the park north and open up areas to establish this precinct. i hope ive covered all the points ive wanted to. i am probably 1000 miles off in half of this but hell, shot in the dark is worthit sometimes.

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WWW worker, if you're dealing with the guests then you're either a ride op or a food person most likely and you probably only know the basics of what's going on.. unless you're lying :P I don't know, would a high up worker really have the sig you have "www fan" and the name "www worker" etc. And type like a teenager ;P

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Guest jake-train

yeah www guy your making it sound like your just bull****ing all that u work there and mate if people come up and ask wat's happering over there its your job to tell them that stuff just like wat happend when i work at luna park when people ask me wats wronge with the rollercoaster i just told them the truth. Its not that hard to tell people stuff and now i work at AMF Bowling Frankston its fun :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm.. I'm a bit concerned about the proposed WWW expansion. A long time has passed since the council application etc and no one (not even the 'insiders') can report what's happening. If anyone has noticed recently, MLE's share price has taken a bit of a nose dive... I wonder if this will stall or postpone any expected expansion? Few company's are eager to throw cash around when their stock takes a hit like MLE's has! interesting... TMB

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I don’t know people are always in a rush. The expansion of WWW is currently in the first step of approvals. From what I can see everything has run smoothly and council should give its final stamp soon. Don’t forget that the first approval is only a DA. Once the DA is approved, the final plans and engineering will need to be completed and then lodge for a BA. There will be no dirt turning for a while yet.

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  • 1 month later...

I just noticed on the Council's DA website that the date that the decision was supposed to be made was quite a few months back. I also noticed there is a new entry which says 'On Hold' and is dated a few days ago. I wonder if it is Macquarie Leisure putting things on hold or the council. I would hate to see this project significantly delayed or cancelled altogether as WhiteWater World is such a great park but would benefit immensley from further expansion

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Things are looking grim for the extension. A quick discussion with one of the lifeguards at the little rippers slide was disappointing. He thought that the extension wasn't going ahead in the near future and that all the current construction in the area behind White Water World was due to new engineering or grounds keepers sheds. He also said there might be a few less attractions in the extension than first planned. I drove past the construction area after my day at the park and it certainly just looks like the foundations for a bunch of enclosed areas/sheds...? Just speculation but i've got $10 on nothing new in 6months. TMB

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it seems while i have had my head burried in work.....nothing has happened in the parks worthy of mention. That is a sad thing indeed as it was looking like a good year on the construction watch at one stage. Will ask some of my new contacts within the G.C.C.C to see if they have heard any news when i am down there next week. Can't and will not promise anything though, as i am in a new position within the company i work for, and these are only new contacts, but it never hurts to ask.

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Here's the deal.... It's now early June and I know it doesn't take THAT long for the construction of new attractions/slides etc. so I am willing to put not just $10 but $50 (I'm poor) that the ONLY new WWW/DW ride for 2008 is going to be the spongebob one (flypants??). I've been watching MLE's stock price and it really hasn't recovered at all over the last 6 months and this is what I'm using as support to my bold claim. Any punters willing to take me up on that bet?? ;-) It's a bit of a negative call but I have a 'gut' feeling that the decline in attendance will continue due to poor weather and perhaps a side dish of low consumer disposable income (for holidays anyhow). So I'm open to debate... "No additional new (fixed) attractions for 2008 in DW/WWW other than SB flypants" -- big call so what does everyone think? TMB

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I think its too early to be counting them as a write off for the rest of the year just yet. Remember, we are only just heading towards half way through the year, and the new financial year starts shortly, which means new budgets. Who knows what might happen. Personally, im just gonna sit back and see what shiny toy they pull out of the hat to keep people interested this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a bit of extra information. As far as I can see this application is still proceeding. Two days ago dreamworld lodge a hydraulic report to G.G.C.C. relating to potable water supply and wastewater network capacity assessment for proposed white water world expansion. Reports like this take a while to complete and Dreamworld would not of know ithat it was required. When the council are waiting for a report they like to put the job on hold to make there figures look good.

Edited by skeetafly
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Going to throw my 2 cents in. Some of this is off topic as well now yes WWW is in need for a major upgrade, but I doubt it will ever be as good as WnW due to the size restrictions and yes They can go up towards tiger island but only to a degree and IMO its going to be damn tight at that side. Can we all cross our fingers and hope DW first upgrades existing rides and then start to do some worth while expantion as imo MW has the presentation won hands down I just cant help but think the money spent on WWW would have been better spent on DW.

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^^^ Can't say I agree with you there. Though it would be great to have a huge Mega Coaster, I can't help but think that if WWW hadn't been built WnW would have really slumped it's quality. Namely because when there are no competitors you don't have to wow the customers to attract them to your park. When I walk into WWW I see a park which may have squandered the space it has with to much footpath, but at least I'm not intimidated with rides closing in all around me. That isn't everybody's idea of a great park but it's mine. Be happy, with this expansion we're going to see the quality of rides from both parks increase. And since most people on this forum aren't involved with the industry at a executive level, all we have to worry about is the stuff we're riding at the park. P.S- It's good to be back.

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