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Halloween Fright Nights 2010


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Did not realise it was so hard to type "Fright Nights" in the facebook search box ;)
^ That entrance looks pretty cool. I'm sure there'd be a few slightly confused guests during the day though. More pictures from Jordan.
Argh, you found my not so hidden flickr, those pics are due to hit a post tonight. Edited by Jordan M
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I think the entrance looks pretty damn cool and am sure it will look even better lit up at night :P
It's funny how one theme park splashes out and makes some touches like this that look just amazing for guests and another park rejuvenates one of their attractions and adds red vinyl to the floor.
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I've had the opportunity to see the mazes (sans lighting and actors) and I have to say I am extremely impressed. What Movie World are offering up is easily on par with the mazes at Univesal's Halloween events, and those are world leading. I will be attending at least one night as a guest, and I would pay twice the price they are charging knowing what's on offer. I think everyone will be very impressed, a HUGE leap up from last years event, and I suggest you all go and get tickets.

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The Saw maze and Nightmare on Elm Street wouldn't happen to be the same as the Saw and Nightmare maze at Universal Studios Horror Nights?? Anyway Universal have both their mazes at their Hollywood park: http://www.westcoaster.net/updates.php?updateCD=listing Horror Nights Part 2 is all the photo's from both mazes, if it is, they look pretty impressive!!

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Hey all, Just come from Fritenite @ Movieworld so I thought Id post my opinion. Good points: Theming, Mazes, Shows Bad points: Way to many people allowed in, 2.5 - 3 hrs wait (seriously!) to enter a maze is way too long (Specially in the rain). No one dressed up except staff. We had some makeup on and wigs and got told to remove ALL makeup and wigs. I thought light makeup was ok and wigs were ok but apparently not. It is not worth $20 - $50 for 1 maze walk through and hours of queuing. There should have been a cap on ticket sales. Last year was much better. I wont be back next year. This is my opinion, I hope other people enjoy it more than I did.

Edited by bumblee-tuna
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It didn't seem that busy... just slow-moving queues. The queue for the 3D maze was shut off at 10:15pm... The two other mazes were great, but VERY long lines. The atmosphere wasn't as good as it could have been. Hot Tomato had their radio station playing quite loud out the front of the Photo Centre. Also, there didn't seem to be as much fog this year. However, there were more actors running around, which is great to see! Overall, it was an alright evening. If I could choose to make some changes, I would do the following: - Turn some lights off on Main Street - Increase the amount of fog coming out of the stormwater drains - Make sure that the only music playing is Halloween-themed - Keep indoor attractions open until their posted closing time - Keep the park open until midnight on busy nights 7/10 -- and considering I won a free ticket, that's a pretty low score.

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Actually 7/10 is a pretty high score??? You can only have so much fog, eventually it is so much that it causes havoc with the M1 so it has to be capped off. I thought there was plenty of fog. I agree about main street, most all lights were off but the Roxy throws so much light, perhaps it could be turned off. Rides and mazes do close at their posted times, but that is the RIDE, not the Que, so if the Park closes at 11 and the maze has a 45min que, the que will be closed at 10:15. The only music not hallowen themed in the park was outside Scooby Castle, which is already Spooky so I think that's kind of ok. As for the post 2 above, the mazes had at most a 1.5 que (and that was only 1) after the outdoor rides closed, nothing like 3 hours. If you go to Universal there are 1-2 hour waits for all mazes and there are many more of them than Movie World, you would be lucky to see half. For $20 I think it is definately worth it. If you only went through 1 maze in the night you either weren't there very long or did something very wrong. I went through 2 mazes in the space of around 2 hours and that was late in the night. Face coverings of any kind not being allowed is standard at this type of event and was well advertised so you can't really complain there. In my opinion the night was fantastic, even with the rain and had a great turn out. I don't understand posts saying how good things were but then saying it was not worth it, or gave it a low score. This is a very different event from previous years, and fast on its was to being on par with some of the best in the world. These nights are not about rides and attractions, they are about atmosphere, if you're heading out with a goal of just doing as many attractions as possible then you're going to be dissapointed. If you're going along for great atmosphere through the entire park then you will be impressed I have no doubt.

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I also went along tonight and I must say I was quite impressed. It's the exact same event as last year, but this year it has polish. Everything from the entrance, to the mazes, to the overall look and feel of the park is such a step up from last years effort. Probably the most glaring example of how much better this year has been done is the mazes; Unlike last year the mazes are well themed. I won't go into spoilers but suffice to say the Freddie and Saw mazes look amazing, and even the psycho 3D maze, which isn't much more than a plywood switchback, was very well done, and looked great inside. The other big improvement in the mazes is the actors. This year there were lots of them, and even on their first night were getting lots of screams. They'll only get better and better as the days roll on and they get into a groove, but on opening night they were all great! The only downside is just how crowded the park is. Hopefully next year they can add an extra maze or turn Lethal Alley into a scare zone to take some of the pressure off. I think they need to work out something for the attraction closing times as well. Sadly, the queues for almost everything closed well before their advertised closing time. I think they could do well by advertising when queues will close in advance, to avoid having angry guests, as it seems to have been really upsetting a few people. Even though the close time was listed as 11pm, most queues were shut off by 10 - 10.30pm. One other piece of advice I'll give to anyone checking out the park for Fright Nights, I strongly recommend getting there as early as you can, and checking out the Saw maze first, and then the Freddie maze straight after. The earlier you get to the mazes the shorter you'll wait, the queues don't go down as the night goes on. Get those 2 mazes done first then the rest will be plain sailing. Crowd issues (and weather) aside, I had a really good night out, and can't wait to see how they top it next year!

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In the SAW maze, they let in up to 15 (Based on my group size) and then once in your separated into small groups of about 5 from memory - very good.... and IMO they needed to take some smoke away and move it into scooby, the only part of that ride with smoke was the final room :\. Just watch out for one certain character whilst your at Fight Nights.

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In the SAW maze, they let in up to 15 (Based on my group size) and then once in your separated into small groups of about 5 from memory - very good.... and IMO they needed to take some smoke away and move it into scooby, the only part of that ride with smoke was the final room :\. Just watch out for one certain character whilst your at Fight Nights.
whos the character?
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Face coverings of any kind not being allowed is standard at this type of event and was well advertised so you can't really complain there.
You are welcome to wear costumes and light facial make-up.
Just wanted to mention that. Bit of a shame if they can't decide where to draw the line. I haven't made the trip up yet, but I'll be making an effort this year. Did they end up opening at the advertised times or slightly earlier?
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I was left underimpressed by the mazes. They are a huge step forward for Movieworld, but they are not what is offered at HHN. Universal's mazes leave guests cowering on the floor; crawing to safety and in tears! My partner was so scared by our last trip to HHN that we ended up requiring a security escort to exit the park early. Needless to say she no longer trusts me on the topic of anying horror/scary. She wont watch any film even remotely classified within the genre and wasnt interested in attending Fright Nights. That being said, she would have easily coped with this years MW mazes and scareactors. Needless to say it is nice to see the American influence making its way back into WVTP. The park did look very good with the atmospheric elements and lighting. The rain whilst adding to the atmosphere, may have played some part in lessening the overall Halloween feel across the entire park -- I felt that once the early ride closures came into place there was empty areas of the park with the mazes concentrated at the rear of the property. Also, Revenue closed some stores earlier than anticipated due to the adverse conditions, which some guests did make comment on, which would have helped liven up the front of the park. I think next year they need to impliment scarezones as is standard overseas. In addition to the mazes, the scarezones will help spread the horror entertainment across the park and avoid the dull quiet zones that eventuated towards Hells Gate, The Fountain and Main Street after 9pm. After years of requesting, it was good to see chainsaws used in scare tactics; but the photo ops ruined the effect. I didnt catch last years Motor Cross show, but Zombie MotoX did prove a highlight for me this year. It was very reminiscent of the Slaughter World overlay of Universal's Waterworld. With all the right elements, action, zombies and sexploitation. The addition of more language and some physical blood effects are my only suggestions for improvement to the show. @Dylaan last night guests were admitted to the start of Main Street prior to normal park closing. They were actually 5-10mins late (according to the advertised 6pm) opening the rest of the Halloween event.

Edited by rya86n
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