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Tail Spin now open at Dreamworld


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Dreamworld Update: September 19, 2014

Yesterday I was out at Dreamworld for the passholder event on Tailspin and I got a few pictures of what's happening around the park. Hope this settles some questions you may have.


Ocean Parade has a new lease of life with all the updates that have gone on. It really feels like a totally new park compared to a year ago.


The Claw looks great.


So does Wipeout!


You can get pretty close to the ride.


New queue and locker house is also looking good.

But the reason for the visit... Tailspin!

90.9 Sea FM was out for the day.


The ride looks great from all angles.


The theming looks great.


With the official opening being today, the queue never got longer than 25 minutes.


The ride well and truly passed my expectations, it has become one of my favourites in the park.

Hope you enjoyed the update, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I will post a part two soon.

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How long were the lines for the ride yesterday?

Main Queue Line- 15-20 mins

Single Queue Line 40-50 mins

Q4U 30-40 Mins

I think the single queue line or Q4U is not even needed as you are just sitting there for nearly an hour for a two mintue ride. If you are single rider Don't bother to enter the single rider queue line. I entered the main queue line and I got on in less in 20 minutes

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I still haven't managed to get a full out of control spin going, but on my ride I did get a couple of flips in and a couple of times where I managed to have myself balanced upside headfirst going down through the 'station'....

My tips.

-Find POVs where people are gunning it and watch what they do.


-Pick a seat furthest from the central pole...you follow a wider circle, so more airspeed.

- At the start when the seat pivots unlock use that initial bit of swing right away, shift your body and legs in a smooth rhyth. back and forth to get the seat rotating.

-A clockwise spin seems to work best for flips...have your right forearm raised and left pointing downwards.

-When doing your initial swings don't just move the paddles up/down randomly/ too quickly... people who do that are unscuessful and look silly.

Again smooth and in rhythm with your legs...right paddle up when swinging clockwise and left up when swinging anticlockwise.

-It is actually physically involving and you do have to work the whole time to get a good ride.

Edited by Gazza
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- I found that plane 3 (furthest away from the pole in the 2nd row) works best.

- When the planes first unlock have the left wing down, right wing up and lean left.

- Gain momentum and by the time you fly through the 'station' the first time you should have done at least 1 360.

- Once you do a full revolution don't stop leaning that direction and don't move the wings from their up/down positions.

- I have had out of control spins in both directions so I haven't found neither to work best, just depends what your first full 360 is.

- I found it easiest to gain momentum when the arm is moving back down towards the loading area.

That's all the tips I can give for spinning out of control. It isn't easy but the main thing is to be patient, too fast and it's impossible to gain momentum. In my personal opinion I think they should have some sort of graphics in the queue to explain to guests the basics of spinning because nobody seems to have the slightest clue.


I just came across this online:


Wouldn't it have been great if they could have gotten another 12 planes on the other end of the arm.

Edited by downunder196
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Thing is, in the picture you posted the capacity is still the same... but 6 riders on each arm. I rode several times on the Launch day and it's a very solid attraction. The line does move pretty quickly as the operators are on the ball but I really don't think the single rider queue is needed and some people in the line were getting quite agitated because they waited more than 5 minutes to get on the ride...

Seems to me they think because they are a single rider they will get on almost straight away, but that's NOT how the single rider line works :P

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Ok, just came back from DW.

Tail Spin was amazing, 32 spins in one cycle. I think I broke the record somehow.

In regards to the single rider queue it's almost always pointless. One time I was lucky and there was nobody in the single rider queue so I jumped in and got on in one cycle but that was lucky. The Motocoaster also has a single rider queue that is about as bad as Tail Spin's. They moved general entry to the old pole lane and made the old general entry single rider. They were also only running one train which is BS considering that it's school holidays.

The fun police guy was also doing commentary on the Tail Spin ride from within the queue one time when it was raining which pissed a ton of people off. (obviously the fun police refused to get wet)

Edited by nitromefans
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Seems to me they think because they are a single rider they will get on almost straight away, but that's NOT how the single rider line works :P

But that's exactly how a single rider line should work. If that queue isn't significantly shorter than the normal queue then it doesn't serve a purpose.

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Having a guy running around on a Segway yelling out blunt jokes and giving a running commentary while people are on a ride on a loudspeaker is hardly an enjoyable experience. Too be honest I'd rather they put an extra attendant on Cyclone to speed things up a heap rather than spending it on that thing.

Oh, and Dreamworld being Dreamworld, they disabled the water cannons on Wipeout :(
I have no idea if it's permanent but that's what it was like today.

Edited by nitromefans
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Will say I am impressed with Tailspin more than I am Panda, it is intense without being too intense. Found the middle the hardest to get to spin. Found the inside to be not that easy but once you start it keeps going and the forces are great, I did walk off slightly dizzy afterwards though.

As for single rider on it, all three times got lucky and went straight on.

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I'm at Dreamworld right now! I'm pleased to say that they have fixed their crap with the single rider queue line! Instead of waiting for 50 minutes to wait for the ride. You only wait for 10-15 minutes now in the single rider queue line!

I did 2 360s just then which was pretty sick! :D

Also when you are on the ride. Be sure to take some time to have a look at the park when you are very high up! :)

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In what way did they fix the single rider queue?

Apart from emptying the damn thing every second cycle I can't think of any way they could.

Well they were making single riders go on every cycle until 12:00pm After 12:00pm they went back to the old way of sending single riders. Oh BTW the ride became stuck 5 times today! Anyways if Dreamworld is reading this post, I want one thing from term and that is to remove the single queue line, ITS POINTLESS! Edited by The_Ninja_59
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