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Seaworlds New Kids Area Announced

Cooper Olsen

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I'm at Sea World now. 

The truck parked next to the Dockside Tavern does have "Logan City Demolitions" marked on it, which explains why the TPSN guy thought the building was being demolished. 

They seem to be completely stripping it internally. The doors and some of the windows have been removed. The roof of the balcony facing towards the kids area has also been removed. 

In other Sea World news, the monorail just went past and it no longer has Nikolodeon wrapping. The original white paint is visible once again. I prefer it this way, you can see through the windows!




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Lots of mechanics doing test runs of the new kiddy coaster today. Looks like it's not far off completion. They just have to get the other rides finished off now, and get the new show up and running (Dora one is done and dusted, it's closed and barricaded off as well now) and they will be all ready to open the new area :)

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In other Sea World news, the monorail just went past and it no longer has Nikolodeon wrapping. The original white paint is visible once again. I prefer it this way, you can see through the windows!

Well, it was about time they removed the wrapping, since the show they were advertising on the monorail ended a long time ago.

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