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White Christmas 2015

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White Christmas tickets available for Village Theme Park Premier and Elite members 

link to the website, https://whitechristmas.com.au/box-office.aspx

it appears that there will be something silmilar to the UTT at FN will be getting carried over for WC, anyone on here do the tour? 

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I was there tonight. I know it was the Charity night and all but I was mega disappointed. The parade was piss weak compared to Previous years. It was the fact they used the river queen that really annoyed me with no effort too even make it look a bit christmasy. I really hope it was just for the Suns players not for the normal event. 99% of performances with sining being out of time was a big issue. I know the charity night is really just a  glorified tech rehearsal but they really need to lift their game. Its almost like all the attention went on Fright Nights this year and White Christmas  was a afterthought. Wont get a change to go until next weekend so i'd love to hear if anyone has a better experience. 

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Went last night. Being a bit of a christmas grinch myself it was lovely to see all the younger kids really light up and get into the christmas spirit. There was a few tech mishaps that were noticeable (like the countdown to turning the lights on that didn't go as planned) but I think with these things you can practice as much as you want after hours but until you have a captive audience it's tough to predict what you don't know you don't know. I'm sure by tonight it'll be a tight show and when I head back next weekend it'll be a well oiled machine.

Anyway, here's a few shots. As the day progresses i'll get a chance to look through all 650 and pick some favourites.






Edited by Slick
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I went last night. My first white Christmas (not counting the ones in England as a kid)!

It was absolutely awesome, and the Christmas dinner exceeded my expectations. 

My only criticism was it opened shortly before 6pm, and by 8.30pm security were asking everyone to leave the park!

That's 2.5 hours tops, including dinner and including whatever time you spend in queues for rides. I would have liked it to go until about 10pm.

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While I like the review, I can't help but feel that it reads like a paid advertisement rather than a genuine review. I'm not saying that it is, I'm just stating that's how it comes across to me.

I haven't read your other reviews to know if it may just be your writing style, but your review doesn't make mention of any negatives to the experience other than "despite a few trying moments" which you quickly justified as "throughout what was a technical rehearsal" which is fair and valid, but are you saying there was absolutely no negatives to this experience at all? 

Parking issues?
Queue times?
Opening hours?

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So I went last night and I did the North Pole Experience, I thought the experience was pretty good however I think the Ultimate Terror Tour was a little bit better IMO (to be fair, UTT targets the older demographic while the NPP targets the younger audience) I was pretty shocked with the gifts they gave us when we were at buffet, (I was expecting candy or sweets) inside the bag was. Movie World Christmas Ornament, Superman iPad Case and a DC COMIC iPhone 5+ case, I got Wonderwoman case :P , I must admit getting free photos which was included with the pass was a nice addition.. once we left the Christmas Buffet I did some rides, I managed to get three rides done of Superman (the first ride on SE we got stuck in the exit station, we had to wait for ten minutes before we could get out, the rise did reopen for the rest of the night) four rides of Scooby Doo, This was due to the fact that the pass came with Fast Track. tried to get Batwing done however the Single Rider queue line was pretty long so I passed on that, then on go on the Bumper Cars, I was a bit disappointed that AA wasn't open, once I got all these attractions done it was time for us to go to our VIP Seats for the parade that comes with NPP, there were a few people who tried to sneak into our VIP area then only to get kicked out, the parade was pretty much the same parade since 2010 however I must ask, how is a Showtime FMX parade float got to do with Christmas? sure it had some Christmas decorations on it but was the only float that didn't fit itself in the parade theme. the park was packed for a sold out event, all rides closed after the parade, only had to wait 10 minutes to get of the park, overall I give the event an 8/10 :) 


39 minutes ago, reanimated35 said:

Parking issues?
Queue times?
Opening hours?

when leaving the park there was a bit of traffic, we managed to get out in 10 mins

Superman 25 - 30 

Scooby 50+

JL (didn't check)

Batwing Spacshot  25 mins for Main Queue and 30 mins + for the single rider queue line

It was packed at the event, this was to be expected as this was a sell out event last night,

(Online Prices) are you meaning admission price for the event or the buffet that Push mentioned?

Opening Hours: 6pm - 9:30pm (all rides closed at 8:30pm after the parade

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Will say Superman had a stupidly long queue for the length of it. Two trains but the rate they were loading they may have just been running one. Will agree with the approximate 45 minute queue quoted at the entry.

Outside of that it was a great night. Was late seeing the parade due to Superman. The floats look good but the river boat one is kind of confusing and doesn't really fit in. Didn't do the food option or extra tour.

Arrived yesterday at 4pm and they were issuing wristbands so if you want to spend a bit of time in the park before the event would suggest arriving after 4pm.

As for parking they had people directing traffic at the last intersection, parked where I usually do at the far end so unable to say if it has helped exit times.

Edited by pin142
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Went Saturday night, very similar to last year although at least this time the parade didn't get stuck. Little pop-up entertainment stages (mostly Looney Tunes characters doing a song) worked well. 15 minute waits for Superman, would have been good if Arkham had been opened up as a substitute for Green Lantern (on the event maps but still out of action). For a park that doesn't have a lot of rides to begin with it seems strange that they shutter them up during a capacity event.

Only real criticism was staffing of the food & beverage outlets, well below what they needed for the crowd size. Sweet Treats only had one staff member all evening and a very long queue. For what is definitely a high margin product, I'm surprised they didn't have another person in there to help pump through more sales.

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