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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/16 in Posts

  1. What sort of ride can you buy for the couple million they saved? Anything that you know will be as big a hit as the flume ride? Certainly nothing as big as the flume, probably nothing as family friendly, and certainly not something that's seen as a tradition or right of passage ride at the park. I think they've officially lost the plot out there now. What is their ride collection now? Two coasters that manage to be intimidating enough that they don't work as family rides, but aren't thrilling enough to keep thrill seekers entertained, and a small collection of kiddie rides. The monorail is the only genuine family ride in the park, and that runs slower, and at reduced capacity compared to what it used to. This is very sad for a park that for a long part of it's life ran 4 transport rides, 3 thrill rides, 2 water rides (one of which was also probably the country's best dark rides), a couple kiddie rides and a free water park with 4 totally different types of slides and 2 pools. I'm not against change, seriously I'm not, but whatever changes they're making should make the park better, not worse, and it's clear as crystal that the park is a shadow of it's former self. Just run a white flag up the flagpole out the front of the park and be done with it, although there probably isn't the budget for flags, that flagpole has had nothing on it for a few years now.
    8 points
  2. Not sure what the photos are like as they have been uploaded from my phone.
    7 points
  3. 5 points
  4. Go home your drunk. Why wouldn't Wonder women fit a hyper coaster. She is a pretty powerful superhero
    3 points
  5. I would very much like to see both DW and SW take immediate steps with a reputable flume manufacturer to install a replacement. Every dry park needs some sort of water attraction - especially on the gold coast!
    2 points
  6. Sorry! I had deleted it from my phone after posting it to Instagram.
    2 points
  7. Chicks have been riding up and down on Superman's top hat for years, I see it as only fair that guys get to crest Wonder Woman's peaks.
    2 points
  8. Slide pieces are beginning to be preoattef for installation, with a crane on site and workmen joining pieces together. The red pieces will be at the top of the slide, and the rest will be yellow and blue
    2 points
  9. No, the water sources have no linkage whatsoever. I don't see accessibility to RHLR to be an issue even with the connection to Gold Rush closed, if you can access GD you can just as easily access RHLR. Has to be more to it that that I would think
    1 point
  10. I am a bit disappointed that they didn’t get one of the Big 9 going again for this weekend.
    1 point
  11. True me and the missus went there in february with a couple of mates of ours from melbourne, and cause before that visit it had been at least 4-5 years since we last hit DW, so i just automatically assumed that we still could't jump between the two parks, and she even asked if we could do WWW and i was like nah you need another pass to get in there hun, now fill like a total f***en dick.
    1 point
  12. All open rides have been announced. No Big 9 Thrill Rides will be open. Shockwave, DW Express and Log Ride will be closed. All ABC Kids World and Dreamworks Experience rides (excluding Pandamonium) will be open. The 'Whats Open' page is also up again: https://www.dreamworld.com.au/park-info/whats-open
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Logically you also wouldn't build a DC themed ride sandwiched between Scooby-Doo and the wild west... at the opposite end of the park to all the other DC rides.
    1 point
  15. This would explain why the train is not operating as it runs through the area. DW have put the list up which says 23 rides will be operating and 8 shows. https://www.dreamworld.com.au/park-info/whats-open
    1 point
  16. But passes come with WWW and single day tickets now come with WWW too.
    1 point
  17. Dreamworld and WWW are included in the same entrance price.
    1 point
  18. The first set of rides have been listed as open, more to come
    1 point
  19. I think this might have something to do with TRRR incident. Considering the Log Flume, TRRR and VR are all in-house design. So maybe since the TRRR accident the insurance have gone through the roof. (The Log Flume has been removed from DW's map now)
    1 point
  20. Ferries. Admiralty been closed for a long time, but for a large chunk of the park's life that was a thing. It's fair to say that the park was a bit stagnant for quite a time before the current regime, but that doesn't to me justify the accelerating downwards trajectory the park is on. I did forget battle boats, I don't think 1 ride that's borderline a kiddie ride really changes the broader narrative though.
    1 point
  21. I think Alex is on the money here, it's safe to say the track circuit wouldn't have changed. The sharp sudden gradient of the land in the area around the tower would make it almost impossible. Happy to go into why it wouldn't work if you would like me to.
    1 point
  22. I think an aquaman coaster would be more suited to a low coaster like jet rescue where you could have water all around. A hyper coaster would be more suitable to a flash theme
    1 point
  23. @JaggedJanine save us please!
    1 point
  24. They could do a Maverick/Lightning Rod incline launch, to get the best of both worlds? A bat-shit insane launch and an Incredible drop.
    1 point
  25. Personally I think they should do the Flash theme for the next major coaster and make it a launched coaster. Personally I think the Flash theme suits a launch coaster more than a lift hill.
    1 point
  26. Seriously? (and go banana!) go dutch is a term where people on a date pay their own way. I was making allusions (only as a joke of course) to recent events that have transpired.
    1 point
  27. No, the analogy was simply to compare a market leader to an also ran, and nothing more. I totally agree with this - and this is kinda the point i'm trying to make - a waterpark should be nicely landscaped, great presentation and signage. Simple, effective. A lot (not all) of WnWGC has that (i do agree about H2O zone and WNWS) - even WWW - which has tried to 'theme' the entire park hasn't got much more than a few giant thongs, some signage to fit the theme of the slide (see Cut Snake for example) and nice landscaping. We don't have a giant surfboarder mounted on top of the green room funnel!
    1 point
  28. Kopps Road, Oxenford - update on the proposed 731 space car park City planning officers yesterday advised that:- "The application completed Public Notification on 28 November where 149 properly made submissions were received. "I am currently going through each of the submissions where the main points of objection so far have been around amenity, road infrastructure, increased traffic, pedestrian safety. The Decision due date is 4 January, however a Decision on the application won’t be made by this time." There are outstanding issues that require further clarification by the applicant. At this point in time a Decision isn’t contemplated until sometime next year."
    1 point
  29. I hear (churro vender at the front of the park) Dec 26 assuming VRCoaater gets the update to them by then (no idea how long that takes especially in this season). It's true, have confirmed it with multiple internal sources. Also makes sense considering the timeline. If it was a software incompatibility (unlikely) they could have rolled back the update or even purchased new handsets. This suggests an WHS issue with the headsets/operation themselves given it stopped abrubtly without apparent reason.
    1 point
  30. Even if they had to bin $100k worth of merch, it flails into insignificance in the overall cost to the business in what has occurred.
    1 point
  31. I only want to ride WW if I get the back seat. No. Think of the children.
    1 point
  32. Please no. There's enough weeeeee loop-dee-loop in this world already.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Oh the conflict this would create for today's PC brigade. On one hand you're taking the progressive step of naming a major attraction after a female superhero. On the other hand, you're objectifying women by taking a ride on Wonder Woman.
    1 point
  35. My thoughts on Eat Street Markets, Night Quarter and The FairGrounds. Eat Street Markets This was the first and it does shows when you go. The layout with the dead-end lanes create a lot of choke points. Has very limited seating and the entertainment is limited. Most of the food venders are good but a couple of them could step it up. I like the idea of the drive-in next door but the distance between the market and drive-in makes it hard to bring food back to your car. They do have a bus that travels between them and it is free but when you have a pram it is easier to walk the 20 plus minutes. 7 STARS Night Quarter I believe this is the next venture the owners of Eat Street built. Night Quarters is built out of shipping containers stacked on top of each other. Night Quarter also has a purpose-built underroof stage area. The food vendor is like Eat Street with most of the food outlets being good with just a few misses. The live entertainment is good with one main stage that normally has 3 different bands playing on it during the night. There is also an Australia BBQ area that play more rock music or hard for me to admit but my generation music. You also come across some music been played down the streets. I find it much easier to get around with my daughter in toe. The only negative I have is a bit more seating would be good but it has shit loads more seating them Eat Street. 9 STARS The FairGrounds From the sounds of it this might be the most family friendly one of all of them. Night Quarter is a step-up from Eat Street Markets and I hope they take the lessons from both places into the design of The FairGrounds. You can read the full media release yourself but the company does mention rides. Link to the official Media Release. http://thefareground.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The-Fareground-Media- “There will also be an amusement area for families with rides and fairground games appealing to kids both young and old.” I’m not expecting much in the way of rides rides but what is for them to nail the feeling you are in an old fair ground. I've added some photos of Night Quarter too.
    1 point
  36. I think it's worth recapping for the newcomers that parks in Australia have an unhealthy relationship (compared to the rest of the industry globally) with Apple-like secrecy for major projects. For all intents and purposes, those who know all the facts aren't going to risk their careers and working relationships just to be the first with the scoop. It's not like it's a big industry with alternate career possibilities for whistleblowers either, if you burn one bridge chances are you'll burn most of them in the process. Here's a hot tip - if a community leader calls bullshit, well, it most probably is. In saying that, it's not like fun little hints aren't dropped all the time that immediately go over people's heads. TLDR - pay attention to the folks who have been around here for a while.
    1 point
  37. Having done Arkham VR I can confidently say there was literally no issues with getting sick, head-bumping, whiplash etc. etc. etc. That's in part because Movie World went and spent big money going via companies who know what they're doing and the sync between experience and screen is second to none. Compare that to the reports of Dreamworld's version and it's night and day. in fact i'd go so far as to say it made the coaster infinitely better - you definitely know where you're at in the ride (up to a certain point) so it's not like you're just flailing about hopelessly. And even if you were a new rider, I still don't think you'd be knocked about as much as folks think. I do hope they suss out whatever tech issue they have for the summer season, this is one of the few experiences where i'd say don't knock it until you try it because everyone who does try it (specifically Arkham's VR) loves the crap out of it, myself included.
    1 point
  38. Actually, a lot of information IS told to staff. They just keep their mouths shut, something which as we've discussed many times, they are contractually obligated to do. Perhaps because your friend knew you were likely to take that news and blab it all over a public forum, they spun you a little bullshit to keep you occupied and have a laugh.
    1 point
  39. It might be time for you to get a new insider. My insider said your insider is full of shit. I do crave a good themed ride but there comes a point when the ride is that good, it doesn’t need much theming, if any.
    1 point
  40. I call complete bullshit on GCTVs inside info.
    1 point
  41. There is ZERO chance of them selling Merch with TRR on it, zero. Making sure they don't make a loss on a few t-shirts means jack compared to brand damage of (more) people waking around with TRR advertised, and would be microscopic compared to the losses they've already felt
    1 point
  42. It wasn't murder, it was a tragic accident. The reason we are all defending Dreamworld is because its like home for us, the incident was too close to home. You saying it was murder shows you have no respect for what happened.
    1 point
  43. Okay, now this I don't agree with, the operators were NOT dodgy and it was NOT the operators first day at the park! She was the main operator of the Tower Of Terror, and was over at the TRR being trained with the main operator to learn how to operate it, the operators aren't dodgy at all, and if you think that, then read the article stating that each and every operator was given an extensive training course covering EVERYTHING. This is something that pisses me off, because I do my research, most people just read off the media. But you are fine to Boycott the place, judge all you like!
    1 point
  44. Cirque Extreme has arrived at AW. (Photo credit to AW's Facebook page)
    1 point
  45. Today's update. From what I've seen today, it does give me confidence that it could be ready in time for Christmas
    1 point
  46. Thing is if a ride is well designed and maintained and age isn't really something that makes a ride more dangerous. Sure you have to replace components as they reach the end of their service life, but just because a ride is old doesn't mean it's dangerous. On the other hand, shoot the rapids at Cedar Point. Replacing an older ride with a new one is fine too. But we're still waiting for replacements for the Corkscrew, Skyway, Pirate Ship, Train and the Plunge. Closing one of the few rides left in the park would be an incredibly poor move.
    1 point
  47. They are only technically ticking all the right boxes because they have no bloody choice to. They literally can't open again until they tick all the right boxes, also they have to tick all the right boxes so the general public will come back again. It's certainly not out of good will.
    -1 points
  48. I hope it's a Wonder Woman themed coaster. Watch misogynists freak the hell out lol
    -1 points
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