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8 hours ago, joz said:

This is incorrect. NSW is back to school this week

Primary school started Monday but High school go fully back today so yesterday was the last day. But no one does anything on the last day of hoildays except buy school supplies and get a hair cut. But yes it was dead. The car park was busy but there was no one in the park basically 

7 hours ago, Naazon said:

Maybe head back to school to learn about paragraphs

Learn from me kids… don’t drop out

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Finally got the chance to ride Leviathan today. The ride itself is fantastic, probably one of Gravity Group’s better coasters, and the theming is quite well done. The preshow isn’t always 100% effective depending on what else is happening in the station but overall it works well. As many have noted there’s definitely room to improve operations and dispatch times. Hopefully the park focus on this as even a short queue seems to end up with quite a long wait, rather odd for a ride with such simple boarding procedures.

My only real gripe was seeing a couple of off-duty park staff (in uniform) being let in via the fast track queue with a few of their mates, pretty poor when it happens right in front of paying guests. Given these guys had to turn their park polos inside out to board the ride it’s unlikely to have been a paid tour. Not a good look, hope it doesn’t happen often.

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Got my first night ride on Leviathan tonight during Carnivale. So good! Really hauled through the layout and gave some amazing views. The lights on the zero car sadly weren't working, but the rest of the lighting package on the ride was great.

Incredibly slow one train operations. :( One difference from the last time I rode is they let two trains worth of people at a time in the station. Get to see the preshow twice!

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5 hours ago, New display name said:

Are you sure it has a zero car @Ogre

Not a literal zero car. Zero car is often synonymous with the themed front of a train (lead car?)

4 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

They’ve been doing that since at least mid-late December 

Interesting. That was slightly after the last time I rode it.

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2 hours ago, Ogre said:

Not a literal zero car. Zero car is often synonymous with the themed front of a train (lead car?)

Levi’s train, or Timberliners in general, do have literal zero cars under normal operation. I believe/assume they’re meaning to ask if the zero car was in use & just unlit, or not in use at all.

Edited by Tricoart
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42 minutes ago, New display name said:

What are you trying to say @Tricoart

That Timberliners (the train Gravity Group uses, the one used for Leviathan) are constructed to have a ‘zero car’ in every sense of the word, usually with thematic pieces on them (e.g. Levi’s head, Mineblower’s TNT, or Roar-O-Saurus’s Triceratops head). Then assuming that your question wasn’t about whether or not that is the case, and instead that it was about whether or not they had said zero car attached to the train on the night cycle that Ogre observed (which may have been an incorrect assumption for me to have made).

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3 hours ago, Slick said:

FYI a zero car is only a zero car if it has a wheel assembly underneath. 

Ah yeah, after researching a bit more I see that the front car on Timberliners includes the leading themed element. Was misinformed by other pictures & posters there, sorry @New display name.

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Finally got to experience Trident with a VQ at Sea World on the weekend. What would be an excellent attraction for Sea World is completely undermined by the fact that it's an absolute lemon. The ops were doing their absolute best to make things as quick as possible and we're very welcoming, but that ride just feels woefully inefficient.

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It's prone to outages due to weather which has been discussed, but it also appears to be very hands on and labour intensive for the ops leaving a lot of down time between cycles.

It's hard to pinpoint what is the problem exactly, but we arrived mid-cycle with nobody else in the VQ line. The ride came back to the station and sat for a short while until the seatbelts disengaged. After that the ops waited until the station was completely empty where they then went through and 'reset' it for the next group. They checked for all loose belongings and made sure that all the seatbelts were completely disengaged. After that they left the loading area and waited for another short moment until it looked like they got the all clear to start loading from tower where they gave the spiel about no loose items, etc. Afterwards they scanned our VQ and we moved to our seat. You're not allowed to touch your seat belt so you have to sit there waiting for an op to check it. However, those ops are also now sorting and moving guests to their seats because there is no staging area so expect to sit for a while. Once they get everybody sorted they then come and clip in your two seatbelts. Once they've done that the other op comes around and checks your seatbelt. Finally after this the ride cycles. 

Similar to Vortex, it would be greatly improved if it had a proper staging area. Make the seats numbered and then have them sorted into their number when the ride is in motion. If they don't have the space for that than just print out the numbers and hand it to them and collect it when they're getting their seatbelt checked. 

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