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What do YOU want in replacement of the Thunderbolt?

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I know a lot of people don't like 'fantasy threads', myself included to some extent. But I also know that a lot of us don't like people 'dreaming' in threads where only genuine information is to be posted. However, when there is something as exciting as this happening, with very little information, it's hard not to let your imagination run wild. So I thought that here we could all use this thread to express what we want to replace the thunderbolt and leave the other threads for genuine information and those 'rumours' that have a habit of becoming fact in the end ;) lol IMO, I would LOVE to see a B&M Dive Coaster. I think something like this would look SPECTACULAR at this location and there is certainly enough room...

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I completely agree with you OzCoasterFreek, a B&M dive machine would be a great addition to the old Thunderbolt Area. It would be great if they could move cyclone to another part of the park so that if a dive machine was put in, it could be clearly seen from the Pacific Motorway. A clone of SheiKra would look much more impressive than what the Cyclone does. Although if Dreamworld did put in a B&M dive machine in I would certainly be there opening day to ride it, but I think I would probably **** myself on the vertical plunge.

I want a Mack Water Coaster but I know they're not getting one  What they are getting though, will be just as good.
What do you mean by this Adam?
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Yes, the Cyclone is not the most attractive looking coaster. Although that could easily be fixed with some theming, it's really not hard to dress a coaster up, not all that expensive either. A Sheikra clone would be great, although I would love for Australia to get an orignal design, although this does cost more money. Either way I'm extatic about the new attraction. So we now know the DW isn't getting a Mack Water Coaster (I guess that narrows the field a little bit :P...but something just as good??? Interesting...

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Yes Totally agree on the B&M Dive coaster!! I had posted this in another thread but seeing that from the highway you would have no other option to make that turn off into dreamworld! I know B&M signed a contract with busch gardens FL. that they would not build another Dive coaster within the united states for 3 years but that doesnt stop them from building something to the likes of Sheikra in good ol' Australia!! Plus it is totally different from any other attraction and would re-affirm dreamworld as the place to go for cutting edge thrills!! a Giga coaster would be awesome as well!! By the way - has anyone seen the latest Sheikra construction pics - there is a link to them at Screamscape.com - That is one coaster I wanna ride!!!

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Yeah, I've seen those pictures as well Skipper. The ride does look great. It seems that SkeiKra will be the only Dive Machine to have decent themeing. Oblivion and Diving Machine G5 don't have the same appeal as the artist's impression of Skeikra due to their lack of themeing. I can only hope that if we do get a Dive Machine (I very much doubt), it will be heavily themed to something original, but at worst, a copy of Sheikra would still be fantastic!

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I have always thought this style of slide would be the perfect addition for WnW. My only concern is that they are going to be removing an existing slide to install the new slide. Surely this is not a great idea considering one of WnW's biggest issues is capacity. The simple fact is the park is still in need of MORE waterslides. The last few years only brought us the terrible Whirpool Springs

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I wouldn't say Oblivion isn't themed, its just in an area that doesn't exactly lend itself to excessive props, etc. IMO it is still well done. Anyhow I would really like to see whatever they build really be the Crown to Ocean Parade. Don't nesessarily go the Water Ride route as I think a coaster really is needed there. What I think it should be though is something that does interact with a heavy water theme and water elements well. Perhaps something like a splashdown or something like that. We will not see a Hyper or Giga, no way, I think that's just something we'll have to live with down here :( What I would like to see is something again from B&M (I wanted Intamin but MW is getting that now so all is good) and I'd be voting for Stand-up. IMO its the best gimmick to market as gets a good WOW reaction from the general public. Failing that floorless would be a good way to go however they really aren't all that different from a sit down, a good fun ride all the same but I'd sooner see something in the Riddlers league down there.

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I wouldnt mind a clone of SREAM from magic mountain, scream looks an awsome coaster, ill be riding it in May. the only coaster i havent been on yet at the mountain. The dive machine would be ok, but ive been on oblivion at alton towers, and yea its fun but you would get board very easy...the vertical drop dose feel awsome however:)

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Drewboy, Riddler's Revenge has over the shoulder harnesses that slide down (instead of pivoting) into place over the top of you. They also have a rather uncomfortable bicycle bench type seat that slides up between your legs. As both the OTS and seat thingy are adjustable, you can set it to best accomodate your height. However, after several dozen rides on Riddlers, I still didn't find a riding position that didn't compromise my desire to one day be a father :P

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A dive machine would be cool, but they are very expensive for what they are. Id like to see an invert or a floorless coaster, both good rides and they are B&Ms two most popular products, so they must be doing something right. Any sort of Intamin coaster would be good too. In terms of a water ride, prehaps just one with a huge drop as the main feature so DW could advertise it as being the highest in Australia.

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...as much as I accept BB, I can't see it being a long-term thing for DW. Think ten years from now, Big Brother would have made it to 5 (this year) or 6 seasons. This means that when the themed area would be completed it might be after Big Brother has lost enough ratings to be replaced already. Less than five years into the BB themed ares, it would be almost 8 years since BB stopped screening. Areas based on things modern (Lara Croft, for example) are not long term attractions. Although Superman at Movie World might be an exception if it's heavily themed on the upcoming movie. But Superman is an enduring character lasting what, 40+ years?

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  • 1 month later...

You mean the Thunderbolt will not be operate again - not ever again??? I'm sorry if I'm all slow on the update news of the ride, but I wondered what will happen to the ride? (Or have happened?) Will it be pulled down, or will it be improved? I know the ride was a bit rough when I first rode it in 1987 (when I was 12!!). I thought it was in repair when I visited Dreamworld again in 2003 and saw it closed at the same time Cyclone was opened. I just wanted to ride on it again and I was disappointed.

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