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Wild Weather = Not much fun:(


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This busy Xmas season has to be one of the rainiest we have seen in years. I can't help but feel sorry for the thousands of families that have shelled out their hard earned dollars to make the summer holiday trip to the GC this year only to find the kind of weather they were probably hoping to escape from! Chances are the weather back in their home towns is a darn sight better than it's been up here. Of course we need the rain and it's been a long time between drinks but of all times!

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December and January are the wet season in Queensland. Its a tropical climate - summer = wet. I know the gold coast has a reputation as a summer destination, but in reality, its wet season, and it IS going to rain. I don't feel sorry for those people who have holidays up there. Planning a family holiday you need to look at weather, as well as travel and accomodation, before you book... simple as that.

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For many people it's the only time of the year they can get off. I am sure they don't choose the most expensive time of the year simply because they prefer to waste more $$ and spend far longer waiting in queues - letter lone getting soaked in the process!! Sure it's the wet season and if your in the region during this time you've gotta expect bad weather but for families who have been up here for the last week to 10 days, every day has been as bad as the last. I wouldn't expect Superman & TOT have been running much at all

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Yeah I feel really bad for those on holiday. Was just at Coolangatta Airport picking up stepsister from airport and the airport was closed for half an hour because the planes couldn't land. Her one was the only flight that disembarked there. One was diverted to Brisbane, the other incoming flights (think there were about 3) were 'diverted' back to Sydney.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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Well its not odd what WVTP would say that, I went to movieworld on a day with this weather a while ago (lucky I had an anual pass) because scooby doo was closed because it had flooded, wild, wild wets had way to much water and lethal weapon and superman escape was closed because of the rain. Worst day imaginable.

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Of course we need the rain and it's been a long time between drinks but of all times!
Are you serious? When is it not raining on the Gold Coast these days? It just seems to me like we are always talking about it raining on the coast... mostly in relation to it delaying construction on new attractions. Ok I understand there are severe water restrictions in place and more water is needed. But it just feels to me like it never stops raining up there. Not that I'd know personally as I haven't visited the GC in a few years. I keep waiting for that giga coaster to tempt me back up there
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I wonder how this is affecting attendance. In all honesty, I have lived on the Gold Coast one year of my life and other than an occasional exception like this, the weather is generally hot as anything during the day followed by afternoon storms. Generally you would predict that this time of year encourages people to head to theme parks. This probably isn't the case this year at the moment. As for the worst day ever reference. I was at Odyssey New Years and basically everything other than Ocean Parade was closed due to the weather, which meant that none of the rides took the pressure off the bars so they prematurely ran out of alcohol. Therefore, no rides, no booze and rain come midnight haha. To their credit, they had these one dollar sausage things which were quality.

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Are you serious? When is it not raining on the Gold Coast these days? It just seems to me like we are always talking about it raining on the coast... mostly in relation to it delaying construction on new attractions. Ok I understand there are severe water restrictions in place and more water is needed. But it just feels to me like it never stops raining up there. Not that I'd know personally as I haven't visited the GC in a few years. I keep waiting for that giga coaster to tempt me back up there
You're right about the rain on the Coast. I work in the construction industry, mainly working around Coomera and I can't remember as much rain as weve had in the last year. I have had so many days off work due to rain its getting beyond a joke. Work sites have been constantly muddy for at least 6 months. I havent washed my car or bike in months because whats the point. I know its just going to rain the next day and be dirty again. To make matters worse when Im sitting at home (due to work being rained out) I have to listen to the clowns on the news claiming were in the worst drought in history and we will soon be moving to level six water restrictions!!
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Here's the latest news about the rain. Saturday January 5, 07:15 AM Flash flooding hits Gold Coast The Queensland State Emergency Service says flash floods in the Gold Coast Hinterland have caught many people by surprise. More than 350 millimetres of rain fell in some areas overnight, causing flash flooding and raising floodwaters in the Logan and Albert Rivers. The Logan River is expected to flood later today. SES spokesman Andy Christie says volunteers have been involved in 20 rescues overnight. "We've had about eight people entrapped in the rising floodwaters, either in vehicles or actually washed downstream," he said. "In once instance a man was washed down and actually grabbed hold of a bird aviary that was floating past. "A mum and her seven-year-old son were rescued out of a vehicle as rising waters trapped them." An emergency shelter has been set up at Burleigh Heads, but so far no Gold Coast residents have been asked to evacuate. There have been no deaths nor serious injuries. Gold Coast City Council disaster management coordinator Russell Reid says there are concerns about some river levels in the hinterland. "We will see some continued rising of the Coomera, Albert and Logan Rivers but at this stage for the Coomera area we are not expecting to have too many dramas," he said. "We are only expecting to have a fairly moderate high tide this morning - we shouldn't have too many dramas." And Queensland Police are urging drivers to be careful after flash flooding hit the Ipswich Motorway at Goodna. Doesn't sound too good.

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NineMSN is claiming that the largest floods in twenty years have hit, or will happen, in the Albert and Logan river systems and the Condamine rivers. The SES recieved "132 calls for help from residents on the Gold Coast and Beaudesert regions. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has issued major flood warnings for the Logan and Albert rivers, south of Brisbane, and the Condamine River system near Warwick, in southern Queensland." - from NineMSN.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
I live in the gold coast hinterland and has anyone seen that huge flood on that big oval thing next to the mudgeraba shopping centre! they closed the road off and everything so we have to go to nerang to get to our house now. Plus I just came back from melbourne
Yea mate I saw that, we drove past on that new road heading south and there were all these people stuck heading north bound. My uncle who has live on the Coast all his life reacons this is what the weather was like every Wet season about 20 years ago.
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Has Gold Coast recovered from all the mad weather? Im off there for 10 days in 13 days time for a holiday, and all this damage thats happened over the past little while is getting me a bit worried that its going to look like a bombsite...? And whats worse? The 28 Day Rain Check website from the Weather Channel says that the 10 days we are there are going to be rain! They had better be wrong! :(

Edited by stumpy6
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Has Gold Coast recovered from all the mad weather? Im off there for 10 days in 13 days time for a holiday, and all this damage thats happened over the past little while is getting me a bit worried that its going to look like a bombsite...? And whats worse? The 28 Day Rain Check website from the Weather Channel says that the 10 days we are there are going to be rain! They had better be wrong! :(
The beaches are still a mess. Heaps of sand has been washed away. Water is still a filthy brown colour and the surf is very 'rippy' and choppy. Doesn't look inviting at all. Looks like it will take another few weeks at least to recover. On a good note there has been patches of blue sky today and yes, even some sunshine! I couldn't believe my eyes.
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