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Hey I bought a Batman mask for the show and my mate bought a batman mask and cap and I thought giving away ice creams to whoever is the loudest was also a great idea
I love the ice cream idea - but... They need to do something about the ropes. a thousand screaming kids all leaning against the blue ropes trying to be the first and loudest person to get an icecream - those poles aren't weighted enough. I was sitting near one of those poles, and at one stage, a whole group of kids leant on the rope, and pulled the pole towards me. Had I not been paying attention, a very heavy steel pole would have connected with me at about eye level. I pointed this out to the "ushers", and they were nice enough to make mention of this to the group of kids - who promptly forgot the warning when lois said she had more ice creams to give away. The poles need a mounting in the street surface - this is the only way to fix the issue - otherwise there is the potential for some pretty costly public liability. Disney have mounting points for their crowd barrier poles - they are quite discreet and unobtrusive - but they are necessary. As to the stairs DjRappa - I used the steps only in passing as to the comparison to disney. I never meant to make as big a deal as it has become. I advocate the parade, and the efforts behind it, and I apologise if anyone has misconstrued my minor critique as a larger issue than I intended.
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This is great, it is good to hear so much positive feedback about the new Movie World night time parade. I have often wondered why our parks don't have night time parades, and why they don't stay open at night even on occasion (say once a month) for people who work during the day. Looking forward to seeing this new parade myself. It certainly sounds like a decent addition to the park - unlike this "winter wonderland" at dreamworld which is a complete disappointment by the sounds of it. I still think movie world should get another rollercoaster - something akin to scooby doo with awesome themeing and a fairly long ride that's not as extreme (and short) as superman escape. Scooby is great because you can ride it again and again and not get sick, and it's enjoyable because of the theming. You can't exactly ride lethal weapon or superman time after time and still enjoy it. For me, rides like scooby doo which are truely enjoyable and magical are what makes theme parks great, and keep me coming back. Well done to MW staff on the new parade.

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Just by chucking some of Gazza's descriptions in Google we have the following characters thanks to Wikipedia: Harley-tnba.jpgHarley Quinn AND TezcatlipocaDC.jpgTezcatipoca I wasn't as successful in searching "pink & black DC comics character" though. All in all it sounds good and I might have to head along.
star sapphire is the purple girll
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Hey I watch the show yesterday i have to say it had a WOW factor when the joker came out and was dancing etc. Then bugs was dancing with daffy duck and gang dancing to The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feelin :D just also i was sitting across from Shrek 4D please note dont sit near a drain because it stinks! here some pics that i took











Edited by Randy23
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Just a minor point of clarification \ annoyance for me. The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feelin' Is the actual title of that song. (And to clarify - Randy i'm not making mention of this to pick at you - I think Gazza was the first to make that error in his review on page 1)

Edited by AlexB
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good find Shadow. Not sure if thats an official release, but it does contain decent quality (and some inside) footage. The liftoff of the rocket from the HWSD set is pretty crude, but apart from that, top notch work - and it sums up the goings on at MW for this holiday period - so anybody that hasn't, or can't see the parade - get a look at this to see what you're missing!

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the soundtrack and most of the footage is from movie world files....just wondering the old batmobile is missing could it be down in Melbourne at the tim burton exhibition??? parade was great and i managed to get a video of it (very poor quality as i wasn't paying attention and at some points i forgot i was filming, my carmera looks like a phone) just got to upload it along with other videos of the celebrations to youtube. may take a while....

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just wondering the old batmobile is missing could it be down in Melbourne at the tim burton exhibition???
I went to the ACMI last Thursday with some friends. We didnt go to the Tim Burton Exhibition, we went to Screen Worlds. We did see a Batmobile outside the entrance, so it could be it... Edited by SuperYoshi
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Wow, don't know if that was an official video, but if it isn't, they'd be insane to put a claim against it. Good job! Again, and I can't stress this enough, if you want to see what Movieworld can do when they really want to, go see this Parade. I think this and the Xmas stuff they've talked about doing alone warrant the purchase of a VIP pass for any theme park fan. The fact that SW is getting something and WnW is getting something awesome is just an added bonus at this point.
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