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Wild West Falls - The Adventure Ride


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And how does one dress up like Clint Eastwood or the Duke? Unless you have someone who looks just like them (very unlikely) then really you're just getting someone to walk around in cowboy attire, not particularly exciting..

You can always get people who look pretty similar. Eg Austin Powers, Marilyn.

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Austin powers is significant by his glasses and 70s Costume and mannerisms.

Marilyn is well, Marilyn. Pop culture icon.

Clint eastwood & John Wayne did not really wear anything significantly different to any other cowboy or 'western era' male that would make them easily distinguishable as their portrayed character to general public. Sure Clint could use a few choice movie lines, but unless you're in earshot it wouldn't be noticed.

Incorporating those characters into a scripted show would work IMO, but not as purely roving entertainers

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I think more could be done with the area by way of another attraction & show, but I don't think your suggestions would encourage more visitation or revenue raising for the outlay/expense (teens wouldn't know the difference between the duke or Clint)

I've thought the same thing for years now, so much wasted potential for both the Western & Chinatown areas of the park. The Chinatown area doesn't even fit in with anything anymore, since they changed the Lethal Weapon to a Batman theme. And the Western area is very "spacey" now because of the removal of the Western/Maverick show.

Personally I think MW needs to ease up on the Marvel themes a bit and put both these existing areas to better use :)

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You don't really need to have a 'clint' or 'john wayne' - generic western characters - in character - would do just as well to liven the area up.

Just as Dreamworld are turning their minds to a refresh of an existing area (ocean parade, and now it seems - goldrush) - so too should Movie World be considering a refresh of the Western area. a new minor attraction, or a revamped western stage show, a little more pizazz in that area would help alleviate some of the congestion felt around the fountain of the stars and main street.

They've revamped WB Kids, 'superhero corner' has been totally redone... it's time Western area got some love. 2014 was the year of the kids in VRTP - WnW Jr and the introduction of JDS. We've had some blockbusters - now is the time for a filler to slot into the western area.

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Even a small filler attraction could be worked into the area - the old blazing saddles area would be perfectly suitable for such an attraction. I'd love to see a western themed coaster or similar back in behind showstage (that has been talked about to death) but the reality of that proposal is they'd lose a lot of storage space - not to mention the park is getting pretty heavy on coasters without a lot of alternative amusement.

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I recon I they need to do a all new Western show even like a black smith show would be awesome showing guess how they melted steel and turn it in to tools and even showing of some good old cowboy tricks, doing some whip cracks like flicking a smoke out of a guys mouth when you enter the WWW zone would be 10/10 for me.

Just be Nice to feel like your in the west kind of Atmosphere

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While I do agree that the WWF area needs to be a bit more lively, I don't think a blacksmith would be the best thing. I think it's a cool idea but I'm just not sure it would be that plausible for the park.

As for entertainers, I say go right ahead. Except for whip-cracking. That's gonna break some workplace health and safety rules for sure...

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I recon its wonderfull idea and its somthing that would really bring more guest down that part of the park, there's nothing more thrilling hearing the sound of a whip cracking.

There would be a lot asian tourists who have never even seen a whip crack before too and of cause you would have a perimeter set up around for The park visitors and stuff, but it's yeh just an idea to bring the good old west feeling back in to that side of the park :):) ?

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Some will recall Wonderland had a blacksmith working in Goldrush. From what I recall, he was a professional blacksmith, who made and sold his creations directly from an outlet. I'm not sure if he was on the payroll, or whether he was an external contractor - but if the park can produce and sell it's own unique creations to guests, rather than merchandisa-generica, I think it's a winner... like something you can only get at the park... if theres a bit of a market for it (i know people who visited Wonderland just to see Tim's "showroom" and make custom orders for handmade product) it would be self sustaining...

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With Australian Outback Spectacular right next door, they've already got everything they'd need for the above ideas, including the actors, horses, whips etc.

Not wronge mate there's so many cool ideas that you could do with that size of an area, so much wide open space to have little half time shows and stuff and you could just have people just walking around being Cowboys like what they use to do back in the old days of GRC at DW ?


Edited by Jakev8
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  • 1 year later...

In regards to a previous post that I had put on here, I mentioned about getting some people to dress up to look like famous actors of many popular westerns, such as Clint Eastwood, or John Wayne, to be strolling around the wild west falls area leading up to the ride, so that people of all ages can get their photos taken with a lookalike John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. People of all ages, have a favorite movie character or actor, that we would love to have a photo taken with. Who wouldn't want to have their photo taken standing next to a lookalike Clint Eastwood at Movieworld. And, as you are strolling around the wild west falls area, take in a bit of the background music, as some of the background music featured in this area, and while on the ride, was in movies that John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were in. Hey, if all of the looney tunes characters can stroll around Movieworld to meet and greet people, and photo opportunities, what's wrong with western movie characters from famous westerns, loitering around the wild west falls area? To keep the wild west falls area open in the long run, there needs to be a drawcard, otherwise it will end up going the way of the old west in the movies - a thing of the past.

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