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Sea Viper Closed


Sea Viper Questions  

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  1. 1. Do You Think Sea Viper is going to reopen

  2. 2. Do You or did like Sea Viper?

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There is no way Sea World will close a coaster after just relaunching it not long ago. As reanimated35 said more then likely they will be waiting for parts. And considering peak season starting next week, I have a feeling they wouldn't want a major coaster being shut. The Maintenance Guys at MW said they now send the Trains away once per yeah to sandblast the, back to bare metal, and repaint. They could be adopting the same treatment at Sea World, especially being so close the the Ocean and with all the salt in the air.

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I'm noticing a trend here and it's making the community look a little dumber really... In all amusement parks the way maintenance is structured is a combination of every day checks and major maintenance. Sometimes problems arise that are not a quick fix, parts need to be located, shipped and sometimes even custom manufactured. It's just like the superman water scene, just because it is closed or not functioning unexpectedly doesn't mean the park is getting rid of it and we have to jump on a bandwagon of how we hate the park for closing rides bla bla bla. A little patience can sometimes go a long way.

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The 'end of it's life' tag extended to the rolling stock. The tracks, etc.. are all fine and dandy - replace the monorail trains, or scrap it. As we will all recall, Corkscrew had it's trains replaced only a year or so ago - so the rolling stock isn't anywhere near the end of it's working life, and the track recently underwent a total x-ray, and all serious issues addressed. Drawing any line between corkscrew and the sydney monorail isn't a good idea.

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^^ I think they meant the Seaworld monorail Alex. The 'end of life' tag as you put it is complete government BS related to the whole system. Yes trains probably but they have seen a much harder service life than the sea world counterparts. End of life is something very much used as a get outa jail free card. Pirates of the carribean, arguably the king of all dark rides is over 40 years old and is not going anywhere. Because its owner WANTS to keep it. I doubt the SW monorail is going anywhere for a very long time.

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The 'end of it's life' tag extended to the rolling stock. The tracks, etc.. are all fine and dandy - replace the monorail trains, or scrap it. Drawing any line between corkscrew and the sydney monorail isn't a good idea.

^^ I think they meant the Seaworld monorail Alex. The 'end of life' tag as you put it is complete government BS related to the whole system. Yes trains probably but they have seen a much harder service life than the sea world counterparts. I doubt the SW monorail is going anywhere for a very long time.

Yea I did mean the Seaworld one, just didn't think it needed its own thread for something that probably only needs one or two replies. By looking at it, I assume the Seaworld rolling stock has been replaced at least once? Or just good maintenance and paint?
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They couldn't really demolish the Sea World monorail as it is very good use in touring, picking up and dropping off people from Sea World Resort and also saving long walks from destination to destination as the chair lift is usually closed. A new train would do good in the future instead of trashing it, and also love the idea of the Nickelodeon advertising on the monorail trains as it's a real eye catcher especially when passing the Sea World Lake arena.

Edited by kujotess
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Sea World had two trains when it opened in 86, which I assume were new at the time. In the mid 90's picked up a third train to add extra capacity during holidays and extra flexibility so two trains were always running off peak. Last year they decommissioned one of them for parts, and now only run one train most days.

Interesting you should mention that, look closely in the photo taken this morning at SW This morning Sea Viper was having some work done to the track..



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Back on topic for now i just saw this

Sea Climb is Currently Closed Until Further Notice

:excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: what the hell is wrong with SW shutting down rides until further notice will they have a date ever !!!!!! :huh:

Just on a topic of things closing, since the Sydney monorail opened in 1988 and has now closed and comments have been made that it's at the end of its life, what does this mean for the Seaworld one which opened in 1986?

and SW's monorail shutting down soon for nearly 3 months :o Edited by Jacko
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