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Australian ride deaths/accidents


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Who said anything about the media hiding a death!!?!

Talk about switching my words around.

All I said was Disney due to its size and image would have a much better chance of overcoming the negativity associated with a death in park than the likes of DW. I commented that it was my opinion, and if you disagree that's fine.

Edited by Brad2912
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Not getting my back up djrappa.

I said buy the direction of media.

Surely even you would agree that Disney has the ability to influence media. I'm not saying to cover up a death, but to potentially minimise the damage, and ensure that positive news/articles in the weeks/months follow get good expose to in turn deflect negative public opinion?

Edited by Brad2912
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But they didn't. They got enormous negative publicity and media backlash over the Big Thunder incident. Once it came out that it was due to deficiencies in maintenance and cut backs it was made worse by the media pulling in the Columbia incident also.

When the death on mission space happened they even referenced these two deaths even though they were completely unrelated.

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Accidents do happen unfortunately. Gears fail, metal fatigue and stress can all play factors in theses tragic instances. I just hope that we never have an fatal accident in Australia where the park is found guilty of having deficiencies in maintenance. Lives and safety should never ever be put 2nd before the almighty dollar.

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It's very rare and our safety practices are some of the strictest in the world so the change of an accident is slim.

The reason Disney seems to have a lot is really just the huge number of guests they see compares to most parks.

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The only deaths I heard about in an Australian theme park is some Asians once fell out of the Kodak Skylink Chairlift and died also once a freak storm went through Dreamworld and knocked tree branches onto the chairlift. No one died but it was very hard to get everyone off. It never opened again after that. The Kodak Skylink Chairlift was the scariest ride in the park and very unsafe. I'm glad it closed. They should replace it with a system like at Sea World eher it can stop at the stations.

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I have already suggested the Kumbak Train could be traded up to Dreamworld. I realise several people dislike it, but i think the overly restrictive arm guard is most people's primary issue with it. To be honest i've never had a problem with it but it does prevent you from lifting your arms. I think if the train had a little more clearance at Dreamworld they could do away with those shoulder guards and it might free a rider up.

I wouldn't read anything more into the 'we've made a list' comment than "here's our standard P.R. response. We want you to feel like we've taken your suggestion on board, but instead of giving a commitment to your suggestion, we'll say we have other priorities first, and by the time we get around to Cyclone, hopefully you'll have forgotten about your suggestion...oh and don't forget - regardless of what you say on facebook, we've got a plan thats generally set more than a year in advance, so it's unlikely we're going to change our major maintenance plans based on what you tell us online"

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^^Just because there is the stereotype that Dreamworld won't fix anything and don't care, doesn't mean they won't start now. Just have some confidence and be positive that Dreameorld are making changs and want to improve the experience you have in the park. I think the next couple of years will be big for the park

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Wonderland had a child drowning in the beach (unattended - parents at fault), and a stabbing on one of their nighttime events that may or may not have died.

Our parks are small fry in the realm of ride-deaths. I'm unaware of any ride deaths that were a direct result of poor practices by the park involved EXCEPT the LPS ghost train.

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Pretty sure a kid drowned at Adventure World about 15 years ago.

I know it's not in Australia, but I did happen to go on the little indoor roller coaster at Escape Theme Park Singapore that critically injured a couple of girls. The park has since closed.


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