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Dreamworld & WhiteWater World, March 2015

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Hey Richard, I just wanted to point out that the video of the TOTII in the article doesn't seem entirely accurate. As a frequent visitor of Dreamworld, I can vouch that it usually reaches the "OF" section of the tower on average, which it clearly didn't do for that particular launch. But it usually goes higher than that.

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It certainly wasn't an isolated slow cycle that we happened to capture on Vine. This was how the ride was operating launch after launch on this day, indicating that's how it was programmed to operate.

I'd invite anyone that sees the ride reaching higher heights to share photos/videos, because this is really what these updates are all about... starting a discussion.

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It was going as per normal (ie. Up to the 'OF') all day last Sunday when I visited. So if it doesn't do that now, then something has only just been changed in the past few days. As that was the norm before then :/

Am going to DW tomorrow, so will let you know of my observations :)

Edited by OceanGirl
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Before anyone says anything that photo is from 2010 so the height being reached in it is irrelevant.

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Thanks for the great update. I am really surprised to hear that the Triple Vortex had to be re-engineered! I didn't see that discussed anywhere in the forums, but good find Parkz. Was it each entire chamber that had to be replaced or just sections of it? I'm not sure how long the ride was down for but it seems to me it would take quite some time to have entirely new fibreglass sections made in the same colour scheme and then shipped over from ProSlide. But what I find most bizarre is that this is not a new model of slide. There are a number of them around the place. How can something have suddenly gone wrong?

As much as I respect ProSlide, this sort of thing seems to be happening to their products a lot lately. The Typhoon at WnW Sydney would flip riders backwards without fail, but I believe has now been fixed (not sure how). But the biggest problem has been Bombora -- it is a major slide at the park but it is constantly closed as apparently there have been too many injuries. WnW Syd also had to replace the family rafts on the mammoth slides with standard cloverleafs for some reason, reducing the quality of the ride experience. I guess it points to the imprecise nature of waterslide engineering?

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As I recall, there was a mention of the changes in the Dreamworld 2014 thread (i think).

Gazza has made reference to a number of these that were re-profiled after opening. It almost seems like Proslide had both parts made, and shipped and said 'let's see how the standard fit goes, and if it doesn't work we'll change it'

You're right - they did move too quickly to have it fixed up - and the downtime wasn't long, so it looks as though they were prepared for it.

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Thanks Alex... that worked :D
Three photos I took randomly throughout the morning of TOTII launches... I observe it reaching the F in "OF" fairly regularly on most days I am in the park - I spend a lot of time lazing around in the wave pool at WWW on weekends I am not working, and observe a lot of the ride cycles (TOT, Giant Drop, Cyclone etc) from there :)
Hey, I even worked out how to get the GD to drop "on cue" (counting backward from 35 seconds after it reaches the top) from there, hahaha ;p
At the very least the TOTII almost always manages to clear the T in "Terror", although sometimes it doesn't - as demonstrated in Richard's video in the article. But it also occasionally overshoots and makes it up to the F as well :) But in general it climbs to the F, stops there, and then descends :)

Oh, it is worth mentioning that the TOTII was apparently having some issues last Sunday morning. The alarm was sounding every few minutes at the end of the launch tunnel, but no actual launches followed. Happened a few times over about half an hour, then they finally did a successful test launch with an empty cart before it resumed normal cycles again.

So maybe that explains why it may have been undershooting more often recently? Maybe due to technical issues?

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