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Movieworld trip report


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A great trip report there Oceangirl, and I agree with pretty much all of it. However I don't think much of the driving school myself, given that it replaced a pretty good dark ride.

Thanks Pushbutton! And oh, don't worry... I still miss the Looney Times ride, too. I even said that at the time when we walked down the way and the old building came into view lol. They are only using the corner of the warehouse, so who knows, maybe they can still do something with the rest? Although obviously won't be of the same size or duration of LTRR.

Have to admit, I am still surprised how much use they got out of the old Wayne Manor building for JL. Didn't seem that big when BA:TR was in there, maybe because it was a stationary ride (ie. despite the obvious motion stuff with the capsules) but yeah, the Justice League was longer than I expected it to be lol.

Edited by OceanGirl
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It's definitely my favourite rollercoaster still :)


Got pounced on by the time share people on the way to Wild West falls, and they were persistent, despite us initially declining. Have had similar issues with the ones at Dreamworld & Seaworld. Seriously, they need to get rid of these fools :/

A good report OG, and probably what i'd have expected to hear given the park's current state.

I think we'll have to frame your observation regarding AA - I don't think i've met many people that consider an SLC to be their favourite - although clearly it has some sentimental attachments as well.

As for the time share folk (we've debated their merits to death in another discussion) I usually just keep to the opposite side of the path, a quick 'no thankyou' and i never stop walking. They aren't allowed to move away from their 'stall' so they can't follow you and are quickly left behind. I find they usually recognise me on the way back, and usually leave me be. ;)

It certainly does. However there's a whole lot more space in all the sound stages which is also very under-utilised (except during Fright Nights).

Ok - let's make this clear - the PARK doesn't OWN the SOUNDSTAGES. They're all part of the same parent company, which is why they're able to utilise them for FN mazes - especially if they aren't being used... but the stages are PART OF A WORKING STUDIO. If you start opening that area up to park guests on a regular basis, you can't rent the other stages out for filming as the sound around the stages needs to be kept low. This is why the stages have red lights and signs that indicate when filming is on so people outside shut up.

Sure - they could look towards doing some sort of 'studio tour' like they used to - but they need active filming to be going on so there are sets to see, or they need to utilise one of the stages for a 'permanent' set like they did with Riddler's a while back... but they still need to keep it fresh or people lose interest.

Then they need the trams to actually take people on the tour, so that they don't wander off on their own - and they are currently much better utilised at Paradise Country.

There is no backlot outdoor set like Universal has in Hollywood - these 'sets' would probably be something interesting, and worth running a tour for - but as you can see by taking a look at the current POTC set - it was far easier for them to construct the set from scratch at another location, than to try and create the 'look' at the studios.

Australia's film industry is one heck of a lot smaller than in the US. A film studio tour is never going to happen again unless we start getting some massive budget films shot here (which might happen more now that our dollar is weak) to keep the tour interesting.

History has shown that people would much prefer a blockbuster coaster, than some outdated blockbusters.

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I think we'll have to frame your observation regarding AA - I don't think i've met many people that consider an SLC to be their favourite - although clearly it has some sentimental attachments as well.

Lol! Yeah, I admit I am a little emotionally attached to AA/LW. I will be a nervous wreck if they ever remove it XD

But I also haven't been on many coasters, only the ones in the GC theme parks (including the Corkscrew & Thunderbolt) and the Scenic Railway in Melbourne. So out of those, it's the best I have been on.

I love the track design with the barrel rolls and the bit near the station which is my fave part (it shoots down toward the ground at stop speed, then suddenly curves right up into another loop/roll lol) and I do prefer the freedom of being suspended from above over sitting in a train. It almost feels like you're flying :)

Obviously it's just personal preference on my part, but until I get the opportunity to visit a Six Flags park (one day, fingers crossed!!!) and ride more coasters of different designs, the Arkham will remain my fave one :D

Thanx btw for the tips on avoiding the time share people lol... will definitely keep them in mind next time they attempt to heckle me XD

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we got suckered by them on our first trip to the gold coast a few years ago, think it was at wet n wild from memory - scratched their thing, won a prize !!!!

oh yay !!

gave them $20 (so dumb) and made the appointment time to go see them to collect our prize the next day.

hopped on google that night - gave ourselves an uppercut for being so dumb and didn't bother turning up to their seminar shit.

waste of $20... oh well

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Lol! Don't worry you're probably far from the only one. I know hubby and I made the mistake one day of going up to the one at Dreamworld (outside the river rapids) to ask if she had noticed any Eureka activity whilst at her stand. It was one of those "get tickets to Gold Coast attractions for just $20" ones.

After a short and brief conversation about it, she managed to sucker us into her speel and I got stuck there for like half an hour because I felt guilty saying "no thanks" since we approached her in the first place looking for info LOL!

She was going on about having to attend some 1 hour seminar at a hotel in surfers at a scheduled time in order to get the tickets, which included free breakfast etc etc. Gave us some mobile number we were expected to ring to book a date and time.

Needless to say we didn't ring nor go ??? Now we attempt to try and avoid them like the plague, alas, as I said, they can be aggressive sometimes and not take no for an answer ??

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Couldn't agree more re the time share jerks.

Would barely be anymore tacky if the parks had a strip club in them.

As stated, we've already well debated the merits of them, and so long as they continue to be an income source for the park, they're staying. Disney market their own timeshare properties within their parks, and other companies advertise in Six Flags and occasionally Universal. Theme park tourists are the target market for these organisations, so it's the perfect place to be.

I really think your strip club comparison is a little OTT and DQ.

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Happy to report that after riding the Superman Escape today, MW have the water/flooding effect going again in the pre-ride bit ? Seems the park has indeed been doing a little bit of fixing up of their rides of late, given that (as per my post in the other thread) Scooby is all back to normal functioning status as well.

Oh... come to think of it, they do still need to bring the fog effect back for that outside fly-through building corner of Superman. But meh, not gonna whinge too much over the little things since they are obviously making some effort to keep them maintained of late :)

Wasn't too impressed with the whole $2 locker crap for that coaster, though... wtf... why do all the other GC rollercoasters provide storage boxes to put your valuables/loose items in whilst riding (including AA right next door) yet SE doesn't? Hubby and I had no choice but to fork out for it in order to be able to ride together.

Boo. Bad form, Movieworld ???

Edited by OceanGirl
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Justice League was a good bit of fun for all ages, it took until Monday just gone for the hologram of Star Lord to be working.

Have they actually fixed the fog screen and Starro projection? It's been so long I thought they might have given up on it. Did you also notice if they've fixed the other problems in the ride, like the spaceship door no longer operating and issues with darkness of the screens in the spaceship scene? The animation has been barely visible for some time. When the ride opened, the visuals were as clear and vibrant as all the other screens.

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well you board & disembark in different rooms, hence the lack of a 'loose items box' on SE

Still... they couldn't do something like the Wipeout where you put your things in pigeonholes on one side of the wall, and then retrieve on the other? I suppose they couldn't make money from something like that, though.... ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

You would assume that the bridge collapsing as boats went under -- possibly with some Bermuda Triangle-esque fire -- was the original plan, but budget/design/timeframe/safety considerations turned that idea into the thoroughly unconvincing speaker explosion we ended up with.

Sounds like the rock section that was on the LTRR ride that made it seem like it was going to fall on you. That and the tree. God I miss that ride 

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They are only using the corner of the warehouse

​The remaining space has been taken up by storage and maintenance stuff I believe. You can see the maintenance areas from kopps road as it passes down the side of the park. Can see over the substation and right across the back of the driving school area.

Edited by Levithian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just back from a trip to Movie World, and it was easily one of my best trips there ever. Let me start this by saying that the whole park looked fresh. Every building didn't look worn out and disheveled; it looked very well kept.

Superman Escape:

They were running two trains, which made the day a whole lot better. 15 minutes queues all day. Not to mention, all effects in the dark ride are operational. Subway station, pipes, walls and water are all fully functional.

Scooby Doo:

Everything was working, which really surprised me. I agree with some of the comments in the Scooby discussion that the track below the blades is almost invisible, which really adds to the effect. My first ride (around 1:00), the fog in the disco room was intense. You couldn't even see the lower sections of track. It was so filled that the fog even started to creep into the station. This wasn't the case at 3:00. While the fog was there, it wasn't as intense. 


Since when has Batwing had a single rider queue? It makes this ride so much better. Now SE better pick up on it. 

Wild West Falls:

Once again, fully operational. Really impressed to be honest.  Couldn't name a single effect in the Ghost Town that wasn't working today.

Justice League:

Once again, everything was wonderful. One of my biggest complaints with this ride lately has been the state of the projections inside the mothership. They all seemed to be darker and toned down. This wasn't the case today. Bright enough to be clearly visible while dark enough to blend in with the scenery. Today was also the first time I've ever seen the Starro fog screen working. It's a pretty nice effect when they do have it working.


One last thing, is the small eyeglass shaped sign above guest services a reference to The Great Gatsby? I noticed today that they had gotten a fresh coat of paint, and only then did it click how similarly they looked to the eyes of TJ Eckleburg.

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This is all good news for my trip up in early July. Hope this stuff continues throughout the whole holiday period.

Who has a good idea on what the crowds will be like on weekdays in 2 weeks' time? I've been to MW on Saturdays during summer and gotten double to triple rides on everything, but that was in a group of 2 and we were both enthusiasts.

This time I'm going with 5 GP casuals and I think it'll take a lot longer to get anywhere.


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This is all good news for my trip up in early July. Hope this stuff continues throughout the whole holiday period.

Who has a good idea on what the crowds will be like on weekdays in 2 weeks' time? I've been to MW on Saturdays during summer and gotten double to triple rides on everything, but that was in a group of 2 and we were both enthusiasts.

This time I'm going with 5 GP casuals and I think it'll take a lot longer to get anywhere.


Depends. If it's in 2 weeks then school holidays will still be in effect for some states. I know WA starts theirs NEXT week. So it could still very well be busy. I wouldn't count on having the opportunity to ride anything more than once without having to queue for it. 

Usually OUtSIDE of the school holidays, on weekdays, the parks are fairly quiet. We regularly take the kids after school for an hour or so midweek, and during/after the parade  there is next to no queues for anything - everyone tends to watch the parade and then leave in droves afterwards ;)

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Just back from a trip to Movie World, and it was easily one of my best trips there ever.

Even during at the beginning of the SH? My family and I were intending to avoid them as much as possible over the next few weeks. Very surprised to hear of 15 minute waits for Superman Escape on the opening weekend of QLD school holidays, especially given last weekend it was easily a 1hr wait. Then again, they only had one train running at the time :/

I'd still expect it to be a lot busier with queues and delays though, given its peak period for all the parks atm...

What were the queues for the other rides like? Scooby? Arkham (assuming its reopened now from annual maintenance) etc?

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