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  2. We've been on this merry-go-round with you before. if you're too dense to retain the information explained to you 1000 times before, i'm not sure what hope you have left. The RFID has to be scanned within a time limit after the seatbelt is plugged in. This means the operator has to be present at the time the supplemental restraint is attached. This provides the console operator, and the park, with assurance that the restraint is closed and locked correctly and has been checked before dispatch. They aren't widely used in parks overseas but neither are supplemental restraints (seatbelts), which is what the RFID touch is checking for - so obviously they aren't required on most parks overseas if they don't have seatbelts... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  3. It's not about productivity. I really don't understand how you're still beating this dead horse? People are fine with closures in off season, it happens. The issue is closures in off season is normally 2, but max 3 majors at a time. Not SIX. This is like going to timezone, loading up a 2 hour unlimited game card and then finding out that all they have is whack a mole and ski ball. It doesn't matter that it's midweek outside of school holidays. This is going to KFC and they tell you they're out of chicken after you order and pay for your meal. It doesn't matter that its 11am on a wednesday This is going to the Cinema to see Sound Of Music, but all the songs have been edited out. It doesn't matter that its cheap tuesday's morning session This is having a round of golf, but 12 holes on the course are closed for groundworks. It doesn't matter that it's cricket season. How many others can the rest of the forum come up with to try and explain this to you? It's a poor offering. All of the recent google reviews on the park are demonstrating the park is not meeting a minimum expectation. It's not acceptable, and you should feel bad for trying to excuse the poor experience as "those people who were disappointed should have known that they'd have over 70% of their rides down for maintenance"
  4. Why not do it then 🤷🏻‍♂️… https://www.accc.gov.au/about-us/contact-us/report-a-consumer-issue
  5. The only time I've ever seen Movie World offer a FULL refund was for the removal of Virtual Queue. As a long time passholder of Movie World the pricing is insane, better off heading down to Sea World for "better" food offerings and pricing, with arguably better park specific merchandise. Another nail in the coffin for me is how much DC Rivals Backwards seat has gone up.... remember the days of $10 rides. How much longer till that absurd $25 for Levy goes up to $30+! It's not just you.... The WWF crew in my opinion is the rudest in the park, i'd say they are more focused on talking to each other (ride op cabin/ride attendants & grouper), they ignore guests and rudely instruct them to do something (as you've mentioned) are all things i've experience and seen them do.
  6. I honestly think that this should be reported to the ACCC. Advertising a major ride against a 3-day pass price during a period when that ride is scheduled to be closed is misleading and deceptive. I would say the same for all the digital billboards with that photo. The reasonable expectation is that purchasing a 3-day pass would allow you to ride Rivals. The ACL doesn't require anyone to have actually been misled, just that it is likely to mislead or deceive.
  7. Yet we coped with revolving platforms for 15 years on Bermuda... and a rolling platform on Wild West Falls for 20 years so that argument is totally invalid. The RFID is a way to physically confirm that the staff have checked it and to keep a record which is most likely an insurance thing as we all know insurance has gone crazy since TRRR.
  8. It would be much more productive to have the pitchforks out during a period when people actually visit the park. If rivals and west maintenance and flash gets delayed to well into the winter school holidays - then fair call. Like during summer when the park operated on a limited number of rides (when it should realistically be everything) it was rightfully called out, but not on days when you’d be getting triple digit pax at most. Why would movie world close ever at all because there’s few rides open? They are a business, and if they shut, their main competitor is right up the road to take that foregone money, or anywhere else on the coast. Maybe charge off peak prices based on ride count that aren’t $110? (Something they really should be doing to get more people in who haven’t got annual passes already) That would eliminate the “ripped off” vibe.
  9. and that's during the time when all the rides are closed 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Hagrids is a completely different manufacturer though. Do other newer Mack (post Steel Taipan) coasters have RFID verification?
  11. Now they’re doubling down on getting people in during the week 🤣
  12. I find it hilarious that anyone here is defending a park operating with >50% of its major rides out of action, what a joke of an operation Movie World has become. The fact that the park reportedly defends the poor customer experience as being "in line with our requirements" is laughably tone deaf and contemptuous. It's unfortunate that most guests don't find this out until they've wasted their money on admission. No refunds, moose out front should've told ya!
  13. Yes I believe someone visited Universal Studios and saw either HRRR or Hagride attendants use RFID wristbands to clear rows - what they didn't see is there's another sensor location which unlocks the row, independently to the operator in the booth (super cool). If they did that I wouldn't mind so much.
  14. Do you think the parks would have implemented it if they didn't have to? You act like the parks install these redundancies purely to slow things down instead of you know, because the regulators enforce it
  15. How does RFID make anything safer? The only use outside of Australia is for rolling platforms - which we could never cope with.
  16. Better than the orange in the older concepts, tbf
  17. I love the way DW are making the track match the environment around it. Well done DW.
  18. Exactly which is why I have not renewed my annual pass. Until they give me a reason to renew my pass I won't be.
  19. bay_side_painting_ablinemark have been posting a lot on site for Wizard of Oz. their recent stories and post show good progress of the area and the site layout;
  20. shipping containers full of track has arrived for Jungle Rush. goldcoast_themeparks
  21. There's something I want to highlight here - You complain the park is price gouging. You admit every corporation does the same thing. You agree the competition does it, but is not as blatant. Everything seems like an upcharge Prices are up offerings are down Every time you go to MW you feel ripped off. There's a very simple solution - STOP GOING TO MOVIEWORLD. At this point i've been saying this for years I might as well set up a recording. So long as people keep lining up to give them money, there is no motivation for them to change their practices. They keep monetising things because those things make a profit. Dreamworld "isn't as blatant" because they're trying to win people back. They need to offer people a reason to visit and see that they've changed and their best option is to be cheaper than the other guy. (but they do still need to make money, it's not a charity). We all knew, when BGH bought into the business, that things were going to change. They were going to cut costs, and increase profits. They need to turn the balance sheet around to make the business more valuable than what they paid for it, and then they want to sell it to make a profit on their purchase price. They're an investment capital business, not a theme park business, and it was always going to happen this way. They are doing whatever makes money. But if you stop paying them... if they stop making money... if the value of the brand, or the business goes down, they will need to change how they do business to improve the reputation, or... eat the loss. The very simple solution to fix all of the bad things happening at the park right now is.... JUST DON'T GO. STOP GIVING THEM MONEY. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET.
  22. The gates are already open and the grouped guests are already inside the airgates, on the other side dealing with loose articles. that doesn't show the train being unloaded, or where the last trainload of other guests are. It doesn't show how many staff are working the ride, or what conditions they are working under. The seats do not have a redundant failsafe (seatbelt) nor are they RFID confirmed by the operator either. There are so many things in this video that just cannot be achieved here. Could our operations be faster? Of course they could. But pointing to foreign parks as a standard is not the way of it and HOW DO YOU STILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS?
  23. Oh don't worry - I've seen it. One day the grouper for rivals was also the only one checking that side of the train. You don't need a grouper for dead days.. someone could probably work out some sort of way to automate this job - can't think of anything off the top of my head though. I would love for MV to adopt at least one of the ride practices that any of the parks in europe / states adopt. Maybe a comms system for attendants? Maybe a PA system being used? etc etc None of these things inhibit safety - they improve safety Friendly reminder: ice.mp4
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