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2015 in Dreamworld - ABC Kids World, V8 Supercars and more


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Well that was short lived....
THE ABC is shutting down its network of physical stores as it shifts to an online retail model.

Around 300 staff employed at the broadcaster’s 50 stores and 78 ABC Centres located within other retail outlets were informed in a national video hook-up last night, the ABC reports.

The ABC said there would be a number of redundancies.

In a statement, the ABC said the changing retail environment and rise of digital subscription services made it no longer possible for the ABC to sustain a large network of leased stores, traditionally reliant on CD and DVD sales.

“The ABC Shops have been an important part of the ABC’s relationship with its audiences for the past 35 years and this decision has not been taken lightly,” said Robert Patterson, director of ABC Commercial.

“However, this strategy will create a more cost effective, nimble and flexible approach to servicing customers. This direction is also in keeping with the shift of ABC audiences to accessing content across an array of digital platforms, while maintaining an appropriate level of physical retail distribution.”

Regina Hoekstra, head of ABC Retail, said the welfare of staff would be the primary focus. “We are conscious that the ABC Shop is close to the hearts of our teams and we appreciate their ongoing hard work and dedication,” she said.

The ABC will review its lease arrangements with landlords and begin a “phased exit” from its portfolio of ABC Shop properties.

It says ABC DVDs, music, books, toys and merchandise will still be available to purchase through ABC Shop Online and other retailers.

(Obviously this won't affect the ABC Shop in Dreamworld as it is staffed by DW staff, and paid for by DW... i was just making light of the fact that they announce the closure of all these stores only weeks after building one inside a theme park.)

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There goes ABC kids world.

Just saw this on DW website about opening hours for the vintage cars

Mon - Fri (Outside of School holidays): CLOSED
Weekends & School Holidays: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
It's only operating 10hrs a week I don't know why they bother. I know  there more a kids ride but that's another ride down for kids just like how they re-placed the avalanche with a thrill ride in a kids area.
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I'll be really disappointed if Cyclone is rethemed to V8s - but given its proximity to redline, and the speculated approvals that recently went through GCCC, i'll grant that it's possible.

DW said previously (although not in the same breath) that the 'v8 attractions' were to be 'new'. they did also say a refresh\overhaul would happen on another major attraction this year. Perhaps instead of separate attractions they did mean the same thing... :unsure:

I'm sure Cyclone would work very well as a V8 attraction, with a new train (somebody please tell them to buy two and put in another set of block brakes! *wishful thinking*) - but they'll have to do something special with the queue house (lightbulb moment - spiral parking garages could fit the theme well)...

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There goes ABC kids world.

That's a pretty big leap in logic there. Last time I checked, the closure of a few retail shops won't be stopping my nieces and nephews watching ABC Kids on the telly.

This will probably work to the advantage of Dreamworld if anything. The closure of the ABC shops will make whatever box sets or videos that are available inside Dreamworld more tantalising through sheer convenience and availability.

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That's a pretty big leap in logic there. Last time I checked, the closure of a few retail shops won't be stopping my nieces and nephews watching ABC Kids on the telly.

This will probably work to the advantage of Dreamworld if anything. The closure of the ABC shops will make whatever box sets or videos that are available inside Dreamworld more tantalising through sheer convenience and availability.


When I rote that message about ABC kids world I wasn't really thinking at the time.

Speaking of the topic theming the cyclone to V8 supercars would be pretty cool, I know they put v8 supercars in ocean parade for silly reason I couldn't see them re-theming cyclone to it.

I will say this much cyclone is closing for maintenance for about 1 month later this year so the odds of at least a new coaster car is high, we can hope that over that time it's closed it will also get a bit of TLC.

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Never a good idea to get your information from an employee.


This has been mentioned many times but Dreamworld no longer owns the land where the Big Brother house is located.

Dude, I did initially state it was a harmless chat with staff. I didn't say it was stone cold fact or should be taken seriously, and I definitely don't see such opinions as canon. They are entitled to an opinion as well, and I know I'm more than interested to hear it, given they work there and see and hear things around them (including behind the scenes). I thought it would be just as interesting to share their views and speculation on here, as both I and others have previously done so with no drama.

I'm sure most of us have enough common sense to take such information with a grain of salt <_<

And on another note, it was me who brought up the ideas about the future of the BB land, not their staff, given I did not know it wasn't owned by Dreamworld. My apologies. It was a bit overwhelming to come online just now and read your detailed breakdown and corresponding images. Your original "Dreamworld doesn't own that land" response more than sufficed the first time you responded to my post. Either way, it still stands fact that the house has been gutted and its extremely unlikely that the show will be making a comeback anytime soon. So something will no doubt be done with that land if/when the house is removed, even if it isn't by Dreamworld.

OceanGirl, when speaking to the staff did you ask or did they mention about Tiger Island's 20th Anniversary and the makeover that was supposed to happen?

No sorry, didn't think to bring it up ^_^

Edited by OceanGirl
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Well for tiger islands 20th anniversary on the DW website they did say 2 big new attractions coming and we have already seen one attraction ABC kids world which might be one of the attractions and the other could be redline.

Unless it's something simple I don't think will have anything planned to upgrade tiger island as most of the year is already gone, will be in 2016 before we know it.

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Or could ABC kids world be the major revamp to an existing attraction?

Wiggle World was not an attraction, it was a themed world consisting of multiple attractions.

The major revamp of an existing attraction will likely be the re-theme of Cyclone. The other new attraction will likely be the Brock/Motor Sports museum

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Wiggle World was not an attraction, it was a themed world consisting of multiple attractions.

Semantics though. The park may consider Wiggles World as a whole as an "attraction".

Just the same as you'd call it "Coroboree" rather than the individual "koala enclosure", "crocodile enclosure", "nocturnal house"  etc etc.

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My fiancé and I went to Dreamworld today, and noticed some demolition and construction work happening under the cyclone and behind redline. We also noticed the small corridor between cyclones entry building and redline had some temp fencing. If I was to speculate, Cyclone getting the v8 refurb, new Peter Brock car exhibit behind redline. 


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My fiancé and I went to Dreamworld today, and noticed some demolition and construction work happening under the cyclone and behind redline. We also noticed the small corridor between cyclones entry building and redline had some temp fencing. If I was to speculate, Cyclone getting the v8 refurb, new Peter Brock car exhibit behind redline. 

Is there enough room behind Redline for a car exhibit? My husband has convinced himself that they are gonna go into the old water park area because of the big slabs of concrete already established over there, along with everything else (kiosks, toilets, train station etc). All they would have to do is build a big shed over the top of them to protect them from weather elements. But he has been known to be wrong before - even if he doesn't like to admit it :lol::P But his idea would make sense, I give him that much, especially since it's a little awkward with the train having to run guests by such a large abandoned/unused area of the park atm since the tracks still go that way. They would want to do something with that section soon.

Pure speculation, though.

On the other hand, seems a little silly now having MDMC separated from all the other racing stuff if they are indeed going to revamp the Cyclone and all that corner of the park to V8 theme.

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If the Peter Brock cars that are presumably coming are indeed a temporary exhibit (be it like Dino Island) then it is entirely possible that they could also put them on the old blue lagoon site. They have done something similar before with a few temp mazes, which is why there is concrete there instead of the old pools. The building they had on that slab is now the building which houses Zombie Evilution.

On the construction under cyclone, well it's hard to say, as no one knows the footprint or scale as to what they are doing, however if they were extending the redline building to house these cars, there is a large amount of space back of house where they could fit it in without affecting day to day operations. I think we now need to play the "wait and see" game.

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Well I when the redline was added I know one of the camera cables for the cyclone was destroyed not allowing photos so they could be fixing the damaged cable or starting some back of house stuff for the cyclones maintenance starting from the 12/10 until 15/11.

Dude - you keep saying this shit and people keep calling you out on it being bullshit...

Redline opened in December 2008. Here's a link to the original Redline construction thread, with the Dreamworld PR rep giving us the date: 


Now - I proposed to my (now) wife ON cyclone in March 2012... and I have an ONRIDE photo to prove it. If it is your claim that they could be fixing a cable that was (and still is) damaged when Redline was added (in December 08) how do I have a Cyclone OnRide in March 2012???

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My apologies last time I knew the camera was un-operational as when I went there 4 weeks ago there photos were not available.

Now think about it the odds of cyclone re-theming to redline are low as the whole ride has nothing to do with V8 supercars (paint job, cars, queue) and they would never be able completely re-theme the whole ride in about a month.

Redline is probably just getting an upgrade or something  as the second attraction for tiger islands 20th year there are other things which are started or be ready before 2015 ends.


ABC kids world is one attraction, redline probably the other  attraction.

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If the Peter Brock cars that are presumably coming are indeed a temporary exhibit (be it like Dino Island) then it is entirely possible that they could also put them on the old blue lagoon site. They have done something similar before with a few temp mazes, which is why there is concrete there instead of the old pools. The building they had on that slab is now the building which houses Zombie Evilution.

Wouldn't be too bad if it was temporary, but would  it bring the tally for motorsport themed areas up to 3? Or are we now counting the Model-T's as motorsport?

On the construction under cyclone, well it's hard to say, as no one knows the footprint or scale as to what they are doing, however if they were extending the redline building to house these cars, there is a large amount of space back of house where they could fit it in without affecting day to day operations. I think we now need to play the "wait and see" game.

Under the Cyclone wouldn't be terrible, but if it is out in the open it might look a bit bad. If they just plonk down the cars on a concrete slab in the middle of the Cyclone's footprint with chain link keeping people in, then it would be pretty ugly. They either need to try and themed it up a bit if they are having in outside, or build a new shed or use the Redline building.


Now - I proposed to my (now) wife ON cyclone in March 2012... and I have an ONRIDE photo to prove it. If it is your claim that they could be fixing a cable that was (and still is) damaged when Redline was added (in December 08) how do I have a Cyclone OnRide in March 2012???

The Cyclone: 1/3 Painful, 1/3 Broken, 1/3 Proposal Photographer

Now think about it the odds of cyclone re-theming to redline are low as the whole ride has nothing to do with V8 supercars (paint job, cars, queue) and they would never be able completely re-theme the whole ride in about a month.

As many people here can see from some of my other posts, I love when rides are extensively themed. I will be going against my own grain here, but Dreamworld could do a basic retheme on the Cyclone in a month if they get their act together. The biggest changes would be getting the rumoured ride vehicle installed, removing some of the themed pieces on the walls of the inside queue as well as removal of the turbine, then just adding some new themed pieces around the queue line. 

While it wouldn't be ideal, and I wouldn't be happy with it, it would at least make more sense then the current offerings as well being achievable within the time period allocated. ToT's rehab took a little less then a month, going from the 18th of August to around the 17th of September. That's 30 Days. Cyclone is scheduled to go down for 34 days. 

I would say it's achievable. Would I be satisfied? Probably not, but do remember that I always have my head in the clouds thinking of how to make every ride the closest to a perfect 10 in every facet. 

Edited by Zanstabar
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