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Green Lantern incident at MW


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Also reported in the Courier Mail.

I totally agree re: the maintenance - they're pointing it out as if to say 'if only the maintenance were done sooner, this wouldn't have happened!'

All you need for a stop is for someone to take too long to load\unload. A elderly person stepping out of the car catches their foot on the lip and over they go. Risk of further injury is too great that I would expect the unloader not to move them - thereby stacking the ride and shutting it down...

I don't get why there is so much focus from the media these days. very slow news day no doubt, but it seems incidents like Smiler and GL have now sensationalised regular old 'breakdowns' as being a story.

Sounds like it's just a journalist's way of spending more 'work time' at the parks.

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^ In that situation is stacking treated the same as an e-stop (lights on/announcement played)?

I'd look to Spotty for the expert answer on that one...

It would be my totally uneducated guess that the ride would shut itself down, by closing each block as the car in front stacked.

'running the mountain' as they would say in Space.

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When the 'news' was more about who could publish it on their website first, and less about having another 6 hours until print deadline to make sure the story was polished properly.

The number of typos, spelling mitsakes, poor fact-checking and otherwise shoddy journalism comes from the lack of 'paper' in the newspaper.

And this isn't their fault either. It's ours. It's us needing to know what happened an hour ago in London, complete with gory pictures and amateur shot video, instead of a breaking news bulletin 'via wireless' and perhaps some imagery in the 6 o'clock news, if there was satellite time available to stream the vision.

These days we're content with iPhone (shot in bloody PORTRAIT!!!!) video from the nearest onlooker who shared to his social media site. If you were the sole witness, with footage, on the scene of a major newsworthy incident 15 years ago, you could hold the networks to ransom for the highest fee for permission to use your video. Now they go onto social media, and can use anything published publicly without negotiation... all with the bad narratives of 'oh my god' and 'bleeeeeeeep' along the way.

It's not news... it's Syndicated MegaBlogging to the widest possible audience.

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It would be my totally uneducated guess that the ride would shut itself down, by closing each block as the car in front stacked.

Yeah, maybe I play too much No Limits, but wouldn't that just be a regular function under normal operations that wouldn't require maintenance to come in and reset the ride? Once the block is clear the previous block releases, then repeat for each block until the ride eventually resumes normal operation?

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Generally with Scooby if it stacks up to the hairpins it tends to fault. Most of the time the ride can be reset, but occasionally it can't be reset causing an evacuation. Movie World has 2 voiceovers for each major attraction (Superman, Scooby, Justice League, Green Lantern and Wild West). You have a female one which is generally played first which alerts staff to prepare for a potential evacuation and the lights come on. "Ladies and Gentlemen, It is necessary to stop the ride temporarily, please remain seated and the ride will continue shortly." This also signals to the entry host to stop allowing people to enter the line in case of an evacuation. After a pre-determined amount of time most of the rides will go into an e-stop if they fault can't be rectified. Or in scooby's case, one fault might be fixed and then another fault will happen causing a "cascade stop" 

This is then followed by a Male voiceover instructing riders what is happening. "May I have your attention please, it is  necessary to stop the ride. An attendant will be on hand shortly to assist you from the ride. When exiting the ride, please leave via the exit doors marked by exit lights, follow the directional lines to the marshalling area situated at the front entrance of the ride. Once again, someone will be on hand shortly to assist you. Thank you" And this keeps repeating.

Still kinda sad that nearly 3 years later and I still remember everything like clockwork. Could probably even go back there and remember how to operate everything haha. A fun fact though, the most common locations for a fault to occur on Scooby is the Lift, Turntable and the block section around the corner from the unload station.

Also, in regards to what Flea is asking, Scooby is ran fully automatic from the control panel. The control relief supervisor actually has no role during normal operation apart from observing the cameras and the load station. The ride is physically operated by the attendants at the load platform and unload platform and there are 5 e-stops on the ride (Load, Unload, Lift, High Zone and MOCC)

When the ride faults the ride kicks into semi manual mode which is when the supervisor comes into play, where he can attempt to reset certain faults. However if it's a lift or turntable fault the ride will be e-stopped as cars can not be moved on the turntable or lift with passengers in it. Also I think it's 90 seconds with any cars stopped in high zone that the ride goes into e-stop if i'm not mistaken. Most rides at Movie World have minimal actual operation by the supervisors except for initial startup. Wild West for example if all goes well the supervisor will only have to hit the station stop button throughout the day and the e-stop at the end of the night. 

Edited by Spotty
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The whole dark ride portion of the coaster has walkways which you can be evacuated from. That and any area that has brakes on it has a catwalk to enable evacuation in the event of a ride stop so you wouldn't just be stuck there. If the ride goes into a e-stop they will under NO circumstances restart the ride without a full evacuation.

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Naah, it was just getting interesting. We've seen enough similar shots of things on GL to know that they're doing something.

The whole dark ride portion of the coaster has walkways which you can be evacuated from. That and any area that has brakes on it has a catwalk to enable evacuation in the event of a ride stop so you wouldn't just be stuck there. If the ride goes into a e-stop they will under NO circumstances restart the ride without a full evacuation.

Who comes to evacuate you in each area in the event of an E-Stop?

Edited by AllegroCrab
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Naah, it was just getting interesting. We've seen enough similar shots of things on GL to know that they're doing something.


Oh I agree and also think they are interesting. Just thought these posts might be better off in the Scooby coaster topic, as I keep seeing the new post notifications and think/hope its something new related to the GL progress.

Would be nice to be able to read more about scooby operations and e-stop proceedures without feeling any subsequent  disappointment lol.

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The loader is responsible for evacuating the loading dock, and the dark ride through to the bottom of the lift. The lift attendant is responsible for evacuating the 3 cars at the lift (Could sometimes have no cars up there, or sometimes 3) High Zone is responsible for the 3 at the Turntable (same as lift) and then the two attendants up there work their way to each of the hairpin sections evacuating any car they come to until they meet in the middle. Unload is responsible for evacuating the exit platform, shutting the roller door at the shops and any of the cars from behind unload, though the ring of fire and the last sets of brakes in the roller-coaster section. Entry is responsible for clearing the queue house and reporting back to the supervisor when all staff are back from their evacuation.

In peak times, load 2 and the sorter will sometimes go and assist where needed, which is generally whichever zone has the most cars (example, they might be told to go straight to the bottom lift car so that the loader doesn't have to worry about those ones) or to assist the entry host who always gets swamped with angry customers :P

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