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What’s next for movie world

Smol bean

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I think a Gerstlauer Infinity coaster would work really well in Arkham Asylum's space, the ride does not need that much space which is something Movie World might struggle with.

Also, on the lines of IPs. It honestly doesn't matter what it is when it is done right. Wild West Falls is very loosely based on the movie, which i don't know many people who have actually seen that movie yet it is one of the most popular attractions at the park. 

I know the wild west as a whole is a very known concept and easy to market, but the point still stands.

Edited by Prequel
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20 hours ago, Skeeta said:

Mad Max is not funny.

Then you sir, have no appreciation for the acting talents of Bruce Spence!

17 hours ago, Taj O'Neill said:

instead idk i mean

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17 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

Mad Max is more about trucking rigs

Water world? trucking rigs? Sea World?

16 hours ago, Gazza said:

If you tone it down enough for kids, it becomes a snooze fest for the actual core market of the show.

See also: HWSD2

15 hours ago, T-bone said:

look at water world, it’s an incredible show, but the movie is utter trash. 

Yeah ok but you're wrong about the movie.

13 hours ago, Nimble said:

The park was meant to be a studios park when it opened. It even has the word "Movie" in it's name! You can't just say "Well, it has rides and that's what matters because I like them," because not everybody wants to ride big thrill rides. If there were more shows and parades, the park would be a lot more popular as it will appeal to a wider audience. 


Seriously though - this discussion has been had to death. When you have a limited budget, and you need to choose between saving for that new big ride, or creating a show that may or may not succeed (i'm looking at you, HWSD), the ride is going to win every time, because despite what 'not everybody' wants, the vast majority don't care about shows. most people see a show once or twice and then skip it unless there's something new, or they've brought a friend to the park who haven't seen it. Unless of course its a Universal \ Disney show, which of course has better repeatability.

Rides, people will flock to every. damn. time. If the non-riding nancy in your group doesn't want to ride, they can watch the ride - we don't need more shows and parades. we just need to make the existing ones better.

(although Movie World seriously needs to spend the coin on turning showcase back into a ripper of a stage show. host a magician to do 'movie-esque' illusions, or something. Just please no more costumed characters dancing to prerecorded backing tracks....

11 hours ago, Prequel said:

 Wild West Falls is very loosely based on the movie, which i don't know many people who have actually seen that movie yet it is one of the most popular attractions at the park.

Do you mean loosely as in, released at roughly the same time so they slapped a movie poster on the wall leading up to the ride? Because the ride has absolutely nothing to do with the antics of Jim West, Artemus Gordon or Dr Arliss Loveless.

(And thank god too, because that theme would MOST DEFINITELY not have aged well....)

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Hi all havent posted for well a while,  perfect opportunity for WB to utilise AA area as a HannaBarbera themed mini land as they already own the IP,  can lead in through china town and Scooby, which is already a great tie in,    China town suitable for HongKongFuey, as well as Tomcat,  tom&jerry can have their own space,  Captain Caveman, can utilise the vacant shop space,  area doesnt have to be one area of one bigger attraction, can be smaller ones, like a spinning arm, mini fly coaster, roulette wheel /avalance,  as there is  quite a lot space here to utilise once you look at the bigger picture, that is currently dead space, ie empty shop, theres two unused green rooms along China   town path, as well as preshow rooms aka Lethal days,  as a thought can push out into the Studio Admin area, which was thought about years ago and even tie in oart of ride for dark component into the WB show stage area from Southern Side just as a thought.


WBMW’s biggest problem is to reliant on DC, and one of my biggest turnoffs not to visit or renew passes.  IF they were smart, as much as this would be an expensive exercise is to really look at their disjointed DC, AA area woukd be awesome area have a dedicated DC zone,  move GL,  move Doomsday &theming into it as a really tight knit zone, so can reclaim Western area of the Park, tidies Up the front entry just sayin’.  Dreams are free still, arent they?

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If it was me, i would demolish AA & it's queue and rework all that space to be a queue that enters from the wild west section with a wild west themed coaster. There are too many DC attractions and it's stupid how the back wild west section out back is huge for 1 attraction. Mind you, i am still waiting for an acceptable replacement of the Loony Tunes river ride. Maybe 2050 ha. 


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6 minutes ago, bjeffs said:

If it was me, i would demolish AA & it's queue and rework all that space to be a queue that enters from the wild west section with a wild west themed coaster. There are too many DC attractions and it's stupid how the back wild west section out back is huge for 1 attraction. Mind you, i am still waiting for an acceptable replacement of the Loony Tunes river ride. Maybe 2050 ha. 


If they wait a 10 years or so after leviathan a woodie would be perfect for a western themed roller coaster

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36 minutes ago, gclad said:

perfect opportunity for WB to utilise AA area as a HannaBarbera themed mini land as they already own the IP

Warner Bros own the Hanna Barbera IP. The problems you have with this idea are:

  1. Movie World isn't owned by Warner Bros. It's owned by Village Roadshow. To use Hanna Barbera, it would cost them to licence it.
  2. Hanna Barbera today is largely unknown to kids these days. Older folk remember it with nostalgia but that is not a surefire way to build a new land. You'd be better off licensing Nintendo land.
16 minutes ago, Smol bean said:

Well they would’nt build a coaster on aa site right away now would they hope that doesn’t sound rude

Well, no, they'd have to demolish the old one first... but once that's gone... Why not? Why would you leave vacant, usable land just sitting there if you were ready to build something else? Is there a grieving period after a coaster is torn down before you can build on it's grave?

Also, please learn about full-stops and paragraphs.

(hope that doesn't sound rude)

15 minutes ago, bjeffs said:

is there a TLDR about AA? was it just the new trains were crap and it just never got fixed?

Same rolling stock, so same 'train' as such - just different seats \ restraints. To be honest, the Kumbak seats and restraints were much nicer than the original Vekoma restraint, and Arkham is one of the nicer SLCs to ride out there because of that. Its been suggested the Kumbak upgrade has killed the coaster, but I don't think the Original Vekoma setup would have allowed the ride to survive this long as it has.

As I understand it, there's something in the control systems of the ride that has a major issue, and they can't figure out what it is. The cost of what they've done already is apparently more than they were comfortable with, and the next step is entire system replacement, which is too costly - so Arkham's gotta go.

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11 minutes ago, AlexB said:

Warner Bros own the Hanna Barbera IP. The problems you have with this idea are:

  1. Movie World isn't owned by Warner Bros. It's owned by Village Roadshow. To use Hanna Barbera, it would cost them to licence it.
  2. Hanna Barbera today is largely unknown to kids these days. Older folk remember it with nostalgia but that is not a surefire way to build a new land. You'd be better off licensing Nintendo land.

Well, no, they'd have to demolish the old one first... but once that's gone... Why not? Why would you leave vacant, usable land just sitting there if you were ready to build something else? Is there a grieving period after a coaster is torn down before you can build on it's grave?

Also, please learn about full-stops and paragraphs.

(hope that doesn't sound rude)

Same rolling stock, so same 'train' as such - just different seats \ restraints. To be honest, the Kumbak seats and restraints were much nicer than the original Vekoma restraint, and Arkham is one of the nicer SLCs to ride out there because of that. Its been suggested the Kumbak upgrade has killed the coaster, but I don't think the Original Vekoma setup would have allowed the ride to survive this long as it has.

As I understand it, there's something in the control systems of the ride that has a major issue, and they can't figure out what it is. The cost of what they've done already is apparently more than they were comfortable with, and the next step is entire system replacement, which is too costly - so Arkham's gotta go.

Oh ok I’m not the best with grammar my apologies alexb

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reply to AlexB. 


Warner Bros own the Hanna Barbera IP. The problems you have with this idea are:

  1. Movie World isn't owned by Warner Bros. It's owned by Village Roadshow. To use Hanna Barbera, it would cost them to licence it.
  2. Hanna Barbera today is largely unknown to kids these days. Older folk remember it with nostalgia but that is not a surefire way to build a new land. You'd be better off licensing Nintendo 

personally being a WB kid through and through, there lies part Of the problem,  WBMW,  not having direct input from its direct namesake.  If . WB U.S.  were to re-take ownership or partownership of the Park (hint hint if the parks up for sale) like the good ole days Would alleviate this problem,  maybe take a good look At the Warner Bros Park in Dubai for inspiration, theming and the full immersive factor.  

Being old school and part of the MW opening crew,  know full well of the licensing and cost factor ,  quite surprised WBMW. Has as much  DC as it does for  the licensing Of the DC branding and the individual  characters.

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Whlst it would never happen I'd love to see a nice woodie themed in the Wild West section of the park, if you wanted to somehow push some IP onto it there's always the new Dune movie coming up.

As for the kids area, Space Jam 2 is in the works so the idea of taking the old AA site and doing a new kids area there isn't a bad idea IMO, then you could use the current kids area for something new.

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9 minutes ago, DJKostya said:

Whlst it would never happen I'd love to see a nice woodie themed in the Wild West section of the park, if you wanted to somehow push some IP onto it there's always the new Dune movie coming up.

As for the kids area, Space Jam 2 is in the works so the idea of taking the old AA site and doing a new kids area there isn't a bad idea IMO, then you could use the current kids area for something new.

Could definitely work, but seeing as the AA site is already among the other headliners and thrill rides, I think it would make more sense if you just put a major ride there and completely restart the kids area.

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On 13/05/2020 at 12:57 PM, Taj O'Neill said:

I would want something similar to Hagrid's magical creatures motorbike adventure because that ride is so fun but i don't know what it could be based off

YES but for that park down at Coomera -


Edited by Adventures With JWorld
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COVID has hurt their potential revenue for this year so its best to believe that they'll push their plans back. I'll have a guess at potential short term projects.

Short term (1-10 years) 

- Renovation of the WB Kids area as well as new family ride(s). VRTP have access to rights for timeless WB and Hanna-Barbera (or could pay for the rights) IP that could easily be used as a theme for an expansion of the kids area or a new ride. 

- Further SDSC renovations. Although I have not been on the ride in its current state, the screens look tacky. What made the original so good was its use of animatronics and atmosphere. It didn't have a kiddy feel to it, but rather a spooky one that appealed to both kids and adults and felt more like a Scooby Doo ride in general with all the different monsters rather than just a ride based off the movie. The ride now looks like the screens, especially the ones in the elevator, were an attempt to make the ride more tame, even though the pre-renovated ride was perfect. This is a fan-favourite ride so I don't expect the relatively new changes to last.

- A new ride. Most likely one that will replace Arkham Asylum. That ride is on it's last legs but I feel the Batman theme will remain with the new ride.


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1-10 years isn’t short term.. that’s short, medium and long all in one.

short term would be 1-3, medium term 4-6, long term beyond 7 years. With the world the way it is currently there is little point even Considering long term at the moment, or even medium. You can only focus on now. Parks can’t even plan for the next 12 months with any surety so no big decisions will he made with capex at all. 

i don’t think anymore money is going to go into rehashing SDSC any further. 

Arkham will no doubt be replaced, but unlikely in the next 3 years now. 

tbh, short term (1-3 years) given the situation, I’d be happy with a theme makeover/refresh for WWF, a new show to replace HSD and a new kids ride to Replace 1 or 2 of the terribly aged current offerings. 


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7 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

1-10 years isn’t short term.. that’s short, medium and long all in one.

short term would be 1-3, medium term 4-6, long term beyond 7 years. With the world the way it is currently there is little point even Considering long term at the moment, or even medium. You can only focus on now. Parks can’t even plan for the next 12 months with any surety so no big decisions will he made with capex at all. 

i don’t think anymore money is going to go into rehashing SDSC any further. 

Arkham will no doubt be replaced, but unlikely in the next 3 years now. 

tbh, short term (1-3 years) given the situation, I’d be happy with a theme makeover/refresh for WWF, a new show to replace HSD and a new kids ride to Replace 1 or 2 of the terribly aged current offerings. 


Typo by me. I wrote those for short term and long term but didn't put in the title for long term! How do I edit my above post? There is no option to do so.

Surely it would not cost much to finish touch-ups on SDSC once more? The only changes they'd really need to do are fix up the animations or just turn the screens off if it is that bad and put the Scooby animatronics back throughout the ride.

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1 hour ago, ParkPundit said:

Typo by me. I wrote those for short term and long term but didn't put in the title for long term! How do I edit my above post? There is no option to do so.

Surely it would not cost much to finish touch-ups on SDSC once more? The only changes they'd really need to do are fix up the animations or just turn the screens off if it is that bad and put the Scooby animatronics back throughout the ride.

I feel like projection mapping is way ahead of its time for SDSC it was fairly rushed in my opinion and they should have done something like that when the technology has evolved better

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