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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Well there you go, It looks pretty well themed I dunno about the action thought. It all looks a bit slow. The sound is horrible in that video so cant wait to hear it properly. I am sure the 3d glassed will make the screens look "less like screens" than they do in this vid. Ill reserve judgement until I ride it.

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Hey Guys, Yes we know about the sound. We mounted the Go Pro on the suction cap on the car and the noise that it is making is from the guns that you pull out in front of you. Wasn't aware of the noise at the time. The sound effects is way better and you must try it out. It does open tomorrow so make sure you get in first. Again Sorry for the noisey video.

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I will have another video maybe uploaded tonight, As myself Channel 7,9 and 10 got to sit in the back and record kids on the ride. Make sure you tune in tonights news for more video footage. Overall Movie World did a amazing job with the queue line and also the ride itself. The ride goes for 5mins thats the cycle so it goes at a decent speed. Theming is great! I said to everyone that I saw "Everytime I went around something worked and somethings didn't" Eg the doors. The doors didn't open up so the car kept going and ran into the door which is like a spring door. (Lucky it rubber stuff in the front) Guns- I realised you dont have to press the trigger all the time as the laser stays on. It reminded me of the Big Red Car and the Mic. The funny thing is me and my friend was in the front and no-one at the back and came back and the back had like 1000-3000 points because it turns on auto. 3D is pretty cool!! And the smoke screen is awesome! There is part where it is all smokey because a Space landed on a cruched car. Great effects in there. (Bit Before Green Lantern opens the door) Overall seeing it is a family ride would give it 5/5 just because it is a 1st of it kind and detail is great.

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