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Doomsday Destroyer - reviews and feedback

Theme Park Girl

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38 minutes ago, YLFATEEKS said:

@Theme Park Girl Why did you not do the TVC if you were at the park?:(  If I was had the day off I would have popped my cherry.

I couldn't get there any earlier than 9am due to family commitments, and the TVC filming started at 6am. That and I worked until late last night, as well as having to tonight too, so wouldn't have had enough time to catch up on sleep in between. Dunno how I would have coped riding a ride like that on only 4 hours of sleep, I'm sure they wouldn't be looking for puke shots :ph34r::lol:

Thankfully since a lot of people dropped off across the duration of the morning, so I asked for permission and was allowed to at least sit in to watch which was good enough for me, even if I couldn't wander around the back or ride the ride (as I hadn't signed the waiver). It was an amazing day, I absolutely loved participating in that sense  :wub: Sure beat being stuck on the other side of that damn fence ;)

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1 hour ago, Tim Dasco said:

It looks like from that photo that if you were in the inside seats you could kick the person sitting opposite to you.


1 hour ago, AlexB said:

You probably could, but i'm thinking if it's forceful enough, only those facing downwards would be inclined to stick their legs out - the people facing up likely have forces pushing their legs back..

I would still be more concerned about seeing the person opposite me sharing their lunch than being kicked...

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21 minutes ago, Wyncenuros said:


I would still be more concerned about seeing the person opposite me sharing their lunch than being kicked...

It completes only a few revolutions so hopefully people know there limits.  To put your mind at rest, I’m going to make a request in the MW suggestion box.  

1. Please supply sick bags on the Doomsday Destroyer like Disney do when you ride Mickey's Fun Wheel.


or the could go with option 2





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That's a genius idea, although if you're gonna go during the middle of a ride they're not going to put sick bags in the harnesses or something. I'm sure MW has sick bags stored somewhere around the park (probably guest services or somewhere) so it would be nice to keep a few near the ride for emergencies.

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So I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get on DD. For something that looks simple it's actually a really fun ride. Seats are comfy and the harness doesn't feel tight even when the attendants forced it down. Only trouble is that it got real hot after sitting there for 10-20 minutes so it's not a ride you want to break on you unless they get a decent shade going.


Plus I can confirm you can easily kick the person in front. Had my friend start a kicking war as we were hanging upside-down. 



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If i remember correctly they did 4 different shots including an on ride one with some preselected people that had auditioned or applied to be the ones on screen. I'm 5'3 and was able to kick the person in front of me. The harnesses aren't constricting but feel more secure than any others I've used before. I definitely only lasted 3 rounds before it was too much for me. I think I was one of only 2 people that gave up that quickly.batch_IMG_8380.jpg

Edited by JaggedJanine
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11 minutes ago, downunder said:

So how intense is the ride, on a scale of 1 to vomitron?

It's not that intense or nauseating IMO. Comparable to the Wipeout and maybe a little bit less than the Claw. 

The problem that a lot of us faced yesterday was that we didn't just ride it once and call it a day; we had up to 7 or 8 rides in a row. After about 3 or 4 cycles, a lot of us started to feel ill. 

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7 hours ago, Santa07 said:

Pretty standard on any flat ride to feel ill after around 4 cycles in a row. Always best to break up successive rides on flats.

I did the Power Surge at Rainbows End 12 times in a row. I could have kept going but friend got sick after about 8. 

I think the average that people seemed to stay on DD was around 7 or 8 before they decided it was time to take a break.

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