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Dreamworld Log Ride reopening 2017


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Wasn't too sure which thread was best for this and also apologies if this has been shared. Now I hate The Australian and most of these other biased news sites (read: basically all of them) but here we are anyway.

Apologies if this is behind a paywall - I don't sub and was able to see this. 

The important bit is coloured at the bottom ;) 

Dreamworld disaster still haunts Ardent CEO Deborah Thomas


Ardent Leisure chief executive Deborah Thomas says she thinks every day about last year’s Dreamworld accident, in which four people were killed on the Thunder River Rapids Ride.

“Not a day goes by — sometimes not even an hour goes by — without thinking about the families and what they must be going through,” she said this week after releasing Ardent’s latest results — a loss of almost $50 million, which sent the leisure company’s share price plummeting.


“We have nearly 1000 people who work at Dreamworld during the peak period — who rely on the park to put food on the table for their families,” Thomas says.

“We have many people who have worked for us for decades and their children have worked for us. My response has been to get the park back on track to its earnings potential, to make sure it is sustainable, not only for our ­people who rely on the park for their living, but all of the businesses who rely on the park for their future.

“The park is a big part of attracting people to the Gold Coast.

“The easiest thing would be to leave (the job), but I see my responsibility to stay there and get it right.”


The company has been forced to write down the value of Dreamworld on its books, from $241m to $147m, renegotiate a temporary easing of its financial covenants with its bankers to get through the cash shortfall and slash its interim dividend from 7c a share to 2c.


Davidson says the company is planning to reopen the final ride, the Rocky Hollow Log Ride, which was in the same area as the Rapids ride.




Just wanted to say YES this is exactly how threads should be done. Starting a new topic for discussion rather than burying in mega threads. 

Thank you 

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I think @pushbutton because it was an in-house ride DW are going to take their time with this one.

DW would not even want another incident where somebody tries to surf the log.  The big question and I’m sure DW is asking right now is how do you control dickheads from hurting themselves on the ride?

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I think there are a few issues DW need to face with reopening the log ride:

1. Restraining passengers preventing them from easily standing up, skylarking or jumping out of the log during the ride. A complete redesign of the logs with lap bars would be an overly costly measure that would also significantly add to the load and therefore affect operation. Seat belts are the logical answer here.

2. Addressing the depth of the moat in certain parts of the ride and specifically the area from the last tunnel to the base of the climb. The water level is so high here that it allows people to rock the log and potentially could lead to incident.

3. All transition areas from channel to conveyer lifts and chute (s) all need looking at individually, sighting and where necessary fixing any potential hazards.

4. The load / unload area is of particular concern. Most of the time there has been no Attendants stationed on the platforms to assist guests. Boarding/ disembarking railings that loop outward for easy handling could also be a good idea along with anything to ensure the logs are stable while in the Station.


Edited by MickeyD
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I think something like this (circled in red) could be useful to the flume at Dreamworld. It's an attendants booth where they can see what's going on before the drop and could be used to stop anything like the incident back in April of last year. I'm sure it would be possible to build it into the existing structure/tunnel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So hubby & I observed a few signs of activity happening down at the Rocky Hollow Log Ride this afternoon. 

The water pumps had been evidently switched on, as the fountains in the reservoir were running for the first time in months. 


There was water in the station trough, (although the rest of the track was still dry).  


The maintenance window at the top of the drop shed was open, suggesting that maintenance has been taking place up there in the past few days (it was closed previously).  


Definitely some activity happening in there at the moment, and hopefully an early indication that they plan to reopen the ride soon. Fingers crossed ☺️?



Edited by Theme Park Girl
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  • 1 month later...

Lots of meetings have being taking place lately at the log ride and if you're lucky you might see some training and works going on. Looking like the park is getting closer to reopening plans.

If you don't believe me check it out your self and as some more re-assurance, hop on the giant drop and look down at the main Conveyer belt, and you might just see all the logs piled up inside and in the entrance for it.

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I visit Dreamworld 2-3 times a week, but I have to say, as far as activity goes with the Log Ride (including up to yesterday, when I was there last), I haven't personally witnessed any movement or changes with it for weeks - and my husband and I have been watching it closely 😑

The water pumps have been left switched off since the ex TC came through, all and troughs are still bone dry other than at the station. The boats are still sitting in the same places along the track as well. The only movement I have noticed is the maintenance window sometimes being open, sometimes being closed. 

That's about it, which has been a disappointment since as I reported a few weeks ago, it did initially look like things may be happening with it. But from what I've seen first hand during my frequent park visits, everything has been sitting stagnant since 🙁


There's a pic I took of the ride yesterday ^

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