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Dreamworld December Update 2019

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3 hours ago, themagician said:

Wow, I don’t remember the last time (in recent years) there were so many things happening within one of our parks and the majority of them are good things too. 

I can literally go there once every three or so days and something new is always happening. It’s crazy when you consider how stagnant the Village parks have been in doing general works around the park.

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@themagician The video for SV was what I included in the video. That’s what is played for the minute or so I was there.

Its good to see the park is being practically refurbished. But I hope to see that Dreamworld in 2020 can focus more on providing new areas and attractions because the park really needs more new rides even after the new coaster. We’re down too only 7 thrill rides right now. And some should not be considered thrill rides... mdmc, tailspin

Either way, this has all been needed at the park, let’s look to the long term future now.

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The coaster will definitely will a gap the park has had for a very long time, but I agree and think another thrill ride and another family attraction will complete their current line up. With the ABC refurb next year too, that will take their good line up of kids attractions even further. But new rides cost money and I would expect it to be another couple years before another major investment. Another new tower of slides and/or lazy river for WWW will complete that park 

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@Baconjack100% however the current DW Park Management strategic program is one not seen in most  Parkz' Chatter's entire lifetimes!

Of course this is not a problem just for DW. To survive, any Theme Park must keep evolving, or like anything else living and loving in this world, eventually would be forgotten and die.

If anything MW will be the next Major Park due for major Capital boost, as I have suggested before. We should start to see early stages/ announcement of that in the 12-18 months (fingers crossed!)

Before they even get to 6 Flags MW,  the Wet Elephant in the room down the road need's millions spent on paint, plussing, upgrades, facilities and Guest comfort (such as heat cooling path resurfacing) and then millions more on new slides. Fortunately slides come a lot cheaper than Coasters and Dark rides do!

SW, will no doubt continue copping increased backlash over it's Dolphin and Captive Animal programs in coming years. Fortunately their current investment strategy is moving back to rides that will help with public profile, along with their core Marine Rescue program.

Further to that SW will need to continue developing things like University relations that will aid the Park's evolution. Bringing greater focus to the ethics surrounding the Science/ Environmental/ Sustainability and Educational aspects of their Marine life program and of course the Animal's well being. -This is something that all Zoological type Park's need to be doing or otherwise face ultimate demise.

Theme Park Golden rule;

"Evolve to meet the demands of a changing World along with a commitment to it's People that will ensure it's success and ongoing existence".

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Just now, red dragin said:

Having never ridden GD, I take it the elevated pathway is necessary to access the ride, or does it then descend inside the building to a lower level?

Basically, could they remove all that raised walkway without ultimately affecting ride access?


Here is the seating area




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1 hour ago, red dragin said:

Having never ridden GD, I take it the elevated pathway is necessary to access the ride, or does it then descend inside the building to a lower level?

Basically, could they remove all that raised walkway without ultimately affecting ride access?

Inside the queue does ramp down a little, but it elevated quite a bit. The majority of that elevated area is outdoor queuing for the GD anyways, so if they were to remove it (which they couldn’t) it would cause the additional queuing area to intrude on the new pathway they’ve built 

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And hopefully they installed fans with misters too to keep the area cool.

On another note I hope the blue Temple of Huey doesnt stay that colour because it looks awful. Better than covered in shit, but it won’t work with the Solid blue on the bottom half 

Edited by themagician
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On 06/12/2019 at 2:15 PM, Gold Coast Amusement Force said:

Here is the seating area

I have to say, the area looks really nice, but how many people will it actually accommodate?

I can see 20 or so deck chairs, a couple of hammocks and i assume some picnic style table seats will probably go in some of the covered areas... Wipeout would probably have cycled the same number of people in one ride cycle as will fit here, but the seating and such will make them linger longer.

I do hope they have a plan to maintain the deck chairs and hammocks and other soft furnishings, and it isn't replaced with cheap plastic stacking chairs (like outside Flowrider).

I'm not a big dreamworld fan, and I do find myself being very critical - I want to love this little space they've done (even though I don't agree with the usage - it should have gotten a new flat) - but with Aussie parks, i'm always looking at how something will stand the test of time, because all of our parks have shown that the new flashy ride gets the love and the old stuff gets neglected...

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