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Green Lantern Coaster


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Nope, I would assume it is not going to return, one of the cars had the audio switched on (with the key) however it appeared to be disabled somewhere else.. I have heard it was causing faults/issues, although I have no idea how true that is.

FAIL MOVIE WORLD/S&S!!! Sorry just had to get that out of my system
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I hope they keep the audio and don't take the can't be bothered approach, It helps to pump you up for the ride, which itself is a pretty tame rollercoaster, the music just ads a layer of "stimulus" during the ride. Has anyone else been on the Superman Escape without the "audio" working, its no-where near as fun, I went on it a few moths back and there was no announcements throughout the dark-ride ride section, and it didn't have the "Superman Fast Speech" before the launch, audio can really improve a ride, so for those saying that it doesn't matter or won't make difference it can.

Edited by rac2703
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I agree, I think the audio really adds something to Green Lantern. Arkham I argue doesn't need it, whether it makes it even better I will wait and see. But the audio helps Green Lantern with pacing, the ride itself is great and quite thrilling but its more a series of OMFG moments rather than a fast paced in your face kind of thrill ride. The audio helps to tie the elements together and complete the ride.

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I am still yet to experience audio on GL... with ride-count in double figures. I've checked the key switches, and they're always on - even had the operator check on it for me before despatch (who is also a member of these boards - formerly from Sydney)... always on, but never working. TBH I think theres a little glitch with the capacitors - like maybe not seated right to charge in station? I've had first rides of the day, last rides of the day, lunchtime rides - it just never seems to work. I'm not saying it doesn't \ hasn't worked at all - I believe those who say they've had it - but for the ride to be so 'hit and miss' that I could have so many rides without it - it's just poor form... imagine space mountain without sound... or even haunted mansion? Or more locally - bermuda and LTRR? without sound they're a very poor attraction. I'm not saying GL is poor without it - it's still a great little coaster - but for the much hyped \ excited introductions - for so many people yet to experience it means something has been 'cheaped out'... so figure out the problem, and fix it.

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I experienced Bermuda with no on ride audio more often then not. From what I'm hearing here it sounds like the audio does not enhance a storyline like Bermuda and the river ride did.... I say, focus on Justice League and get that smashing and awesome, and then figure out a little audio quirk with gl

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but for the ride to be so 'hit and miss' that I could have so many rides without it - it's just poor form... imagine space mountain without sound... or even haunted mansion? Or more locally - bermuda and LTRR? without sound they're a very poor attraction. I'm not saying GL is poor without it - it's still a great little coaster - but for the much hyped \ excited introductions - for so many people yet to experience it means something has been 'cheaped out'... so figure out the problem, and fix it.

You are spot on with the comment above. I couldn't agree more
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The more I read the more I feel it does enhance the ride pretty significantly, but it definitely doesn't make or break GL. I might be wrong but I think the on-ride audio is taken from the film's soundtrack by James Newton Howard. I had a quick look on itunes but in a busy cafe with no headphones (sad) so can't really hear which track is most like the ride music. Pretty much if you've heard the music in the first section of the queue line where the Parallax is, you can get the idea of the on-ride audio. edit: if you preview the tracks in itunes the songs most like it are probably Drone Dogfight & the Induction Process.

Edited by d4le_robthomas
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  • 4 months later...

The staff today were allowing people to take hats, sunnies, bags and so on intot he queue line with them and then were being stored at the load/unload platform. The lockers were working correctly as many others were placing their items in them during the day. Is this a move from MW to cut back on complaints over "forcing" people to use the lockers? Or just one staff member not doing their job correctly? Also noticed they have now put up a temporary barrier near the JL exit to block of the chained area people were jumping. Hopefully the move of entrance point happens soon as it does look a little tacky.

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While it is great that they have finally got this going, it doesn't explain people taking large backpacks through that had to be left on the platformas they were too big to be placed in the boxes. I can understand hats, sunnies, glasses, and ponchos as these are things that could be necessary in the queue line due to weather but backpacks, wallets, and the like should still be getting placed in the lockers.

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I think superman is acceptable to use lockers due to the arrangement of the load and unload stations.

That's true, but I've seen other Intamin accelerators with two stations work a bag holding station (Rita and Stealth in UK). You handed in your loose items to a "booth" as you enter and get a wristband. As you exit, you get your stuff back on the other side of the booth. Since Superman's stations are in line, this system could definitely work.
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