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Batman Adventure - The Ride 2 closed


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very interesting but I have to say i'm a little disappointed that they are closing yet another major attraction before another door opens? still too early to speculate My guess will be that (perhaps unlike the fate of the Toon ride) they will keep the existing infrastructure/layout, freshen it up and do another overlay with it. If this is to be the case then maybe it would be down for a relatively short time, reopening alongside Green Lantern later this year? thoughts?

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I guess everyone knew Batman Adventure was on it's last legs, but I think it's a shame they couldn't keep it going throughout the Christmas holidays. I enjoyed going through the rooms a lot more than the ride itself... I really hope they'll be preserving those areas in some form for whatever replaces the ride.

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So come mid october- we will have 3 flagship rides in LTRR, Batman Adventure & Bermuda Triangle on no replacements opened Doesn't seem like good business Practice. Even looking forward to Dec, 2 rides closed for 1 opening isn't really great. Especially seeming the 2 closing are 'tame' rides that families could all go on I'm all for thrills, I haven't been on batman adventure in a few years and apart for a last run on LTRR before it closed for memories sake I hadn't been on that for years either. But families no doubt make up a massive component of visitors. The only family friendly rides now at MW all have some level of 'thrill' associated in roadrunner, scooby and WWF. I hope the closure points to a second offering come Xmas, whether than be in the LTRR building or Wayne Manor

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I'm all for thrills, I haven't been on batman adventure in a few years and apart for a last run on LTRR before it closed for memories sake I hadn't been on that for years either. But families no doubt make up a massive component of visitors. The only family friendly rides now at MW all have some level of 'thrill' associated in roadrunner, scooby and WWF. I hope the closure points to a second offering come Xmas, whether than be in the LTRR building or Wayne Manor

I'd agree with that... but how can they possibly build anything decent by Christmas? It would be very rushed which is not what we want! I, along with everyone else it seems, really question their decision to shut so many major family attractions at the same time. Interested to see what happens
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I guess everyone knew Batman Adventure was on it's last legs, but I think it's a shame they couldn't keep it going throughout the Christmas holidays.

Gazza summed it up perfectly for me. Movie World IMHO has just gone from badly needing a family friendly ride to desperatly needing a family friendly ride that everyone in the family can do. I've pointed this out elsewhere on this site, but even before Batman closed, there were literally no rides that all members of the family could go on together at Movie World. For a theme park that targets families, that's extraordinary omission, and one that I think urgently needs rectification, and the closure of Batman just brings this omission even sharper into focus.
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Going off on a complete whim here... The sequel to the Batman game "Arkham Asylum" is being released soon. " The story for Arkham City takes place approximately one year after the events of Arkham Asylum. [15]. Quincy Sharp, former warden of Arkham Asylum, has taken credit for stopping the Joker, and used the notoriety to become mayor of Gotham City. As neither Arkham nor Blackgate Prison are in any condition to detain inmates, Sharp buys out a large section of Gotham's slums and arms the perimeter with private military contractors from a group called Tyger in order to create "Arkham City". The prisoners are brought into Arkham City and are given free rein, as long as they do not attempt escape. To oversee the city, Sharp hires psychiatrist Hugo Strange who appears to have his own secret agenda for the city. Batman maintains a vigil over the city, worried that the situation may get out of hand. " Is there a possibility that with this game a new video for the modules could be tied in? Could we be seeing Batman Adventure the ride 3? Interesting to that a 3d version of Arkham Asylum was released a few months ago. Batman Adventure the ride 3 using 3D tech and a storyline from a video game ? its clear Movie World already have a relationship with the video game production (see fright nights) so I could totally see this as a much needed update to batride... Trying to see the positive here and really hoping Movie World have a worthwhile replacement ready to go by christmas. 5-6 week turnaround does not really seem like a lot though...

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Trying to see the positive here and really hoping Movie World have a worthwhile replacement ready to go by christmas. 5-6 week turnaround does not really seem like a lot though...

Stranger things have happened. Entire coasters go up in a shorter time frame, so it might be enough for them to install a new ride system and touch up the (already fantastic IMO) theming. I just can't see MW opening two new attractions at the same time. Like I mentioned in the other thread Green Lantern will pull in the big crowds -- why spend an extra few million to achieve the same result? The park would be better off spreading out their investments to keep attendance high throughout the years. I think this may have been a bigger issue if entry was still $60-$70 for each park. Families actually assessed which parks offered better value... now with the insanely cheap VIP pass they're likely to go to MW anyway, regardless of whether the park has one family ride or six.
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If they don't reopen the Batride for the Summer holidays then the total loss in hourly capacity would be pretty horrendous. Between Tunes, LW's 1 train, now this, it's a potential combined loss of up to 2000 rider per hour (assuming peak capacity is in operation) I reckon Green Lantern will be a people eater and potentially handle up to 1000 riders an hour. Still, with potentially record crowds and fewer rides, the lines will become long and move slowly and the streets will be crowded. Awesome I really hope they do a refresh and launch a Batride 3 as soon as possible

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That's it, totally it. I'm not renewing my annual pass now, MW can go lick a pine tree. Thanks Movieworld for slowly chewing up my childhood memories, and then finally spitting the last one out. Movieworld has totally turned into Boganworld. Guy's, I'm sorry if this seems harsh but as soon as I saw this I felt like I was punched in the stomach. That was one of the last rides I could actually go on with my dad, now we're only left with WWF...THAT'S IT! So Movieworld won't be taking any money from me in the future. Management now are clearly just a bunch of rednecks with no true WB grandeur to speak of...rollercoaster this, stunt driver that! All they want is the big mamoo, well they aren't getting mine!

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^ bit slow to the punch there mate? Being such a huge fan, I was half expecting you'd be all over this news by now?? haha granted it's only been a day or so I completely understand your frustration by this news but before you go jumping the gun, take clear note of the announcement: BATMAN Adventure - The Ride 2 will be closing permanently from Monday the 15th of October 2011 to make way for an exciting new attraction. Personally I never really liked the sequel. The animation & story line came across cheesy and cheap compared with the original and even the motion seemed lackluster. Not to mention the animatronic in the cave... sheesh! Regardless of the show building's future, surely it's life has to once again evolve to keep up with the times. They haven't said the building will not house a future Batman ride, just that the current show has to go

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I check the site every day. I was a bit late I suppose. It's a really sad thing for me personally, because I had sort of an emotional connection to that ride. It was my first ever theme park ride, and I am a big Batman fan. I really prefered the original Batman Returns version, but nonetheless it's a similar experience in the exact setup as the original. I've been such a fan of it, that I've actually had models of the "Tracking Module" made for display in my collection, and of course you all know that I'm the dude who went through with his camera a few times...the other ride closures didn't mean anywhere near as much as this one to me. It really is the end of an era, for me personally and the attraction itself. Time to grow up I guess. :(

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The front of the Park has now disconnected from the elegant Hollywood theme in exchange for a new DC universe land or whatever they wind up calling it. The Bat is almost as big as the Bunny when it comes to marketability and don't you think it's just a tad ironic that both of their own signature attractions have been shuttered? IMO the most practical solution for the space is to continue utilizing it's unique ride type. We only have 1 world class simulator attraction in Australia, they really must keep it. I'd like to see them gut the preshow bringing the queue right up to the main cave, add new audio visual technology to the motion bases with maybe even a few in cabin effects and redo the tracking module facades. The ride would be obviously themed around the current Batman and related themes. If done right it would be just the shot in the arm the Park needs to accompany it's Green brother across the way Either this or the building is indeed going to house a dark section of the new coaster (same as superman did)but i really can't see this happening. It's too far back

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I think the problem with the Village parks constantly using the 'closed to may way for an exciting new attraction' line so often recently, is it becomes like the boy who cried wolf. People will believe it, to an extent, but we actually need to see work start on new attractions! I just don't think it's smart to close such major rides if a replacement isn't 'shovel ready'. At least if we saw construction going on, that'd be ok, regardless of how long it might take. If they are planning on replacing these rides with something better, then I guess that's good enough (although I'd rather see Movie World expand rather than close rides, as I have said before) BUT to leave them SBNO for a long time with no sign of any action is pretty poor

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If they are planning on replacing these rides with something better, then I guess that's good enough (although I'd rather see Movie World expand rather than close rides, as I have said before) BUT to leave them SBNO for a long time with no sign of any action is pretty poor

Hmmmmmmmm trying to work out where they got THAT idea from......
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:o :o :o :o Call me naive, but I didn't see that one coming!!! :blink: Wow, how totally sad to see Batman Adventure go... just like Spencer, I also have fond memories of that ride - going on there everyday with my best friend during the 1995 school holidays, back when we had our MW year passes. I'm very thankful that I got to go on it last month then, and experience it one last time!

Personally I never really liked the sequel. The animation & story line came across cheesy and cheap compared with the original and even the motion seemed lackluster. Not to mention the animatronic in the cave... sheesh!

I have to agree with this. I never quite warmed up to the sequel either, BA1 was great and I thought the whole "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" came into account for me - but they did anyway. One thing I did like about BA1 was the different travelling methods used (car/boat/plane) as opposed to just flying around everywhere, as per BA2. All the flying just made me feel sick a lot quicker... lol. The storyline seemed nowhere near as good either. One thing I was sad to see too, was all the original props/rooms from BA1 go to waste when it changed to BA2. Wayne Manor library's great little ride op intro (with the book opening the passageway etc) was dropped in favour of a 2 minute video on the unused wall. The 2nd room where Oliver used to prep you for the ride and interact with the ride op etc, now has absolutely no purpose at all - other than to form rider queues. In the end, all these rooms just seemed to become an inconvenience. So with all this in mind, I can see why the need for a change has come around. Are we sure that it IS being completely replaced, though? Its not possible that they will keep it a motion simulator with a new, updated theme and some much needed renos? Where is this announcement about it closing? I've just loaded up the MW maintenance page and it has:

Attractions Maintenance Looney Toons River Ride will be closed from 25 October until further notice. Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster will be closed from 1 - 10 November inclusive for scheduled maintenance. Lethal Weapon will be closed from 11 - 14 November inclusive for scheduled maintenance. Batwing Spaceshot will be closed from 15 November - 12 December inclusive for scheduled maintenance.

Did they remove it? :huh: Or is it somewhere else? Edited by OceanGirl
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I see it there now, thanks for that. Bizarre, wasn't there half an hour ago :unsure:

Hum, Why everybody so sad about these rides? Both were nice before, but after doin' it all time long the guest prefer goin' on new rides... It was'nt profitable anymore for the park! In my Last visit in MW there were just 5 person in the queue of the BatRide...

Emotional attachment. These are the rides that many of us grew up with, some of them were around when the parks first opened. Its always sad to see something you used to enjoy as a kid get knocked down to make way for the 'future'. I dare say it would probably be less of an issue if they had somewhat immediate plans for their replacement attractions, give fans something new to look forward to in the wake of the old ones closing. It seems a bit strange that (other than for health/safety reasons, of course) they wouldn't at least keep them running in the meanwhile, for everyone to get some final enjoyment out of. I can only assume that saving on running costs is more important for the parks, given their financial stresses at the moment -_-
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Have to say that I totally agree with the overall sentiment in this thread. To me, I am feeling a little shortchanged. I will be visiting Movieworld in January with my family and this is one ride that my son could ACTUALLY ride and was really looking forward to. He loves Batman and is devastated that he will be unable to ride this. Whilst I do agree that the original BA1 is far superior to BA2, and that the ride DID require some changes or enhancements, I think that the timing of its closure is absolutely atrocious. Surely the ride could have been kept in being until after the school holiday peak and Green Lantern opening? I cannot fathom any strong reason why this could not have occured. To date, the ride count for Movieworld has remained static,even with new ride openings. We have now lost LTRR, BA2 and even Marvins Rocket ride ( can anyone shed some light on its demise??).Movieworld needs to expand its ride lineup not reduce or just replace. It desperately needs at least another 2 family orientated rides, another worthwile flat and at least one more "thrill" type ride before it can become a full day park. Very disappointed with this decision on BA2 rides closure. I must say, in the past 2 years, both Movieworld and Seaworld have been disappointing in their decision to refuse to maintain their current ridelineups whilst adding new attractions. In my mind, Themeparks need to grow and add to their attraction list, not merely close one and open another. In this aspect, I feel that our parks are behind the 8-ball with other parks from around the world. Just my 2 cents! :)

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Have to say that I totally agree with the overall sentiment in this thread. To me, I am feeling a little shortchanged. I will be visiting Movieworld in January with my family and this is one ride that my son could ACTUALLY ride and was really looking forward to. He loves Batman and is devastated that he will be unable to ride this. Whilst I do agree that the original BA1 is far superior to BA2, and that the ride DID require some changes or enhancements, I think that the timing of its closure is absolutely atrocious. Surely the ride could have been kept in being until after the school holiday peak and Green Lantern opening? I cannot fathom any strong reason why this could not have occured. To date, the ride count for Movieworld has remained static,even with new ride openings. We have now lost LTRR, BA2 and even Marvins Rocket ride ( can anyone shed some light on its demise??).Movieworld needs to expand its ride lineup not reduce or just replace. It desperately needs at least another 2 family orientated rides, another worthwile flat and at least one more "thrill" type ride before it can become a full day park. Very disappointed with this decision on BA2 rides closure. I must say, in the past 2 years, both Movieworld and Seaworld have been disappointing in their decision to refuse to maintain their current ridelineups whilst adding new attractions. In my mind, Themeparks need to grow and add to their attraction list, not merely close one and open another. In this aspect, I feel that our parks are behind the 8-ball with other parks from around the world. Just my 2 cents! :)

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