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Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster fire and lighting effects


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The current version is by MXPX, and is on the soundtrack for the movie.

The Simple Plan version is a theme for one of the incarnations of the cartoon.

As far using it in the Disco Room goes, yeah I guess it's 'rocking' enough for the ride, and it would probably work. I think the biggest issue is licensing. I suspect that Movie World hold the rights to the Scooby Doo Movie, but not the Scooby Doo cartoons, so that would require additional licensing.

So they just need to get the rights then? Well no, it's not always that simple. Remember, the cartoons and Movies are totally different 'universes', and WB and Hana Barbara would likely be resistant to mixing different incarnations of the character. I could be wrong and they may hold licenses for the Scooby Doo character as a whole but more often than not these things are treated differently.

Also from a purely nerdy point of view, there's the question if adding something from the cartoons would dilute the theme of the ride since it's based around the movie not the cartoon.

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Continuing your nerdy point of view - considering the movie (and the ride) are 10 years old, is the movie really relevant enough now to stay true to the theme (ala Wild Wild West) ?

If the licensing details could be overcome - changing Scoob up could be a worthwhile exercise - it's still one of the most popular all-round attractions in the park, and is generally the first with a long wait, despite being a "continuous load" attraction - Giving 'the doo' a little makeover could be just what the doctor ordered - especially since the theatrical cobwebs and dust are now being overrun by real cobwebs and dust...

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they didn't attack or anything just hovered in front of us as the train climbed. it was really weird too it looked like they weren't even moving just hovering there but we ascended. this was in the front seat btw but they couldn't keep up with the train once it dropped downward :lol:

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I rode Scooby Doo yesterday, the green laser was working the music was loud and they even had fog throughout the whole room. There was that much fog running that it even filled the "ring of fire" scene... and then about 15 minutes later the ride broke down haha. Some things never change with me and that ride. Honestly it was probably running the best that it had ran in over a year that i've seen it yesterday.

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yeah one laser that's all they put on now....

when i 1st ride it there were lasers everywhere and when you went into the snake turns the laser would look like it opened up letting you through. there also used to be a cool wormhole laser effect right before the last drop. the 1st time i went on i didn't know a drop was even there and it scared the shit out of me. but all those effects are gone now.

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  • 1 month later...

I think that scooby doo is due for a revamp, much like the wipeout is receiving now. If MW put in new animatronics and theming just to spruce things up it would add to the popularity of the ride and give it a longer life span for the future to come. The show room needs an complete overhaul with new lighting and effects. But that so just in my own opinion. And if they closed the ride for six to eight months this could be done quite easily.

Spotty, this is my fan girl moment. But what is it like to work at a theme park, is it fun or after a while do you get sick of going to theme parks whatsoever? Lastly what is the experience like?

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I think that scooby doo is due for a revamp, much like the wipeout is receiving now. If MW put in new animatronics and theming just to spruce things up it would add to the popularity of the ride and give it a longer life span for the future to come. The show room needs an complete overhaul with new lighting and effects. But that so just in my own opinion. And if they closed the ride for six to eight months this could be done quite easily.

It would be really good if they changed some of the track as well! It would be a welcome surprise to anyone who has been on it many times before

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I was thinking of that but it could be a huge inconvenience for the park because the existing track takes up practically all the room in the building so if they changed one piece of the track they would have to change a very large portion just to fit round the new piece. Which is extremely saddening. This could happen if the ride was closed for the same amount of time as the build was. But I really really doubt it.

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Out of curiosity, does anyone have a track layout for scooby with a guide as to how much of the building it takes up?

Gazza, you're normally really good at drawing this stuff up, care to have a crack at it?

Go on ridesims.com, one of their simulators is the coaster. It shows the layout anyway, not on a satellite image but it shows it none the less (and you can operate it).

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