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Arkham Asylum dismantling

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My thoughts: 

Arkham was going to go sooner or later. It opened over 20 years ago and was unreliable. I think when DCR was built, that severely lessened it's appeal. For the GP, they would rather go on something that is big, tall and fast then a 20 something year old coaster. People are going to be drawn to a landmark that stands out like DCR or SE as oppose to AA which was tucked away in a corner. In hindsight, when they added VR, it seems that it was a desperate attempt to keep the ride going for a bit longer. As for the replacement, I would really like them to build a Mad Max coaster. I would of personally liked VRTP to of saved the wood coaster for MW because it would fit the theme of Mad Max.

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Funny thing is, Arkham was always one of the more popular rides in the park which is why they gave it a new lease on life when the refresh was done from Lethal to Arkham. It was tossed around at that point in time of actually decommissioning the coaster at that stage. They knew that upgrading the control system and the braking system to magnetic brakes would only give the ride another 10 or so years so. I think they were expecting it to last a few more years than it did, but we saw what Kumbak trains did to Sea Viper... so this was to be expected TBH. 

Even though they used the same Vekoma chassis, I have a sneaking feeling the new hangers etc were actually heavier causing excess wear and tear, which is exactly what happened with Sea Viper. Only difference is that Sea Viper was much older, and in a much harsher environment to Arkham.

Honestly, I'm really going to miss it as it was one of my fave rides in the park and IMO the most intense coaster we had in Australia. Was also a great ride to work on back in the Lethal days, sadly I didn't get to work on it once it was retimed to Arkham.

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I think AA was still as popular and I think to most, it appears more intense than DCR and SE. All those inversion, speed and being suspended made it one intense coaster. Despite it causing physical pain when riding, it was a fantastic coaster and sad to see it go. I hope we see another coaster replace it that’s just as insane

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Loved LW/AA and bummed I haven’t been on it in a couple of years. Think my last ride was at white Xmas back in 2017 - it was a great coaster IMO and the revamp did alleviate the ear bashing that was annoying, and I didn’t experience the leg pain others mentioned - it was mildly uncomfortable in the brake run at worse for me. 

the intensity was certainly the highest of any coaster imo...


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17 hours ago, themagician said:

According to TPSN there will be announcement about its replacement next year.

I doubt we will here anything until 2022 at the earliest 

The new owners may be keen to splash a little cash, or at least forward plan with early announcements.

maybe an announcement at the end of financial year presentation for a 2022 opening 

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58 minutes ago, Smol bean said:

I know virtually everyone has said this but a new mad max is coming in 2023 so a mad max ride where Arkham was in 2023 could be good marketing for the new film 

No... the film will be good marketing for the ride. Films can spend as much as the ride cost on marketing. VRTP will be lucky to announce a ride let alone market it.

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9 hours ago, Smol bean said:

I know virtually everyone has said this but a new mad max is coming in 2023 so a mad max ride where Arkham was in 2023 could be good marketing for the new film 

Look man, i'm usually the last person to complain or even care about this sort of thing, but please proof read or something before you submit a reply. It is very hard to understand what you are saying or even trying to say sometimes due to a lack of punctuation and what not, and it makes it very hard to therefore have any sort of a constructive conversation with you and to an extent take what you have to say seriously. Your (and i think i speak on behalf of most people on here) opinions and comments are valid, interesting and appreciated by us as a community, just please for the sake of other users try work on a way to convey those without it coming out as jibberish. 👍🙂

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Historically speaking, whenever a theme park is bought out the new ownership tends to enjoy marking it's authority over its new purchase. I think we could expect something big installed for Arkham Asylum's replacement. It well and truly could be a B&M, Richard said something a bit ago about them being on Village's radar. Their coasters would add something valuable to Movie World's line up. A Mad Max theme might be pretty cool, but they'll probably just name the coaster after the newest Superhero movie like they always do.

Edited by Prequel
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7 hours ago, Prequel said:

Historically speaking, whenever a theme park is bought out the new ownership tends to enjoy marking it's authority over its new purchase. I think we could expect something big installed for Arkham Asylum's replacement. It well and truly could be a B&M, Richard said something a bit ago about them being on Village's radar. Their coasters would add something valuable to Movie World's line up. A Mad Max theme might be pretty cool, but they'll probably just name the coaster after the newest Superhero movie like they always do.

Historically speaking, you are the first comment for 2021 on Parkz! And I'm the lonely 2nd..... 😕

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11 hours ago, Prequel said:

It well and truly could be a B&M, Richard said something a bit ago about them being on Village's radar. Their coasters would add something valuable to Movie World's line up. A Mad Max theme might be pretty cool, but they'll probably just name the coaster after the newest Superhero movie like they always do.

On 11/11/2020 at 12:10 PM, Richard said:

I wouldn't describe Mack as affordable. These days there's essentially no daylight between them and say Intamin or B&M in terms of price.

B&M have been on the radar of Australian parks for quite some time now. They pitched for Rivals and have been on the list for AA's "billboard coaster" replacement. Price might have been a factor in the past but it isn't why we haven't seen one here yet.


Not entirely sure the criteria "must please enthusiasts" and "will have a significant impact on attendance and revenue" are actually different. Certainly the attractions our parks have built in the past decade or two that didn't please enthusiasts also didn't have a lasting impact on profitability, and conversely those that are beloved did. Scooby, Superman, Rivals versus Motocoaster, Doomsday or Buzzsaw... there's a reason our parks are happily dropping $30+ million on great coasters now.

Also I remember reading somewhere they were planning a move away from superhero rides for a bit? 


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1 hour ago, Ranger said:

What about Mad Max?

Or tom and jerry when the In my opinion bad looking movie comes out This February more kids will know who tom and jerry are. then movie world could bank off the new found knowledge of the ip by younger children Then make some kind of ride like a wild mouse.

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6 hours ago, Smol bean said:

Just say it’s a mouse wild and say that it’s a new ride and the gp won’t bat an eye

The general public aren't stupid, this sentiment is a stain on the community in my opinion. Just because they aren't interested in the latest and greatest of theme park developments, does not at all mean something like that will fly over their heads. They'd be the first people to point out that they are the exact same ride.

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15 hours ago, Ranger said:

What about Mad Max?

That gives them a single ride theme at best. Also if you look at Mad Max then a brand like Superman, the level of popularity and notoriety is much different. They need a solid theme that will hold up a ride for 10+ years. After 10 years Mad Max could be just another cult hit from the past whereas DC are still pumping out related content for another 100 years. 

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