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Movieworld 30 Year Anniversary Celebration Predictions


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Happy Birthday Movie World 🎉 

I know this is a corny question, but I’m generally interested to know. Genuinely, what’s everyone’s favourite attraction in the parks history?

For me it would be the Looney Tunes River Ride. I have some many fun memories from that ride, especially as a kid. It had such a good story, the pre-show was so cool and it had a bit of thrill to it as well. I genuinely wish the park would explore this type of attraction again because it’s what the park needs.

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56 minutes ago, themagician said:

I know this is a corny question, but I’m generally interested to know. Genuinely, what’s everyone’s favourite attraction in the parks history?

In order, the Batman Adventure (both 1 & 2), The Studio tour (to the Batman sound stage) and Looney Tunes River Ride.

Growing up I loved the Batman movies (particularly Batman Forever and Batman & Robin) so the Studio Tour blew my mind, and like any kid Space Jam was the king of all movies.


Obviously DC Rivals, Superman Escape and (unpopular opinion) Green Lantern are 1000% better rides in my book but those original 3 made a huge impact on me as a kid, and are my strongest memories.

Edited by Naazon
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My favourite ride was always lethal weapon/Arkham asylum, I know a lot of people hated it for it’s roughness but I loved the ride in it’s original form. Lethal weapons was great when it had the pre ride video, walk thru the  junk yard and it’s two trains, was a fast ride with heaps of different elements. 

looney tunes river ride second best 

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14 hours ago, Coasterlife said:

30th Anniversary shirts are now available at the park for $30

Credit (TPSN)

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 6.12.55 pm.png

Hey folks! Check out all the really awesome stuff this park used to have!

1 hour ago, Coasterlife said:

This photo is from bikash’s Instagram story and shows that the new Hollywood sign lights up!


I mean, its all cool and everything when they add lighting packages to things, but when you close at 5pm 90% of the time, it just seems like such a waste of money.

As for favourites - 

1 hour ago, themagician said:

I know this is a corny question, but I’m generally interested to know. Genuinely, what’s everyone’s favourite attraction in the parks history?

In this order, the Western Stunt Show, the SFX Show, and the gravity homestead. LTRR comes in a close fourth, and (as a kid) the touchscreen carrots. (kids today have no idea).

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15 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I mean, its all cool and everything when they add lighting packages to things, but when you close at 5pm 90% of the time, it just seems like such a waste of money.

The park will be closing at 6pm for the event correct?

And being winter it is dusk from around 4:30 and will be visible from then so I think its fine.

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3 hours ago, themagician said:

I know this is a corny question, but I’m generally interested to know. Genuinely, what’s everyone’s favourite attraction in the parks history?

The first time I went there it was the Batman ride. I wasn't quite sure why at the time, but I still to this day remember being absolutely blown away by the quality of the video on the screens in the library seen. Turns out they were HD screens a long time before they were mainstream consumer devices. 

Years later when I went with my wife, I was chosen for the Memphis Belle segment of the Studio Tour. I'm a big guy (tall and wide, a winning combination), so the jacket only came half way down my torso and the hat balanced on my head instead of going over it. I imagine I looked completely ridiculous, but at least it would have been entertaining to everyone else.

Honourable mention to the Road Runner Coaster, which was my then 4-year-old's favourite ride at all three of the parks we went to. She went on it probably 7 times in a row. She has a good time = I have a good time.

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The two rides I have the most nostalgia for are Scooby Doo and Wild Wild West, I use to be terrified of anything that looked big, scary and went upside down. 

My favourite trip to Movie World would have been nearly a decade ago, no clue on the year. But It was my first time back since I was a toddler. It was a rainy day, and without my mother for protection, my father decided it was a great time to get me on some of the bigger rides. He got me on Superman Escape and Batwing, at the time that was the worst experiences of my life. I didn't open my eyes once on Superman, and I have never been more terrified for my life on Batwing. 

Then when the park was deserted, I was able to have constant rides of Scooby-Doo. Which was definitely my therapy session for that day, my younger self enjoyed that much more.

Now, obviously DC Rivals is my favourite ride. But the first time you remember experiences those forces are definitely my favourite. 

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8 minutes ago, Coasterlife said:

Can confirm It is a new permanent addition 

until they stick a xmas tree on top of it. 

Driving past on the M1 today, it did take me back to something i raised probably a year or two back now - surely they can do something better with the entry sign? Its dated, faded, unwelcoming for mine. Maybe because I've been looking at it for 20 years, but i reckon they could do better, and the 30th anniversary would have been a great opportunity for an update to something more modern and flashy 

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23 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

until they stick a xmas tree on top of it. 

Driving past on the M1 today, it did take me back to something i raised probably a year or two back now - surely they can do something better with the entry sign? Its dated, faded, unwelcoming for mine. Maybe because I've been looking at it for 20 years, but i reckon they could do better, and the 30th anniversary would have been a great opportunity for an update to something more modern and flashy 

My hope is that stuff like the golden Bugs Bunny drills home the message that all of our parks should be constantly striving to improve and look after everything over time, and not just replacing stuff when it breaks. As an example of this would be Disneyland's facades - back when the park first opened they were nice but no where near as nice as they are today. Little improvements over time all add up to become greater than the sum of the parts.

Can you imagine if their team got together once a quarter and went "okay, what's a way that's going to improve something that won't drive gate directly but will make this place keep being better?"

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4 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

That's my point though - this sign, which is apparently permanent, has been designed to have intelligent lighting inside it, which will only be seen during night events. To me it seems like a waste. 


I'm so lost as to the reasoning behind why you think this is bad. We've seen increasingly that they're opening up the park later, and night time events are clearly part of the long term future plans for the park. Why would adding something permanently that lights up and also looks good during the day be a waste?


Best attraction is obviously open to huge amounts of debate, but Superman, Rivals, West and Scooby to me are about the best rides the park has ever had. I think there is room for a slow dark ride to be added; of the 4 the park has had (Toons, Gremlins, Batman Justice Leauge), JL is unfortunately the weakest. Add another ride like that which takes a solid 20mins to go through and has a proper preshow/story and I think the balance of the park is close to being spot on.


The only things I miss from the old days are the 2 opening day Stunt Shows (which I would instantly forget if HSD was good) and the studio tour. Everything else that's gone was very 'meh' to me. 

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