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December 'ride'


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When I was there ( a few weeks ago) they had signage all around blue lagoon saying something along the lines of blue lagoon is permanently (sorry for incorrect spelling) closed and making way for a, and i quote, AN EXCITING NEW ATTRACTION, but hey, they probly just saying that. Yeah the slab was does when I was there and some workers were around the base of the mountain.

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Seriously? This sounds pathetic if you ask me. What a waste of land. The area could be utilised well for a decent Haunted shack/Ghost Train attraction, water coaster or roller-coaster. The closer we get to the end of the year, the more my greatest fears become realised: DW is doing something LAME AGAIN. As someone already said, that's what you get when you leave the place up to a bank to run.

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I finally got a reply from Dreamworld but there is no help - There is a new attraction going in where the Blue Lagoon was but i cannot tell you what it is at this stage. It will be opening sometime in December 2006. Please keep an eye on our website for updates. - I will send them another email later in the year to see if they are going to reveal what the attraction is.

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With less than two months to go (if they open it on the 26th of December) this attraction is looking less and less cool. Whatever goes onto that concrete slab is going to look ridiculously out of place . There is still rock work and slides left over from Blue Lagoon. If the Blue Lagoon attraction has closed why not remove everything? Argh. They're such a frustrating park. Unless disappointment is your thing I doubt there's much of a reason to get excited over this.

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Haha so true Adam... I totally agree. I really think we are going to get something rather sad plonked on the concrete slab and I have a feeling that it is once again going to be an attempt to 'diversify' Dreamworld and steer away from the traditional theme park. I'd like to see DW shift their focus back to where it should be but I just don't see it happening at the moment

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Good to finally hear about this. And what a surprise Dreamworld is building another walk-thru attraction (sarcasm). Well it certainly confirms everything we were thinking. I think we all knew it was going to be something lame like an animal attraction, a 'recreational' attraction or a walk -thru keeping in with Dreamworld's recent passion for NO CAPITAL EXPENDITURE. Such a shame. In saying that though, I know that this company creates very popular walk-thru attractions and it will probably go down well. So I am certainly not totally against it but it is no substitute for a real ride. I'm assuming this is only going to be temporary too, do you think? What concerns me is that they are holding auditions for actors on the 26th of November and the attractions opens 2nd December. So that gives them no time for rehearsals. Dreamworld are going to have to pull some pretty major stuff out next year or forget it

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I've been witholding publishing this news until Dreamworld or another public source release the information properly, but expect it to be very similar to their previous attractions at Dreamworld (Lynton V. Harris produced Tomb Raider in Gum Tree Gully a few years back and The Mummy before that). It'll only be a seasonal attraction as an added bonus to help handle excess crowds, especially since the closure of Blue Lagoon. I'm not sure 'tacky' is the right word, but they're typically fairly low-key inside with all the staples of a walkthrough haunted house. Staff training isn't really an issue. It's anything but a theatrical masterpiece. There's a few simple scares that they'll be taught as well as some basic operational skills. I don't mind this style of attraction. Know that they're certainly not installing it in place of what could have been a major attraction - it's just a filler as they've done in the past.

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Oh, are you serious!! :o:angry: . This is just stupid. Another walk-thru attraction like Tomb Raider. I really hope this thing is absoulutely the best haunted house/dark-ride or else! Dreamworld has fallen to an all time low with this attraction. :unsure: Really, I hope your right GoGoBoy about how good they are. And I also hope they leave it open as a full-time attraction (providing there is enough people visiting the ride). Anyway, another "recreational attraction" is not what Dreamworld needs. It's new flaties or new coasters, Dreamworld should know that by now. When will Dreamworld get it through their THICK HEADS!!! :blink::o

Edited by Coaster Boy 6
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Yay! I guessed right without knowing, awesome! Yeah, its cheap, probably won't suck up that many people, at least nothing compared to whar Blue Lagoon offered (Genrally these things run into the low hundereds in terms of PPH), but given how good DW has become at hyping stuff up, it'll probably do well. The Tomb Raider walk through had a bigger build up then any Village attraction I can think of (with the possible exception of the Polar Bears) and assuming a similar situation here, I wouldn't be surprised if numbers stay effectivly steady for another year despite not having a new ride, and the loss of Blue Lagoon.

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The thing I would like to know is how long it will be there, and if it will be there in June/ July 2007. As it has been said, this could only be here for the Summer, but if you remember Tomb Raider was only supposed to be there for the summer, and it was extended. In regards to what the attraction is, I really don't have a problem with a Walk Through. It should be good.

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There is a job add in today's paper. Here is the clipping. I always loved those walk through mazes, the best was The Mummy. I did the Van Helsing one at universal studios Hollywood and it sucked. http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/779/dwn...tractionqv2.jpg

Edited by mattcrombie
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reading the job article, I would say that it has been mis-read as per the starting date. best bet is the "Starting date" of 2nd december would be when they will commence the rehearsals and scream schools. My money is on opening day being either start of school holidays or boxing day. If it is boxing day, that gives construction for about 45 days give or take from now, which is plenty of time for it, if you consider the company that does this, does it regularly and would have most of the equipment and materials they need. So auditions around the 26th i think? leaves them a month for training. plenty of time...

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