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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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^ You post doesn't even make sense, someone else posted pretty much counter arguing all of your points and you say they had an "Epic Fail" I really don't see how. I contemplating deleting your pointless post but its more fun to leave it for others to see.

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Holy back on topic Batman... Having seen the new train myself I can confirm it is Kumbak, these are the details MW sent to selected online media

  • [*]Arkham Asylum – Shock Therapy - A new experience is opening at Movie World
    • [*]The coaster is the world’s first ride themed around the very popular Arkham Asylum game
      • [*]This exciting new ride will reach speeds of up to 85kmh and pull 4.2Gs
        • [*]The ride will feature 5 gut wrenching inversions as well as on-board audio
          • [*]Riders will need to beware as The Joker tries to takeover Gotham City
            • [*]Speed= 85km/hr
              • [*]Height= 32 metres approx
                • [*]G Forces= 4.2Gs
                  • [*]Track Length= 765m
                    • [*]Ride Duration= 120 seconds approx (station to station)
                      • [*]Height Restriction = 140cm
                        • [*]Number of inversions= 5
                          • [*]First of its kind in the world
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Holy back on topic Batman... Having seen the new train myself I can confirm it is Kumbak, these are the details MW sent to selected online media

  • [*]Arkham Asylum – Shock Therapy - A new experience is opening at Movie World
    • [*]The coaster is the world’s first ride themed around the very popular Arkham Asylum game
      • [*]This exciting new ride will reach speeds of up to 85kmh and pull 4.2Gs
        • [*]The ride will feature 5 gut wrenching inversions as well as on-board audio
          • [*]Riders will need to beware as The Joker tries to takeover Gotham City
            • [*]Speed= 85km/hr
              • [*]Height= 32 metres approx
                • [*]G Forces= 4.2Gs
                  • [*]Track Length= 765m
                    • [*]Ride Duration= 120 seconds approx (station to station)
                      • [*]Height Restriction = 140cm
                        • [*]Number of inversions= 5
                          • [*]First of its kind in the world
I'm not a rollercoaster expert in the slightest so I'm wondering how a ride that is still the same but with different restraints can be faster than what it once was :S
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^ Agreed. I don't really mind the subject of the themeing, just as long as they do it well. I'm not a massive movie buff, but themes based on movies are better than themes not based on movies (ie the rides in Dream world). I'm a little miffed I never got to ride the Gremlins ride as it looked really well done (and that's coming from someone who recently watched the movie and thought it was 80's trash lol).

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I'm not a rollercoaster expert in the slightest so I'm wondering how a ride that is still the same but with different restraints can be faster than what it once was :S

Well I thought it always did 85kph, but it could possibly be slightly faster as the trains may be lighter. Edited by djrappa
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Yeah, 2 thumbs up from me. Even if the trains don't track any smoother, this type of harness makes a world of difference. Battlestar Galactica was rough, but since your head didn't hit anything, it was actually fun. But this looks even more mental...far more upper body movement, and no bar on one side! PS, update, and I'm putting it in colour because then people wont skim read it. The dilapidated building facade has been taken off the tower.

I'm not a rollercoaster expert in the slightest so I'm wondering how a ride that is still the same but with different restraints can be faster than what it once was :S

The new train might have lower rolling resistance?

I'm not a massive movie buff, but themes based on movies are better than themes not based on movies

What about the rides Efteling and Alton Towers do? Or the rides at Disney not based on films (Pirates of the Carribean, Space Mountain, Big Thunder, Journey to the Center of the Earth etc?)

So the cars are themed to electric chairs? It's certainly an interesting touch and justifies the handles. I wonder whether it can actually give you a shock?

Would be cool if the handles measured your pulse during the ride like on Blue Fire at Europa.

The front of the park is becoming the go to area and its all based in the o spot at the gates. Time to spread things out a bit.

On the flip side, I reckon the area around Lethal has long been a dead zone.

even if it was of the same colour to make it look fresh

Why does it need to look fresh? Its current paint is not that old, and still glossy!

I like the look of the new train. Now instead of bashing our heads, we're just going to snap our necks

lol. But seriously, on vest restraints on coasters they tend to put seatbelt tensioners at the back, so it sits snug on you, so no opportuinity for the harness to sit higher and cause 'neck cutting' (Like on Intamin accelerator restraints)

Lol, I'm gonna get banned for saying epic fail?

No, youd get banned for being a knob all the time and not making interesting posts (just trolling). Quit it.

the commoners are stupid people that don't care greatly for the art of film. You people will do anything for a cheap thrill.

Maybe people want a thrill because its a theme park? If you want a place purely about the art of film, have you ever been to http://qag.qld.gov.au/cinematheque or http://www.acmi.net.au/

I would tie Arkham Asylum with the Batman movies and not a video game. Even if it was just referencing the video games, who cares?

Bang on. Haters;...All the characters come from the same pot. The video games would never have been produced if Batman/Joker etc weren't popular IPs. Ever consider that? For people that follow video games, Arkham would be fresh in their mind. For people who have seen the films/read the comics, Arkham is still going to make sense. Edited by Gazza
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To Gazza - I haven't been to Disneyland so I haven't experienced those attractions, but I guess if you have a decent enough budget and some creative people on board, a ride could be made themed well on its own. I just haven't seen anything executed that well here in Aus, except Bermuda Triangle.

Edited by djrappa
moderators can take care of the moderating
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PS, update, and I'm putting it in colour because then people wont skim read it. The dilapidated building facade has been taken off the tower.

Glad to hear something's going on. Although to be honest I'm slightly surprised they are removing the dilapidated building facade... I was just thinking today that they might leave it as it could be re-used as 'asylum theming'. Hopefully this means they have bigger plans
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lol. But seriously, on vest restraints on coasters they tend to put seatbelt tensioners at the back, so it sits snug on you, so no opportuinity for the harness to sit higher and cause 'neck cutting' (Like on Intamin accelerator restraints)

I thought this might be the case. But unlike the existing Intamin and Vekoma chest hugging restraint designs, these seem very thin. In fact they almost mimic a car seat belt material, or a full body harness used when parachuting. It probably won't cause 'neck cutting', but still I wonder if this will be comfortable? Maybe One Day Holiday can describe those vest type restraints, considering he's seen the train :) I think the themeing choice and name is pretty creative! The idea of themeing the trains to electric chairs with the handles and the electrified head caps is brilliant. loving the little details like that! Expectations so far have been met, let's just hope Movieworld follows up this announcement with some great themeing and storyline as per the website. Edited by Luke
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I'm not a rollercoaster expert in the slightest so I'm wondering how a ride that is still the same but with different restraints can be faster than what it once was :S

Well I thought it always did 85kph, but it could possibly be slightly faster as the trains may be lighter.

Pretty much bang on. i thought i'd quoted Gazza too, but it didn't come through - anyway - computer modelling would be able to indicate a change in speed - lighter \ heavier cars, less rolling resistance - perhaps they know the figure for certain based on other models already in service? Edited by djrappa
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I'd go with change of weight of the trains too if the speed has changed. As for tracking and friction, that concept art actually looks likes the same rolling stock/wheel bogies as the old train so I doubt much will be different here. It's the new seats that will make the difference.

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Does anyone know what type of budget they're working with? Imo they cut a lot of the budget from the GL themeing to make way for this. I'd say $2 million. Or is that way off base?

Movie World general manager Bob White said more than $2 million would be sunk into the new attraction...

http://www.goldcoast...urism-news.html Bear in mind, a large portion of this would have been spent on the train(s).
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perhaps they know the figure for certain based on other models already in service?

I don't think theres currently an SLC with the KumbaK trains? Though I may be wrong. Im quite pleasantly surprised with how the actual trains look, as KumbaK trains are known for being very ugly. The seatbelt chest restraints look a bit odd, hoping its rubber or something a bit more substantial and less uncomfortable than seatbelt material.
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Why does it need to be anything but seatbelt material? It's comfortable enough for: Aircraft Family Cars Fall Arrest \ Travel Restraint harness systems (which include over-the-shoulders, through the legs, around the waist) Race Cars (in a 4 point harness which includes over-the-shoulders) ...and many more. Why is it uncomfortable? Is it because your exposure to the material is in a car that doesn't have adjustable lap-sash seatbelts, and so the webbing cuts across your neck? If thats your only whinge - a 4 point harness (which this is similar to) comes over the meat of your shoulder, and it isn't diagonal, so it isn't going to cut in across the neck. Provided the webbing is mounted low enough, the webbing should come up slightly, before it curves over your shoulder and down your front - seatbelts are designed, and meant to sit across the meat of your shoulder - not bone or neck.

Edited by AlexB
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http://www.goldcoast...urism-news.html Bear in mind, a large portion of this would have been spent on the train(s).

Thanks very much for the article. Can always rely on you for the good stuff themeparkgc. As far as I'm aware, this is the first time the park has actually referred to a new 'superhero hub'. I mean we all knew it was happening, but until now they haven't acknowledged it as such. Looking forward to the end of this year/beginning of next year - Movie World has given me a very good reason to finally make a return trip to the Gold Coast
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