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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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Just on the ads, I find it a little misleading that the ads say 'new coaster' instead of 'new coaster experience'. I realise they're completely redoing the theme, and the trains, but it's still the same track and layout. When Sea Viper launched, it was marketed as a 'new coaster experience' and it still proved popular. I also saw on Seven News tonight they had some footage and a short story on the Dreamworks area at Dreamworld. A similar message was put out by the newscast - 'each land will open with 7 new rides'... they're not new, they're rethemed, revamped, relocated, but not new (well a few are, but most aren't). If thats the biggest whinge I can make about the parks, then it's a good day - but imagine those people who don't visit regularly, or follow the parks like we do, going - "well, there are 14 new rides opening next weekend at dreamworld, and a NEW COASTER at movie world - WOW! let's go..........oh... thats the same thing that was here last time.... *disappointed"

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^ If VRTP's marketing (that includes Digital Marketing) sucks so bad, you should really stop posting/asking questions on their Facebook Pages ;) Anyway back on topic, further work on the entrance has been done and you will all be happy to hear it is in not a 2D wallpaper :) No photos unfortunately.

Edited by One day holiday
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In my opinion I don't mind the 2D themeing of Movie World, Thats one thing i always found interesting going there as a child, seeing something that looks real from a distance but up close it isn't (Much like actual Movie Making- its all illusions) - its not like this is new look at Wayne Manor, the Forced Perspective Alley in main st., the mural in Wild West area. All 2d effects which show the illusion of movie making and the later two are very popular photo ops for tourists.

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This is actually a very good point which you make. I think the idea has been lost over the years (probably just as much by the park as by guests) that the park is meant to be about 'making' movies, not being in the worlds they portray. The whole concept of making something seem real even though it's fake is a little bit of what the park is/was about. It is actually pretty cool to see that tower loom over the park from out front only to discover things are not all they seem up close, that's the magic of the movies. For your point I think the style of how this tower has been constructed does indeed get a pass.

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This is actually a very good point which you make. I think the idea has been lost over the years (probably just as much by the park as by guests) that the park is meant to be about 'making' movies, not being in the worlds they portray. The whole concept of making something seem real even though it's fake is a little bit of what the park is/was about. It is actually pretty cool to see that tower loom over the park from out front only to discover things are not all they seem up close, that's the magic of the movies. For your point I think the style of how this tower has been constructed does indeed get a pass.

Hmmm I wonder if that's a bit of a stretch considering Movie World has in recent times virtually 'given up' on the movie theme. Also, this particular ride is completely based on the game and has nothing to do with the movies. So, are you guys giving them a get out of jail free card when they probably shouldn't get one? My guess is the 2D theming has come down to recent budget cuts rather than trying to make it look like a movie set. Afterall, Green Lantern's theming had absolutely nothing to do with any movie or movie-related concept Edited by GoGoBoy
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What I'm saying is the park had its origins in movie making and everything used to be done like movies. Look around the park, you can see the back of facades everywhere. Nothing is build to be real. Over the years with attractions changing I think we've kinda forgot about all that but in the past this would have been totally acceptable.

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Ride entrance seems to be on the side not the front as this section has been done up and looks great I'm abit confused about the old entrance now I will post this entrance later

I saw your pictures on TZA facebook (pretty sure they are yours haha). Great Photos. I'm also confused..why repaint the railings and paint the building if your not even entering the building there when it even says welcome to the jokers funhouse. Maybe this will only be a temporary entrance? While China Town is being complete..
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That's what confused me but this entrance look really well done so it doesn't look temp also it looks as if they want us to exit out the back of Arkham near superman escape I'm trying to get thru to upper management to find out what's happen. On a different note to batman jetboat is gone not sure where to but the section it was in is now empty and no signs for it anymore

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Could it be the new Fast Track entrance?

Good point. But I dont think they would build a fast track entrance when they are trialing it this week. If it fails, then there would be no point for that entrance.

On a different note to batman jetboat is gone not sure where to but the section it was in is now empty and no signs for it anymore

Possibly using for themeing for Arkham Asylum? Maybe even the Spring Attraction? Time will tell.
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So what's happening tomorrow? Is it opening for sure or is it going to be a disappointment like the slow openings of the Green Lantern.

Soft opening. But considering that it's not an entirely new rollercoaster, the chances of it braking down for long periods (like Green Lantern did) are much smaller. Maybe problems with the new train and the brake run....can't think of anything else that might stop it tomorrow. Maybe effects like audio on the trains, and also if there is queue line themeing, it might be out of action...that's what soft openings are for.

Ride entrance seems to be on the side not the front as this section has been done up and looks great I'm abit confused about the old entrance now I will post this entrance later

According to Thrill Zone's fb page, that is where the entrance will be staying. Seems a little strange though that the china town area and old lethal entrance is going to be re themed completely; lots of time and money spent. Yet there is no need to go through it, because the entrance is right next to Superman :huh:

Although....just had a thought. If Thrill Zone is also correct about the cinema being changed into a 'walk though' of sorts, maybe the line will be mostly outside because you could only have a small group go through the 'walkthrough' queue each time. Similar to how Lethal Weapon first operated; queue outside, let a group of people into the pre-show cinema and then onto the ride. If this is the case, then the queue would have to swing around the corner and into the existing switchbacks. Hmm I hope it does work like this somehow. Maybe they are recycling last years Arkham Asylum haunt maze for the queue??! An attraction in an attraction effectively.

Edited by Luke
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