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Movie World new ride: JUSTICE LEAGUE: Alien Invasion 3D.


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Just got off the ride... Themeing is amazing, little disappointed with the "manequin" look of the people on the street scene, but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed it. First time score = 73,395. Lasers turned off before the final scene. Also spoke to a supervisor and queried the bracelet scanner and was told that it was for a new on ride photo system they will be putting in place on various rides. It will log the photo id with the bracelet making it easier to view and purchase your photos. There is currently no plan to put in a way of storing your score or having a leaderboard for the day of scores, not even a score of the day. A little off topic but from the same supervisor, they will be moving the entrance for GL back to the doorframe leading into the area with the Green Lantern Corps in an effort to remove the current issue of people jumping the chain near this area.

Edited by Wyncenuros
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Make it 4... The image on the commercial is Justice League: Alien Invasion 3D - The Ride.

And I've just noticed that the Movie World website listing for this ride has 3 different names for it on the same page! It has TWO logos in the header, each with different names. Then the main text/copy refers to a different name again. For such a decent ride, I can't help but think the marketing has fallen short. No sign of any advertising for either of the new attractions (Constrictor, Justice League) down here in NSW either
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I rode this the other day and thought that while the themeing was fantastic, it had a few issues issues that unfortunately took away from the overall experience. While I have ridden Transformers in SIN and Men in Black and Buzz Lightyear, I understand this ride was never built to the same caliber as these rides. Here were my running thoughts: - The entrance looks really good. The first room looks great, although the walls are starting to chip in places already. - The second room (main queue switchback) room looks quite average. Not a huge fan of the Lego blocks. The projection of Batman is no where near loud enough though. - The overall ride themeing was great, but the static props were a little strange. Not used to seeing that on a ride of this scale. But still, I didn't let that take away from the overall experience. - I found that shooting the targets was a little hit and miss. Some targets made the gun vibrate and some didn't (perhaps the screen targets aren't meant to), as well as some hits didn't turn the targets 'off'. - The 3D screen targets were WAY too fast. - The projector over the doors between rooms looks weird. You can see the edge of the projection. I'd rather see pitch black. - The sync issues really need to be sorted out (which I assume is being worked on). The fog machines also need to be resynced. - I hate it when I see the screens turn on/off in front of me. - The sound needs to be worked on. It's not loud enough.

Edited by ash.1111
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I rode this the other day and thought that while the themeing was fantastic, it had a few issues issues that unfortunately took away from the overall experience. While I have ridden Transformers in SIN and Men in Black and Buzz Lightyear, I understand this ride was never built to the same caliber as these rides. Here were my running thoughts:

Couldn't agree more with you. Went on it today. First room looked great. Second room looked like shit. I'd say that at least 70% of the targets didn't work at all. 3D screens were definitely too fast. We lined up for a while and in that time the ride stopped about 3 times so the ride was run empty.
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I'd just like to point out that when you are shooting at a non 3D target and you hit it, the gun will vibrate. If this doesn't happen it means you were shooting at it the same time as someone in your car and they shot it faster than you. The 3D targets when you hit them, don't vibrate but you still get points.

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I was at movieworld today, bad day for JL for me! WOW. I went on it twice today. The first time my gun did not work, I was shooting straight at the targets and nothing. I was around about the 5th scene on only 450 points. I decided to rage quit and put my gun down in the holster. BUT! Apparently when your gun is in the holster is hits targets? I looked down 1 scene later and it was on around 4000, WHAT! Clearly a wierd second experience for me. The second time my gun seemed to be cutting in and out. I was doing fairly good. Some scenes seemed to not be responsive with any of our guns in the car. I was in the back on my own, so there was a free gun next to me. At about the 7th - 8th scene I checked my score. It was around 20000. Then I saw that the gun in the holster next to me, that no one had been using was on 22000. Really? O.o I guess I'm starting to reconcider my statement I said above... Hibino, I now know what it feels like when the ride is being GAYY! Although saying this my first experience was great so you just gotta hope everything is in top shape for a good ride :P

Edited by xRazzBerryx
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Something to note is that although you can just hold the trigger down to keep shooting, doing so does not actually act as a 'shot'. I noticed with my gun you do have to press, release, press, to keep shooting and have it 'work' on the target. Makes the game fairer, IMO.

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I think maybe one of the things that caused the targets to stuff up were the timing. In some scenes our car would just randomly stop in the middle for about 5 seconds. I'm guessing this is because our car was catching up to another one? Or something? Not sure, I just thought they all went the same speed :S I noticed 1 good thing though, If you want a short line for JL go at the end of the day (around 4 I got on and it was about a 5 min wait).

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"Terra Nova Props Go on Sale Tommorow" http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2012/05/18/416641_more-gold-coast-gig-guide.html Good pickup though! One thing I did notice with the alien scanner is that it did seem a bit more lightweight than what you normally find in theme parks (So bored guests don't destroy the theming) I do hope that piece of theming survives though, but if it does get damaged at least the main alien scanner with the led lights is built into the wall, would remain. For what it's worth though, I'm not opposed to recyling theming so long as "the shoe fits", in this case, definitely, looks like a futuristic scanner thingy. At Disneyland in star tours for instance, that talking security robot actually used to be a duck/goose in splash mountain.

Edited by Gazza
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I was just comparing the POV of the ride with John Wood with some of the others and it seems to me like there were far more sound effects (including dialogue and ambient noises) in the John Wood version. It also seemed like there were far more active animatronics and the timing all seemed to be in better synch. Does anyone who has been on the ride recently have any thoughts on this? It'd be a shame if they'd already lost some of the effects!!

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Rode JL last night at Fright Night. Enjoyed it. There was a sign posted out the front indicating the ride is under 'technical rehearsal' and many of the targets on the ride were not functioning and sometimes the gun vibrated and sometimes it didn't. I'm confident Sally Corp will work on correcting these issues. They were also only operating every second car on the track. I did like the digital projection on fog effect that was quite cool. Also the sound of the scanner at the ride entrance seemed to grind on some of my friends but I didn't mind to much. I think it's a fun ride that just needs some of the bugs fixed.

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Okay okay. I'm probably being unreasonable lol I appreciate that it's a great ride that's a lot more technically advanced and well themed than anything we have or have ever had here. I just really hope Movieworld don't live up to their reputation of letting rides deteriorate.

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