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Doomsday Destroyer - reviews and feedback

Theme Park Girl

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7 hours ago, Santa07 said:

Pallarax is really the only thing in the area that is underwhelming... might've been easier to leave him out and keep Sinestro by himself because all he looks like is an oversized bug.

Totally agree...  However my 4 yo son absolutely loves destroying that car over and over

Im liking Captain Cold...  More just for solving the puzzle right when someone is taking a photo at the back of the truck...

Appearance wise though has to be between Poison Ivy and Scarecrow...

Edited by MaxxTheMonster
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One thing I witnessed a lot today was kids climbing on Killer Croc and their parents taking photos...  Staff had seen the kid climb on but were standing there and waiting for the parent to take the photo before telling the kids to get off...  So...  We can or can't climb on them?

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I don't think won't be long until they will put a fence around him, when I was Thursday staff didn't care that kids were on him today was a different story as I also witnessed kids being told off by staff for climbing on him. 

Edited by Theme Park Ninja
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TBH he is a little hidden away between the truck and Joker and Harley...  Plants also block easy view to the screens...  Sorry...  Tried on phone and computer to rotate the image...  Didn't want to play along...



Yet this one worked fine...

Captain Cold.jpg


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15 minutes ago, JaggedJanine said:

The thing with this area now is that we have now posted photos of everything so photos are now getting repetitive. Im struggling to get photos of stuff that are a little different to what everyone else has already posted.

Says the girl who's at the park almost daily and still posts plenty of photos.

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40 minutes ago, Theme Park Girl said:

You jump on the spot and it causes an earthquake which breaks things. I included footage of it in my video from last night up there ^ ?

It's around the 11 minute mark. 

Perfect, thank you for that. I missed that video originally -- I was thinking it was just a repeat of the opening/launch show (which I had seen through Movie World's Facebook Live), but you gave a great tour of the whole area.

I noticed there was smoke rising from a grate next to Destroyer... was this just for the launch night only or does it run during the day? It's a nice effect as it gives the area that New Yorkey feel.

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31 minutes ago, JaggedJanine said:

The thing with this area now is that we have now posted photos of everything so photos are now getting repetitive. Im struggling to get photos of stuff that are a little different to what everyone else has already posted.

This is why I haven't posted my photos.

Only one I have that's slightly different is this one as it's got a worker doing some final touches to Ivy in the corner (wasn't initially my intention to get him in the shot so that's why he's only half-visible), although the sunlight absolutely destroys the upper half.


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Has anybody else seen the effect working inside of the ring on DD?  I did see it running today and wondered if that is the final effect or if it’s not finished.  When I first walked into the area I thought they hadn’t finished it and it wasn’t going.  When I stood right next to it I could see it going but you had to look at the outlet to see anything.  I didn't get to ride, like @Brad2912 it was daddy, child day. I did see  @Theme Park Girl :oand was going to go up and ask her to babysit but the whole time in there my daughter was covering her face with her hat and pointing to the exit.

She thinks it's not the best place for a 2-year-old girl.

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2 hours ago, YLFATEEKS said:

@Theme Park Ninja Do you never take the wristband off once you purchased it?   Can you go deep undercover further utilising some of your ninja skills and find out the process of re-using your wristband.  Or you could just enjoy your day and get in as many rides as you can.  Either way I’m easy.

I assume they are more like magic bands - RFID chip inside a relatively durable strap of some sort that can be reused - just as the Harry Potter wands can be reused on return trips.


43 minutes ago, SuperBat_90 said:

I don't think going to the park everyday and uploading photos makes you an employee.. 

I think @Brad2912's comment was because @Theme Park Ninja said 'fellow worker'. The use of the word 'fellow' indicates that the other person is of similar standing to the person speaking - ie: "my fellow americans" implies the speaker, and the listeners are all american.

If you were to say 'a fellow cyclist and I' implies you are both cyclists.

So saying 'a fellow worker' implies you are both workers.

If the 'worker', being the other person, was a dude, you could say 'a worker fellow', but thats a little old school these days. ;):lol:

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I went back again yesterday and unfortunately you can no longer use any of the supervilian attractions unless you BUY a wristband!

Oh well. It was good while it lasted!

Hopefully once it's all paid for they'll make it free, as they did with the high ropes course at sea world. 

In the meantime, it's just somewhere you can watch rich tourists having fun. 

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^I had some network issues at work on thursday, and my workstation has been left on over the weekend waiting for the IT guys to restore it. Seems this went through once the network was restored - but i can't seem to edit it now. Oh well.

1 minute ago, pushbutton said:

I went back again yesterday and unfortunately you can no longer use any of the supervilian attractions unless you BUY a wristband!

Oh well. It was good while it lasted!

Hopefully once it's all paid for they'll make it free, as they did with the high ropes course at sea world. 

In the meantime, it's just somewhere you can watch rich tourists having fun. 

The problem with it being free is that people who would like to take a turn will most likely be unable to do so as others will continue to just 'hog' the terminal.

I'm sure you won't see only rich tourists there. Since an annual pass now costs less than most people's monthly phone \ internet plans, i'm sure many people will see the worth in purchasing a wristband - especially if the park allows them to work on repeated visits.

You should be happy - the precinct is sort of a walkthrough area. No monorail though. I guess this means you'll still have something to snark about on their social media posts.

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50 minutes ago, pushbutton said:

I went back again yesterday and unfortunately you can no longer use any of the supervilian attractions unless you BUY a wristband!

Oh well. It was good while it lasted!

Hopefully once it's all paid for they'll make it free, as they did with the high ropes course at sea world. 

In the meantime, it's just somewhere you can watch rich tourists having fun. 

Oh because a $15 one off payment for use of interactive elements is so cost prohibitive to all of us crazy poor people having 365 day a year access to 4 theme Parks for $10 a month... Oh the travesty. And you have to pay for food too!!! 

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