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Doomsday Destroyer - reviews and feedback

Theme Park Girl

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So as this is a reviews and feedbacks post, I thought I'd share mine. The only time I've ridden the Doomsday Destroyer was on Fright nights, but I'm going to try and give a review. I really enjoyed this ride. It was pure fun. Not thrilling, not OMG I"M GONNA DIE, but more like WOAH, THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY FUN. My only concern is that one of my friends said they started to feel a little sick, but this may have been because they had eaten a bit and the ride had some added revolutions for the Fright nights experience.

I didn't find the ride something to shout at or tell everyone I know, but it is a very fun ride, that chews through the ride. Honestly, for what it does, I would give this a 9.5/10. I'm not saying its the greatest family flat ride, I'm just saying, for what it does, it does it very well. Very impressed VRTP.

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My quick thoughts on Doomsday is this:


I'm very indifferent about the ride experience itself. It's far too controlled. Instead of feeling like a swinging pendulum, it feels like an overtly controlled loop-dee-loop. Having said this, it's a pretty bog standard flat ride, and it's exactly what they needed. It's a great filler, and in the context of the Super Villains precinct, the area is a shit hot addition as a whole.

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1 minute ago, aaronm said:

So at what point do we consider Doomsday SBNO, given that it's been down for maintenance longer than it was open in the first place?

Assuming it's waiting on parts, delivery over the Christmas period is likely to be delayed, so patience is key. MW probably can't do much about it at the moment. 


Standing but not operating (often abbreviated SBNO) refers to an amusement park or amusement ride that still exists but is no longer operating.

Reasons may include damage, pending lawsuits, lack of funding, changing location, or incidents. The status is not used to describe seasonal operation in which closure is the result of a yearly schedule

While you could argue the ride is "no longer operating", in this context, it's generally accepted that it relates to rides that are closed for an indefinite period with an unknown reopening date, not for a ride experiencing delays in maintenance. 

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Dammit! Was so excited that both rides would open back up today :/

12 hours ago, westical said:

If I was a cynic, I'd say they're trying to save money by keeping rides closed until Boxing Day. 

^This! Perhaps not doomsday, but my cynical side just thinks that they are keeping Scooby-Doo closed for that reason.


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