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Luna park 9 new rides construction


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On 29/12/2021 at 5:12 PM, Gtmichaels said:

I love how in the sign, the blue train has only belts on, and the red train has the lap bars. Also two riders per carriage? Just some random thoughts I have while waiting in line 🤷🏻‍♂️



I love how the trains are going in opposite directions. Going to be interesting when they get back to the station.😂

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Hi all, due to a combination of storms and staff shortages. Luna Park Sydney will be CLOSED on January 5th and 6th! Anybody who was going to the park on that day will be issued Flexi Passes to book for another date within 180 days, which you can change at any time. I was lucky to be able to peek in there just before they closed, although having 0 ideas what was happening! There is also another COVID alert for those who visited the park on December 30th 2021. Anybody who was there on that day should monitor for symptoms, and get tested if unwell. I'll be doing a RAT test tonight, to make sure that I'm right. If you have any concerns about your ticket, please contact tickets@lunaparksydney.com More information is available at https://www.lunaparksydney.com/

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8 minutes ago, Naazon said:

Look at this guy, bragging hes been able to get a RAT test

I was reading the /r/Australia subreddit the other day and somebody was flexing about buying flipping RATs for $20 profit each. The guy got absolutely destroyed considering that there are people who need the tests to go to work but a lot of people are using them to make sure that they can still socialise. 

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1 minute ago, Dom said:

I was reading the /r/Australia subreddit the other day and somebody was flexing about buying flipping RATs for $20 profit each. The guy got absolutely destroyed considering that there are people who need the tests to go to work but a lot of people are using them to make sure that they can still socialise. 

In QLD at least a lot of testing sites are closed because they can't staff them (like LPS and peoples theories on some GC rides) so people are turning to RATs, (myself included) since I'm not lining my young son up for 6+ hours to get a test.

Luckily the RAT shortage is supposed to be short lived with stock arriving this week.

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I have family about to depart on essential travel who will need a RAT to return home as the current rules stand. Couldn't find anyone that had them in-stock, but asked at the counter and they produced one from underneath. 

Shopkeeper said their corporate office had told them to remove them from display and only sell singles when asked as those buying bulk for profit are unlikely to ask, and if they do, will baulk at requesting more than one anyway.

Smart fricking business in a shortage - They could have sold boxes to the first joe-bloggs with enough cash but instead recognised the need to limit supply in a time of desperation, and for that, we'll remember their willingness to not cash in for profit and to limit supplies for the needy - they're a few minutes extra to drive from our local big-box, but we'll now make the effort to do so even if they are a few cents\dollars extra for most items.

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2 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Shopkeeper said their corporate office had told them to remove them from display and only sell singles when asked as those buying bulk for profit are unlikely to ask, and if they do, will baulk at requesting more than one anyway.

Great to hear that they're considering the fact that these are a medical necessity for some instead of just placing them on display and dishing them out like they're the latest Xbox game. 

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Hi all, I just want to let you all know that there’s been a few people, including staff spreading rumours about the Big Dipper.

They’ve said that the seats have been ripped out and replaced. And that they removed a “loop” (inversion) on the ride. They did not say what, but I would assume it’s the Flat Spin. The staff member came up to me in a worried state with it apparently being taken apart. Somebody else also said I was wearing a red and white stripe half glove tie in a half Windsor knot. 

Oh I am, am I? Is that what you think? Well if that’s what you think, I have something to tell you. Something that may shock and discredit you! I’m not wearing a tie at all! Whoops… 

It’s just not true, it’s just not true! I got all the proof here! SEE?!  I checked around the whole perimeter of the ride today, which was apparently when they were taking the ride down. And nothings changed! Although there’s been quite significant teething issues with the Big Dipper, and the ride has quite a habit of going on strike. Maintenance will be doing just a few little tweaks to make it singa, with the moona and the tuba! I’ve already reported the person making the false rumours on the Luna Park Instagram Page to, well, Instagram. While that staff member has already been reported by myself, and any concerns have been swiftly crushed by management. Fact Checkers, activate!

And even if it was true, it would be extremely expensive, and would take months for the ride to reopen, permanently reducing LPS and Intamin’s reputation.

So please keep an eye out for any of these kinds of rumours. If you don’t think my first hand, or second hand knowledge from management, please contact Guest Relations by phone, email, or live chat though here: https://www.lunaparksydney.com/contact






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With respect @AheadMatthewawsome I don't think you need to report everything you hear to guest services - they've probably got enough on their plate as is being short-staffed during a pandemic.

The general public love a good crazy story about rides going wrong - the amount of times i've heard people say they got stuck upside down on (insert ride here) would be enough to think every ride in the country is doomed to fail. These rides are built and marketed on the illusion that they're scary and dangerous, when in reality they're anything but.

Some great life advice for both this situation and anti-vaxxers is to let people be people and don't get too worked up about  stuff that's clearly nonsense. 🍻

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Decided to visit the park on Sunday with my son. Big Dipper was not running. The guest services team member sighting “technical issues” that need to be resolved and Maintenace is working on rectifying these issues with the manufacture.

We all know new rides have some problems. I just hope they get it fixed within the coming weeks. 

I feel for the park, covid has hit the big time and they've had a few hiccups with some of the new rides. I know the park has amazing potential. I just hope after summer they can hit the ground running with all these little issues put behind them. 


Guest services were handing these out to people who asked about the rides current status. 


Big Dipper sits quietly, while the Wild Mouse is roaring away in the background. 


The netting that's been installed above the walkway to the Glenn Street stairs and the queue line for SledgeHammer 

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47 minutes ago, GoGoBoy said:

I just don't think there's any excuse for the lack of presentation. If you've got enough money for 9 new rides, there's surely enough to spend on a bit of theming etc. It's about priorities. They aren't doing the incredible history of the park any justice by ignoring this aspect

I absolutely agree, but this is Luna Park Sydney after all. Beyond a select few experiences, presentation has not been a huge priority for the modern iteration of the park considering that traveling flat rides have been a staple of the park for almost a decade. It is shame because when they put in the effort then they can produce some spectacular results like with Volare. 

My hope is that in the future something will be done to bring these attractions up to par. The park is in an awkward transition stage where it's now much closer to a fully fledged and realised theme park, but they're still treating it like the small boardwalk amusement of yesteryear. It is important for the park to realise that with this expansion and the expensive ticket prices comes greater expectations from guests and their old tactics just aren't going to cut it. I don't doubt the park will mature, but it will take time and we're basically seeing the awkward teenage phase of LPS at the moment.

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19 hours ago, Dom said:

I absolutely agree, but this is Luna Park Sydney after all. Beyond a select few experiences, presentation has not been a huge priority for the modern iteration of the park considering that traveling flat rides have been a staple of the park for almost a decade. It is shame because when they put in the effort then they can produce some spectacular results like with Volare. 

That makes it even more frustrating I think - the fact that they've shown that they can do presentation well, with the new Tango Train and Volare, as well as other park improvements, demonstrating a commitment to aesthetics and atmosphere. That's all been completely lost with this upgrade

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