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Constrictor for Wet 'n' Wild


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Good to see it's the family sized version, so its almost like we've gotten that Dark mammoth we always wanted anyway. I love the whole idea of this anyway. Raft slides are more fun when you bank high on the turns (Like when you ride Mammoth Falls with a full raft of 6) and here we have a slide with tight helixes designed to do exactly that. The one question is, how many kids are going to make those feeble attempts to flip the raft lol?

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Good to see it's the family sized version, so its almost like we've gotten that Dark mammoth we always wanted anyway.

Great news. I'm personally quite excited about this attraction. I'm a big fan of any boat/raft slides. I'm a total wimp so slides like Aqua Loop don't interest me in the slightest. I'm not interested in pain or to feel like I'm drowning from all the water rushing up my nose Edited by GoGoBoy
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yes what about the people who want to rider this solo? stuff their 2/3 seater rafts

Stuff the single riders, they can join up with another pair. Sending one person at a time down such a big slide is a waste of capacity....Only 33% efficient doing it that way. It's equivalent to running Lethal weapon using only 7 seats.
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oh yes just what they want to do ride on a waterslide with complete strangers. :wacko:

Dude, stop being a whiny bitch. How is it any different to any other amusement ride that holds several people. OMG, rode Oblivion at Alton Towers and had to sit next to a whopping 7 complete strangers. Woe is me. jls1.jpg Or what about on the old TOT, where the front row held 3 people (Just like Constrictor!) It's no different. Edited by Gazza
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Or what about at SW on the Flume, no restraints, and you sit in the crotch of the person behind you: http://www.parkz.com..._s_Revenge.html

I'd be uncomfortable with that, however I've never been made to share a boat with anyone else on that ride. But I guess you're right about the comparison to Mammoth, I don't mind riding with strangers on Mammoth Falls. But even though the number of riders will be smaller there would still be less personal space and I'd feel a bit awkward.
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Uh, it is pretty awkward sitting with strangers on a water slide. Shut up Gazza and stop acting like you know everything and you're so wise. Some people might like sitting half naked in a wet 3 person raft with people you don't know and some don't. I'm not saying they should change the ride but if i was by myself on the ride i'd be a bit uncomfortable. Oh my gosh I just disagreed with Gazza now you're going to have to delete my post!!!

Edited by kujotess
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Why is this such an issue for everyone? They're not asking you to share a lap dance with the fat guy next to you. Are you required to use someone's manboobs as handles? No Are you required to have some random chick in a bikini sit on your lap to ride? No (that's a shame) Are you required to be half naked? No At worst your feet might touch. If you're worried about germs and human contact from that you probably shouldn't be in a public waterpark.

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