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Dreamworld actually thinking about replacing the Mine Ride Finally?


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"Belinda" made this comment on Facebook regarding the old Mine Ride.

the Mine ride retired a long time ago. It will not be back but one day it will become something else. The project would be huge so no telling when this will happen,, but it will. It was a great ride in its day. :-)

So when will this project happen? Next year, 5 years, 10 years? And what will it be? I bet it would be a great new attraction but until I know what it is and when its going to happen I still will not renew may pass which expires next week.

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it's not my fav park (that easily goes to MW) but IMO when you have a young family, DW is still the best choice for a full day out that has something for everyone.

Could not agree more Brad- Dreamworld is by far the best all round destination for those with young families. We are thinking of having a trip to the Coast next year and planning our destinations, was just comparing Dreamworld to Movieworld and noticed the pretty large disparity in height restrictions for each park's rides. Most of Dreamworld's attractions are at the 120cm and upwards mark, whilst Movieworld and SeaWorld are all upward of 130cm+. This is fine but I find it quite odd that Cyclone is set at minimum 120cm and SeaWorld's Viper, a similar Arrow built looper is set at 130cm. I have an 8 year old who is 125cm and by visiting Dreamworld would have a far richer experience than visiting the Village parks. This could be a huge point in Dreamworld's favour for families on tight budgets that can only pick one park. ( Not us though, we will be doing the lot!!! ). Interesting point and one which I don't think has has been really explored in depth before.

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I've been beating my head against a wall about height requirements for a few years now. Village have some if the highest height requirements in the world. Just at SW, Corkscrew had a requirement of 122 cm for a long time, which was reduced to 120cm with the upgrade great. But then they raised the restriction by 10cm for the sake of it. Jet Rescue for some reason requires guests under a certain height to ride with an adult (why exactly is anyone's guess). Even Storm when it opens will apparently have a restriction of 120cm (according to 7pm project), which is a full 13cms higher than the same sort of ride overseas. That's just one park, and there are a few more restrictions around the park that leave one scratching their head. I'm obviously not anti height restrictions, and understand why they're important, but by international standards the restrictions at Village parks are clearly excessive.

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the Mine ride retired a long time ago. It will not be back but one day it will become something else. The project would be huge so no telling when this will happen,, but it will. It was a great ride in its day. :-)

My interpretation of this statement is: "The mine ride is not coming back. The cost involved in demolishing the old ride makes a replacement infeasible at this stage, but if we need the land and have the money further down the track, we might do something about it."

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My interpretation of this statement is: "The mine ride is not coming back. The cost involved in demolishing the old ride makes a replacement infeasible at this stage, but if we need the land and have the money further down the track, we might do something about it."

20 years down the track, when the park is no longer owned by Ardent but by a company that is actually interested in investing in theme parks

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let's be honest - they haven't introduced any "MAJOR" attractions since Claw... but thats all point of view perspective really.

I'd say Buzzsaw is as big an attraction as the Claw was.

Though irrespective of that, you would think that the further we are since a "MAJOR" attraction launched the closer we are to another one??

My issue with gdalby was that he said "it looks like DW wont be introducing a major attraction for 5 years" and just wondering WHAT makes it look like that?

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To give Dreamworld credit, Buzzsaw, Dreamworks, and Pandamonium could all be considered major attractions. They're not particularly good attractions (with the exception of Dreamworks, maybe), and not the attractions most of us would have liked Dreamworld to install, but they are still major - particularly by DW standards.

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Come on now, Buzzsaw is still a major addition - larger than Claw at least. It may not be the best ride, but it still counts as a major addition.

the fact that it is larger than claw doesn't make it 'major'. It's a sideshow in my opinion. Sure it's a great ride experience, but with pathetic capacity, and extremely short ride cycle time - this one trick pony (in my opinion) is not a major addition.

My issue with gdalby was that he said "it looks like DW wont be introducing a major attraction for 5 years" and just wondering WHAT makes it look like that?

I think Gdalby has joined the dots from what Thunder001 has implied on this and other threads. Thunder has indicated he has insider information that the park (or other parks, or both) are planning a large attraction to coincide with the Commonwealth Games in 2018... which would be just shy of 5 years from now. Nothing says that's true except thunder, and only time will tell if it is true.

To give Dreamworld credit, Buzzsaw, Dreamworks, and Pandamonium could all be considered major attractions. They're not particularly good attractions (with the exception of Dreamworks, maybe), and not the attractions most of us would have liked Dreamworld to install, but they are still major - particularly by DW standards.

I've expressed my opinion on Buzzsaw - which is only an opinion and i'm happy for others to disagree with me on that.

You've counted Dreamworks AND Pandamonium which are actually part of the same install (albeit staggered by about 6 months). Pandamonium, while a nice flat - is still just a flat - it's like the Rockets in tomorrowland, or Dumbo in Fantasyland. It still needs the blockbuster attraction to anchor the area. The rest of Dreamworks (with a few minor additions like Dronkey Flyers) were just a retheme of the existing attractions with a new show... So no - I don't consider Dreamworks OR Pandamonium to be a MAJOR addition.

Arguably, Claw is also a flat (by virtue of it not being a coaster), but it's in a different league to Shockwave for example - which arguably has a very similar experience. Claw was also marketed heavily with very creative advertising - none of which we've seen for almost anything they've done since.

It is interesting to note that - what on paper would seem to be a very major attraction is the one thing that nobody has put forward as a 'major' attraction - and that is MDMC. You guys would prefer call a paint job on the old Nickelodeon area a 'major' attraction than a full circuit (albeit lame) Coaster!

In the same period of install, we've seen MW retheme Arkham, install Green Lantern and Justice League, and Sea World built an ENTIRELY NEW world with Castaway Bay - battle boats (and the two others), open the Seal enclosure, the Penguin enclosure and now Storm.

If pressed, I would concede Buzzsaw to be a major attraction, but I don't consider any of the others are - just my opinion.

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Went to Dreamworld today (typing on my phone - apologies if this sounds rushed). So sad what that park has become. Operations were abysmal - 1 operator on both Buzzsaw and Cyclone meant cycle times were 5-10 mins. No calling out for single seats or even pairs, saw multiple trains being sent out with 1, 2, 3 empty seats. 1 Giant Drop side was closed for no apparent reason, turning a relatively small and fast moving queue into a frustrating long one. I just don't get why you would buy very low capacity rides then staff them with the absolute minimum. They're sacrificing guest satisfaction to save $100-200 in wages. Very very annoying! They're playing the Insane Coaster Wars segment on the tv in the TOT2 in the queueline. Heard a couple people say that it completely ruins any surprise or suspense and they're right! Just seems so silly. Also the tvs aren't working in the Buzzsaw queueline but who didn't see that coming.

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Went to Dreamworld today (typing on my phone - apologies if this sounds rushed). So sad what that park has become. Operations were abysmal - 1 operator on both Buzzsaw and Cyclone meant cycle times were 5-10 mins. No calling out for single seats or even pairs, saw multiple trains being sent out with 1, 2, 3 empty seats. 1 Giant Drop side was closed for no apparent reason, turning a relatively small and fast moving queue into a frustrating long one. I just don't get why you would buy very low capacity rides then staff them with the absolute minimum. They're sacrificing guest satisfaction to save $100-200 in wages. Very very annoying! They're playing the Insane Coaster Wars segment on the tv in the TOT2 in the queueline. Heard a couple people say that it completely ruins any surprise or suspense and they're right! Just seems so silly. Also the tvs aren't working in the Buzzsaw queueline but who didn't see that coming.

This is really disheartening to hear. I know that the GP still love Dreamworld as it has the largest ride count, but broken TV's and terrible loading techniques should really deter most people.

If this hypothesised new ride was to happen, I really hope it's something meaningful to rekindle my love for the park, and NOT a crappy shuttle with bad load/unload techniques.

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Dreamworld really need to get their act together. You can understand having fewer staff in the park, when it isn't holidays, but since they have recently hired more staff you would think that they would have every ride open at full capacity. I went to Dreamworld on Christmas Eve last year and it wasn't very busy, maybe thats why. One of the staff members said it doesn't start to get busy until Boxing Day. If Dreamworld wants to become a better park, they need to be at the same or better standards as MW, SW and WNW. Dreamworld has been open the longest of all the parks and some of the rides are still there when it first opened. The park needs a facelift. They have done it too the kids area and now the wildlife experience. But as we have been saying the Gold Rush and Ocean Parade needs new rides. Cyclone needs to be made more comfortable, a new ride should replace reef diver. And the mine ride NEEDS TO BE REPLACED with something new. We will just have to wait and see.

Edited by gdalby96
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