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Doomsday Destroyer - reviews and feedback

Theme Park Girl

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22 minutes ago, FoolishMortal999 said:

No i dont know their names or anything like that etc. They were wearing something that hinted they were theme park lovers. 

Were they wearing a shirt sold at a theme park?

15 minutes ago, Theme Park Ninja said:

sad to hear that people in our community decide it's okay to be ashholes to the general public

We don't have any proof of anything yet. 

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2 minutes ago, FoolishMortal999 said:

Because I don't want to be rude and shame these two. 

Are you saying I'm lying? 

I'm interested to know how you know they're enthusiasts. You didn't say what makes you know other than they were "wearing something". What exactly were they wearing that gave it away? You now seem to be hinting that you know them as you don't want to name and shame them. 

The fact remains that we don't have any proof of anything. 

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Why does it matter if they're on these forums or not? I don't want to publicly shame them because if I describe what they wore - it could narrow it down. I have no clue as to who these people are as I don't affiliate myself with members of the forum other than this site so I wouldn't know who these people are. I dunno what more you want from me?

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Two sides to every story. I don't condone anyone making someone else's day at a park less than enjoyable, but for all we know, the father and son had monopolised the element for some time and these two people got sick of waiting - which would make their day less than enjoyable too.

It's like queue jumping, or fastpass holders who use their pass to reride without getting off the train (i've seen that happen at SFMM).

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38 minutes ago, AlexB said:

Two sides to every story. I don't condone anyone making someone else's day at a park less than enjoyable, but for all we know, the father and son had monopolised the element for some time and these two people got sick of waiting - which would make their day less than enjoyable too.

It's like queue jumping, or fastpass holders who use their pass to reride without getting off the train (i've seen that happen at SFMM).

The father and son had one go at the bank and it didn't go off so they did it again. The couple that wanted the photo had arrived just after they had their first go.

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2 hours ago, djrappa said:

What? You don't need to get off? 

Why didn't anyone tell me when I was there :P

I'm not sure how to interpret that.... the Platinum Flash Pass did allow re-rides without disembarking, or at least it did in 2013. I can't seem to find that info on their website now, so perhaps they've recognised that as an unpopular component and removed it.

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Ok, back to topic.

I thought DD was fun and looks great, looked alot bigger in pics, but I found it a little underwhelming. Still lots of fun, but I've classed it as a 'kiddies ride'. The themed area is top class, absolutely great work throughout the whole area which should win awards.

Let the ride go twice as long, twice as fast and I'd move in! ;-)

It's also great the area has been revamped and to see the old graveyard up beside WWF is also a good thing. 

Well down MovieWorld!

It was great for the excitement to build up prior to the opening thanks to all the wonderful contributors to this site. Your blood is worth bottling!

Edited by UpperCoomera
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↑ let me put it another way. I certainly felt out of place on the ride with all the 10yo kids around me. The only other non 10 year olds were a couple at least 60 years old. They had an absolute ball btw :-) Kiddies. Family. Thrill. Whichever word you want to use, it was hells fun, but very underwhelming in relation to the build up to construction/opening. It's just my opinion. Still fun, still escapism, wonderful new addition, it's just like.... a new generation Ferris Wheel?

Edited by UpperCoomera
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25 minutes ago, UpperCoomera said:

↑ let me put it another way. I certainly felt out of place on the ride with all the 10yo kids around me. The only other non 10 year olds were a couple at least 60 years old. They had an absolute ball btw :-) Kiddies. Family. Thrill. Whichever word you want to use, it was hells fun, but very underwhelming in relation to the build up to construction/opening. It's just my opinion. Still fun, still escapism, wonderful new addition, it's just like.... a new generation Ferris Wheel?

Thing is, nobody here has suggested it would be a blockbuster knockout. I'm pretty sure Rappa or Joz or someone said very early on they'd seen something about it and for us it would be underwhelming. It wasn't meant to be a blockbuster - it was meant to fill a much bemoaned gap in the MW lineup for the 'middle of the road' market. MW needs more flats, more high capacity rides, with efficient load systems and enjoyable but not extreme experiences.

DD delivers precisely that on all counts.

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Personally I would have preferred to see a lap style restraint system for DD. I have already mentioned this in my initial review, however believe it to be overlooked at the time. I have ridden a few times since and find  the ride is quite restrictive for people of height and /or size.. As a tall and bigger build guy, I found the extremely bulky restraints to be too constricting, pressing quite firmly on my shoulders with a bizarre seat belt clasp over the top of the harness - an odd design indeed. I found it to be even more restrictive than DW's Claw and suggest a Test Seat be made available to prospective Riders.

I am in total aggreance with Coomera on the ride experience - it really needs to be faster, or at least offer a greater thrill version at times throughout the day. Surely it is capable of doing such.. right? For the millions of dollars spent on it I would hate to see MW missing the opportunity of running it for maximum thrills.  Sugar coat all you like but you only need to see the lack of screams and nil wait to ride for yourself to know that the ride is not being publicly received as well as it perhaps should be.

My other big concern is how the new area will stand the test of time for sustainability and durability. Without a hell of a lot of ongoing maintenance to most of the interactions, I imagine that they risk showing signs of weather and deteration quickly.  I hope that a large portion of the wristband revenue will go favourably in the direction of Technical Services in upkeeping the overall presentation.

Please don't get me wrong,  I really, really enjoy the new area. And the ride. It truly is world class and for sure, adds so much to the Park. My biggest concern, perhaps much like Justice League is that Doomsday Destroyer and the Villains area just feel to be missing the mark in some parts. With a few simple tweaks here and there, I believe it could truly be the Home Run it deserves to be.

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1 hour ago, themagician said:

I did try the ride when I went to FN, and it did complete 4 spins each way (If i remeber correctly) which did allow it to pick up more speed and more it more thrilling, but for me, it did make me feel a bit dizzy.

3 spins each way for Fright Nights. Usually does two, but they added an extra rotation in each direction. 

I rode it last Friday evening at Fright Nights with my old best mate and his neice, they were very nervous at first as it was their first time on it, but they ended up enjoying it once they realised it not as fierce as it looks.

Personally I'm glad it's middle of the road thrill wise, if not lower scale. As others have said, they need more in the Scooby Doo range of things - good for parents as well as brave kids ?

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