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Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster Reopening [Dec 26, 2016]


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I just messaged MW via Facebook:

I'm shocked and horrified with what's been done with the Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster.

This was a ride that sat at the top of Theme Park goers favourite Aussie Theme Park attraction ever, today after months of closure it reopened as nothing short of a total  embarrassment.

Rather than deal with an ongoing fallout of deserved complaints I strongly suggest that MW close the doors of this great ride immediately and reopen it only with dignity once it is back to scratch again.

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1 hour ago, themagician said:

One thing also is that if it was just the walls that were the issue, then most of the animatronics and certain theming elements may still be okay, and can be put back in place once the walls are reconstructed. 

Most of it was pretty temperamental nowadays tho? I hope they just redo the whole lot and bring it up to opening day standard.

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Hi, im fairly new to the parkz community and have been a long time fan of anything amusement park related. Anyway just read/saw what happenned to SDSC and really am not that concerned at all. I know the theming has been ripped apart and most likely being replaced with the same theming with different material, but it's all just a precautionary.

With all that happened with the TRRR accident, no one can take any chances anymore. I know it was just a accident and a similar accident might not happen for ages but just like natural disasters, we cannot see them coming, we can only prevent further damage. Could happen anytime, anywhere. What if Scooby suddenly went up in flames? And you were stuck inside, lock in your harnesses with no way out. Will you be more concerned about the theming then or why MW didn't change to a non-flammable material.

I know its hard to imagine, but its the world we live in? Sacrifices must be made to make a better future, in this case Scooby. I know SDSC looks bad now and i know people are saying just put some plywood around the track, but replacing a fire hazard with another fire hazard isn't  a great solution. MW are doing the right thing by replacing the theming with a better alternative but why they're are doing it now when they could've known years ago it was a fire hazard i dont know.

Remember before TRRR of the ghost train fire at LPS and how that was Australia's worst theme park disaster. Imagine if it happened with Scooby. It has to be done. But once the word is out that MW are replacing the theming for good reason, then the public will understand. I can live with the fact that theming wont be on the ride for a while. Yet still remember MW is a business and not everyone can be happy with everything and they do need to turn a profit so we can have some more amazing rides come to our beloved theme parks.

Look i know im new here and dont have that much experience with theme parks or know anyone currently working at a theme park or represent any theme park but its just my expression of opinion. I just want a safer place so that one day when i bring my family, hold my sons hand as i take him on his first ride, and can assure him there's nothing to be afraid about. Because dont wanna be labeled a liar.

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@KyleShepherd thanks very much for sharing your insightful opinion. If I didn't know any better, I would say that you (or someone very close to you) is an influential Employee of WBMW?? Hmmm...

Be that as it may, Kyle you have raised some very valid and important details here regarding the Park taking all precautions to ensure Guest safety. What I am so confused about is the reported fact that the Park passed it's Safety audit quickly and with flying colours?

The foam walls in the themed area of the ride were coated in a fire retardant chemical with all necessary smoke detectors and other safety equipment dotted along the track. If there was any risk of fire, it would be from collection of dust throughout the back of house areas over time, effectively masking the flame retardant coat - Surely after months of closure a thorough clean of the area would have sufficed in which to reopen the ride in time for the busy Xmas Season? After that, sure, shut the ride down at the end of January for a full strip and rebuild

If all this is not possible, keep the damn thing shut and offer guests something else in way of extra street entertainment, shows etc or God forbid, lower the admission price.

I fear as @djrappa has eluded this may be the beginning of the end for SDSC as we know it. Why spend millions re-doing the 'show' of a ride only to bring it back the same? Would that return anything on their investment?


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VRTP deserve some strong criticism for not having completed this work prior to peak season. Seems like this isnt the only project that has slipped either (e.g. Super8 Racers took longer than should have also.)

One thing in my strong opinion they dont deserve criticism for is re-opening the ride over the summer peak however.

Some of the comments here are naiive and frankly a little selfish.

Naiive because VRTP are hardly going to keep a ride that is perfectly safe to operate closed over the peak when they have had two unscheduled ride outages take out capacity already (VR at SW and DD at MW). They need all the capacity they can get over the summer!

Selfish because at the end of the day if you feel upset by seeing the ride in that condition you have an alternative. Don't ride it!

There are plenty of people (e.g. the interstate tourists that drop the big bucks over summer) that might feel disappointed that the ride looks in that condition but will still appreciate the ride's sensations if they do go on it and the capacity it offers to the park if they don't...


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Looks to me like MW shit the bed on DD and ran over time on SDSC's work and were left with the choice to make safe and re-open or to keep it shut (particularly given it's unlikely it would have been getting worked on between Christmas and New Year, so you're not losing work days).  I'm thinking if I were a regular punter I wouldn't be feeling too safe travelling through the ride given I'd imagine the quality of finish of the surrounds in areas I can see is one of the cues I'd take as to the overall quality of the park's work in areas I can't see.

I understand the argument for running the ride on the basis that it's "technically functional" and you're in your busiest period of the year, but bugger me this is a new one.  You wouldn't run a dark ride in a half-burned out building just because the track is clear.  You wouldn't run a set of dodgem cars with their shell casings removed just because they still go.  It's the wrong message to send your guests about what's important to you, and where you feel your quality standard is set.

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13 minutes ago, webslave said:

You wouldn't run a dark ride in a half-burned out building just because the track is clear.

That is a completely different situation to what is happening here. A half burned out building will be structurally unsound (raising risk of debris falling onto tracks/riders) and likely have hazardous air quality due to the effects of the fire.

The ride may look terrible but here the theming is entirely decorative. The structure is absolutely sound. The ride is as safe as it would be with theming intact.

The correct analogy is if they had built DD first and run the ride before the DC villain precinct was complete...

Now I'm not saying VRTP management dont deserve a kick up the backside for royally stuffing up this work but their decision to reopen it TEMPORARILY over the summer peak makes perfect sense considering the significant unplanned capacity losses the group has had.

Because let's be honest if they hadn't we would have people complaining about the even longer than usual queue lines due to rides being down...

Edited by Bush Beast Forever
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Yeah I mean the sign needs to be really obvious or maybe put in a few different locations so that everyone sees it. Because imagine if you were an international tourist going on this ride for the first time and you're riding through a bare warehouse with no idea it was under refurb. You'd literally be thinking 'WTF?!?!'

Edited by GoGoBoy
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1 hour ago, Bush Beast Forever said:

That is a completely different situation to what is happening here. A half burned out building will be structurally unsound (raising risk of debris falling onto tracks/riders) and likely have hazardous air quality due to the effects of the fire.

Actually, not as different as you may think.  Structural integrity being a given for doing so it would not be entirely unexpected in such a circumstance to similarly put up temporary metal fencing and leave it as-is in the interim.

Yes, if they hadn't opened people would be pissed about long lines due to two popular rides being down.  No question.  This is the other side of that.  The solution?  Don't get in that situation in the first place.

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As much as I feel that VRTP have been a little short-sighted and caught themselves out here, I for one anticipate major improvements when the theming is reconstructed (at least I hope so), and I look forward to it.

In the meantime, I will ride the gutted SDSC when I visit in early January, and I'll take it for what it is - a lessened and slightly different experience.

As disappointing as it is, 2016 has generally been a pretty difficult year for theme parks and enthusiasts in this country, and this is a blow I'm prepared to take on the chin in anticipation of better things coming from it. Honestly, I'm more concerned about the number of rides that will be open at DW by the time I visit.

So yes, I agree that WBMW have probably made quite a big mistake here, perhaps due to short-sightedness and failure to respond to issues, but it's certainly not the end of the Spooky Coaster, let alone the world.

And hey, one day when my kids are all theme park enthusiasts, I'll brag about the fantastic theming we had, and the fact that I rode while it looked like a construction sight. Different experience for sure.

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1 hour ago, GoGoBoy said:

Because imagine if you were an international tourist going on this ride for the first time and you're riding through a bare warehouse with no idea it was under refurb

If you're an international tourist you'd assume it was supposed to be a ride through a spooky warehouse.  I mean it's not like there is a shortage of those in Scooby Doo cartoons.  The worry for me is the kids in the queue next to me who had been on the ride and were telling their friend that it's really cool inside and monsters!  

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And if they went to the effort of trying to make it looks like a creepy Warehouse you could probably give them a pass mark for trying... 

how hard could it be to source a heap of wooden crates, some spiderwebs and a few other props in the meantime? As someone else suggested, chuck some of the smoke machines from FN/WC in their to make to gloomy & creepy, maybe some kind of creepy soundtrack through that section...

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11 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

I'm not talking where the hell are we smoke, I'm talking atmospheric fog, like a single burst ever few mins for a lingering effect 

Isn't that what they normally have?

10 minutes ago, Tim Dasco said:

Anyone fancy doing a star tour now and seeing what SDSC looks like.

It wouldn't look any different to what you see on a normal star tour I don't think. The disco room is the only one you visit. 

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