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Village theme parks extended trading hours

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Well its not like we'll ever get the US parks times, during summer holidays there is like 10am to 9-10pm six flags parks for 2 months there are also other parks open more hours but no need for comparing sure they have way more people over there and bigger parks but alas they can't even do that for the busiest two weeks of the year here. In all seriousness isn't it a loss of opportunity for revenue?

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16 minutes ago, Naazon said:

Possibly, but our parks don't close in the winter either.

Some do, IE Fun Fields, Adventure World. 

But in regards to trading hours Adventure World's trading hours are 10am-7pm sun-friday and Saturday is 10am-6pm with their AW Nights event being every Saturday from 6:30pm-11pm. These hours are for the whole of January.

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6 minutes ago, Tim Dasco said:

Some do, IE Fun Fields, Adventure World. 

But in regards to trading hours Adventure World's trading hours are 10am-7pm sun-friday and Saturday is 10am-6pm with their AW Nights event being every Saturday from 6:30pm-11pm. These hours are for the whole of January.

Ah apologies, I was talking GC parks, and obviously making a very broad statement about US/UK parks.

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Iwerks, no one talks about the other parks because no one really seems to care and they aren’t big league enough when compared to the parks on the Gold Coast. Despite this I still haven’t seen any evidence of Alexb belittling and bullying people who talk about non QLD parks.

I also don’t see what this has anything to do with Village Theme Parks..

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People need to stop the whole bullying call out BS. Making a joke, about a location of all things, isn’t bullying. Bullying is serious, and I’ve seen no evidence of it here, ever. 

The whole “no one thinks outside of the GC when talking about Aussie parks” comment was clear to even blind Freddy to be a tongue in cheek, sarcastic comment. 

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Yeah, I suspect the mods will cut this part of the thread.

My point is: why should we contribute to Parkz if AlexB is going to be antagonistic every time (even in the Adventure World threads - despite the fact that even he admits he’s never been there)? Why should I be a paid up member of Parkz if I get treated like a joke? I thought we were about intelligent discussion.

Edited by iwerks
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1 hour ago, iwerks said:

Yeah, I suspect the mods will cut this part of the thread.

My point is: why should we contribute to Parkz if AlexB is going to be antagonistic every time (even in the Adventure World threads - despite the fact that even he admits he’s never been there)? Why should I be a paid up member of Parkz if I get treated like a joke? I thought we were about intelligent discussion.

If you're contributing money to Parkz and expecting all of the readers of the forum to treat you differently because of that, then you've come to the wrong place my friend. Those aren't the perks you pay for.

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I'm a Romper Room Do Bee
A Do Bee all day long

Buzz. Buzz.

Seriously now - are you still butt hurt about my discussion regarding the status of AW as (not) a theme park? My friend, we're going to have to disagree.

Calling someone a bully every time you don't like what they're saying is not a way to get on in life - and certainly with your advanced years, i'd have thought you would have learned that by now.

Consider Tim - who I figure is probably about half your age - and I can have quite robust discussions about AW, and still get along just fine - hence why my comment was in a line of conversation originating from his comments relating to AW and FF. Nothing was ever said to you - and yet here you are, white knighting again.

I don't currently have 'crew' status - not because I don't wish to contribute, but simply because every year it expires because I don't get reminders to renew it, and then I never get around to paying it again. I don't expect different treatment from Parkz just because I've contributed something financial to the running of the site. The benefits of crew membership are clearly outlined on the site - and neither I nor anyone else should expect any different. Regardless, I support Parkz, and its predecessors, for the work that they do, have done, and continue to do, and have done so for many years - and respect that in this privately operated site - their word is final.

There was robust discussions on these forums in the few weeks I was enjoying the holiday break, and clearly, I missed out on some fun to be had, as the discussions were removed, hidden, or censored. Clearly, these crossed a line so that the moderators felt action was required. I've been the subject of such censorship in the past, indeed when I crossed a line, and was immediately contacted by private message by the moderator \ Richard to explain the reasons why, to help me recognise where the line is, and for that, I appreciated it. I note this as this is the same action that Richard stated in response to the recent discussions that occurred.

On the other hand, I note that my comment above, which has apparently been taken the way it was intended by everyone but you, remains. This is a fairly good indication that no line has been crossed, and the butt hurt you are exhibiting is completely off-base and uncalled for.

If I have ever personally offended you directly by my words or actions, I apologise - but if you're going to continue to be offended any time I don't hold up your state or your local park to the highest standards - you really need to evaluate whats important in your life. State versus State rivalry is big in this country (or - at least on the east coast). WA are our poor western cousins frequently referred to as 3 hours (and 10 years) behind (and yes - even Tim has referred to WA in this manner).

Frankly, if you're lacking the competitive nature that drives one to pour shit on another state for their shortcomings, and to give as good as you get without calling for the PC Police to arrest someone for bullying and harassing you on the internet, that's...

That's just unAustralian.

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4 hours ago, Jdude95 said:

If you're contributing money to Parkz and expecting all of the readers of the forum to treat you differently because of that, then you've come to the wrong place my friend. Those aren't the perks you pay for.

Yeah, and I know it’s a paltry amount, but it’s still a product and if it pisses you off, why renew? Do you return to your favourite theme park if drunken teenagers assault you in the car park? Probably not, you’d just go somewhere else...

4 hours ago, Gold Coast Amusement Force said:

Does know one use the ignore feature?

Thanks. Will give it a try.

In the meantime, one thing I noticed at the Qld parks is that they’d open the gates early, but not let people on the rides until half an hour later.

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Parks opening 30mins prior to rides opening isn’t a new thing, it’s pretty commonplace really. It gives people time to meander over to the area or rides they want to explore first, do a bit of shopping in the retail outlets or grab a coffee. 

I remember Gold Rush at Wonderland didn’t open until an hour after the park opened from memory. Everyone used to be waiting next to the parachute drop (name escapes me at the moment) in the tunnel for the rope drop 

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