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COVID-19: Why are the Gold Coast theme parks still operating?

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They say business as usual, but they have reduced hours and over half of WnW attractions are closed. And quite a few of MWs are closed too. I do suppose in some instances for VRTP that is business as usual. But really it isn’t and if they are going to make these decisions, they may as well close

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why should they close just yet, no cases have been linked to the park, people are canceling flights yet airlines still continue to operate no one is screaming at the airlines/airports to close, public transport still running how do you social distance here, how often will these seats and handrails be cleaned? Local pub probably has the same amount of people there in confined spaces on a Friday night as a daytime show at an Aussie theme park, the government have said its still fine to go the cinema? again maybe smaller numbers but very confined space, 

lets also not forget so far its only raging waters that has closed and it was due to close for the season in a few weeks anyways, so its not just Goldcoast parks still open, 

If your worried or don't want to go don't go, no one forces anyone to go if there open, maybe you live 8 hours away and been planning this holiday for years, some are grateful their open just like other tourist attractions on the Goldcoast, 

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9 minutes ago, Hiisi90 said:

They most definitely should remain open, especially in 2020's ridiculous cancel culture that is going on for this sensationalized non-issue... What is there left? 2020 is shaping up to be one hell of a boring year, don't take this away as well for those who frankly don't give a shit. 🙄

Why are you babbling on about shit that is irrelevant to the point of discussion?

Closing our theme parks that house thousands of people a day is a complete no-brainer especially with the event restrictions now in place. WDW, Disneyland and nearly all major amusement parks in America have shut by now. Locally the virus has entered pandemic phase with cases increasing at an alarmingly high rate. Surely from a business standpoint it would be better justified that Village closes WnW and MW rather than running them at a loss in a period where the tourists aren't there and locals arent going to go to the parks?

Also Covid19 is no joke... its very dangerous for those with a weaker immune system (such as babies and seniors) or conditions such as kidney failure (for example I have a family member with kidney failure who is at very high risk of death if he gets the virus)

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8 minutes ago, Hiisi90 said:

Let's face it, it's a non-issue and has been completely sensationalized and blown out of proportion and people who aren't gullible and don't want to live in fear... I mean with everything being postponed and cancelled in 2020, what is there to do now if even the theme parks buy into the ridiculousness? Especially for those who don't give a shit


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31 minutes ago, Hiisi90 said:

what is there to do now if even the theme parks buy into the ridiculousness? Especially for those who don't give a shit

@Hiisi90 or is it @Hiisi25 stop chucking a hissy fit. 

Firstly you should give a shit, secondly it is not ridiculous and thirdly there is plenty to do. If you want a list of what is there to do please don't hesitate to send me a direct message. 

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9 hours ago, Hiisi90 said:

 Why do I have to suffer over something I don't give a shit about? For those that are defective or have self inflicted illnesses are at a loss, lock yourselves away just don't force others to cater too you. 

Because you're a shit person if you don't care how your actions affect other people.

Edited by Skeeta
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Why do I have to suffer over something I don't give a shit about? For those that are defective or have self inflicted illnesses are at a loss, lock yourselves away just don't force others to cater too you. 

Well don't you just sound like a shit human being. Just remember this comment when your dying from pneumonia.. sadly unlike you, the poor medical staff working around the clock do give a shit and will hopefully save your life, or maybe they'll just look at they're watches and decide they shouldn't have to work overtime just to cater to your need to not die.. 


Back on topic

We're still in the early stages of this - but i'm expecting it's going to get real bad, real quick. That is after all exactly how pandemics work - one person infects two people, then those two infect two others each, and so on. The current infection rate is doubling every 3 days at present, that's likely to speed up as it spreads. In the next 2 weeks they're anticipating up to 25 thousand people infected. The really scary thing is the testing kits are so scarce at present that there's likely many many other people already infected who can't be tested.

I expect to see schools closing at the end of the week, and the beginning of a mandatory curfew / work from home period maybe mid to late next week. We seem to be heading in the direction of Italy at present with lots of people sticking their heads in the sand saying it's just the flu and lets carry on with normal life. These are the people spreading this virus far and wide without consideration to the other people they're interacting with. 

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10 hours ago, colonelbmx said:

why should they close just yet, no cases have been linked to the park, people are canceling flights yet airlines still continue to operate no one is screaming at the airlines/airports to close, public transport still running how do you social distance here, how often will these seats and handrails be cleaned? Local pub probably has the same amount of people there in confined spaces on a Friday night as a daytime show at an Aussie theme park, the government have said its still fine to go the cinema? again maybe smaller numbers but very confined space, 

lets also not forget so far its only raging waters that has closed and it was due to close for the season in a few weeks anyways, so its not just Goldcoast parks still open, 

If your worried or don't want to go don't go, no one forces anyone to go if there open, maybe you live 8 hours away and been planning this holiday for years, some are grateful their open just like other tourist attractions on the Goldcoast, 

  1. Why should they close, when no cases have been linked to the park?
    Answer: Because they can prevent any cases being linked to the park.
  2. No-one is screaming at the airlines to close
    Answer: Airlines are a necessary service for transporting people and cargo - including essential supplies, medicines, and even doctors who need to be moved to where they are needed most. The advice is restrict unnecessary travel. (And the same applies to public transport).




    Virgin Australia is suspending all international flights from March 30 to June 14.

    The airline is cutting domestic capacity by 50 per cent and grounding the equivalent of 53 planes.

    Virgin Australia boss Paul Scurrah said in a statement to the ASX that "significant action" to manage the business was required during this "unprecedented time".



  3. Local pub has the same numbers, and the government said its ok to go to the cinema?



    Health Minister Greg Hunt says the Prime Minister will make a statement early this morning about new restrictions on indoor gatherings.

    "There will be new restrictions on indoor gatherings but the final details are being settled now," he told Sky News.


    I get it. It's tough when your mouth shoots faster than your brain.



10 hours ago, Hiisi90 said:

what is there to do now if even the theme parks buy into the ridiculousness? Especially for those who don't give a shit

Isolate yourself. If everyone just stayed the fuck home for a couple of weeks we'd have a handle on this. It's those who don't give a shit who have caused this to expand exponentially to a point where governments are now requiring businesses to restrict or cease their operations.

TL:DR - If assholes like you weren't so fucking selfish, we potentially wouldn't be in this mess that you're now complaining about.

9 hours ago, Hiisi90 said:

99% isn't going to be affected, so why should we should have to suffer? Why do I have to suffer over something I don't give a shit about? For those that are defective or have self inflicted illnesses are at a loss, lock yourselves away just don't force others to cater too you. 

We are a global society. Humanity means to care for those of our society who cannot care for themselves. Because everyone deserves to live the best life than they can. Because 20% of those who get this will be hospitalised, but if the 80% don't give a shit, and infect our doctors, and nurses, and medical professionals, there will be nobody to care for the 20%, and instead of a 3% mortality rate we'll be looking at higher than 20%.

Go back and look at what happens to society when 20% of the population disappears. A lack of social norm leads to increase in crime - because people can't get toilet paper and food so they break into houses and steal it, and get so desperate that if you try to stop them breaking into your house they hit you over the head with a shovel. You'll give a shit then - when there is no ambulance to pick you up. You'll give a shit then when the life slowly ebbs from your worthless body, and your sphincter relaxes for the final time, and 99% of the contents of the sack of shit that is Hiisi will escape through your colon. Then, you will have given a shit.

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Ban on gatherings of 500 people applies to outdoor events. Indoor events are now banned over 100 people. ScoMo mentioned this even applied to churches etc...

Essential services are not subject to the ban, and include public transport stations, airports, hospitals etc.

Total travel ban level 4 (do not travel) has now been applied worldwide - first time this has happened.

Other restrictions apply to aged care facilities.

I now look forward to hearing from our gold coast parks how even these measures do not apply to them.

I'm also looking forward to hearing from several parkz members about how this is just more media beatup and overkill. (its more fun to quote them a few days later when they're proven wrong).

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22 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

Or do they?

Does MW have to restrict the amount of people waiting to ride SDSC or only have 99 people in Roxy Theater at a time.

No doubt that'll be the spin. The PM also announced that in addition to the 100 person ban, all state governments were working on legislation to cover these bans, as well as legislation covering smaller gatherings.

I think though, if they specify that an airport is exempt, then they are considering that such a large place would be otherwise subject to the ban, even though it isn't a sit-down two hour affair - so the previous VRTP excuse doesn't wash this time.

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USS are doing a lot more than DW/MW combined.  You can't enter USS without having your temperature taken and every attraction is being sanitized continuously throughout the day.   At MW people are complaining they can’t find the hand sanitizer MW promised to put out.

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We are all very quick to bash one part of the argument however not once has anyone considered the position that closing puts on a workforce of over 3000 employees across all the parks on the Gold Coast? Not to mention the businesses the parks engage to provide contracted or supplemental services. 

Might be a good reason why these businesses are considering the information, applying logistical and operational measures before simply just closing their doors. I'm sure its easy for some of us to jump on here and provide our thoughts but it might not necessarily impact all of us financially.  

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11 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

USS are doing a lot more than DW/MW combined.  You can't enter USS without having your temperature taken and every attraction is being sanitized continuously throughout the day

For those who like pictures:


Check out the website for more information https://www.rwsentosa.com/en/novel-coronavirus

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18 hours ago, Hiisi90 said:

They most definitely should remain open, especially in 2020's ridiculous cancel culture that is going on for this sensationalized non-issue... What is there left? 2020 is shaping up to be one hell of a boring year, don't take this away as well for those who frankly don't give a shit. 🙄

Go easy eh?? This level of moronism is seldom acheived.


I bet he is real fun at parties though!!!! 😂

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3 hours ago, Original said:

What about Singapore they're being heralded as handling it the best and Universal Studios has managed to stay open? 

Yes, Singapore does have a lot going for it (although I wouldn't say 'best' - North Korea so far has gone without a single infection, so i'd suggest they're probably the 'best'.)

The fact is that Singapore's social responsibility is deeply ingrained in their culture as a small island nation. They're a global travel hub, and so they've been exposed to the worst of the pandemics of the past. Like SARS. And they learned from that.

Their citizens self-sacrifice more for the social good. Possibly infected? They stay home. When an Australian is possibly infected? they go out partying at Friday's night club while awaiting test results.

We've also seen today a case of a Sydney couple being denied a corona test because they weren't in the 'risk categories', only to be found later to be positive.

This 'social separation' concept that we've all heard this week? Singapore has been doing that for over a month.

2 hours ago, S.W24 said:

We are all very quick to bash one part of the argument however not once has anyone considered the position that closing puts on a workforce of over 3000 employees across all the parks on the Gold Coast? Not to mention the businesses the parks engage to provide contracted or supplemental services.

Actually, discussion of the workforce welfare has been brought up a few times already. Here's a few truths:

  • Many businesses that have closed, either voluntarily or mandatorily, have continued to pay their staff.
  • Some businesses have even offered to pay casuals, even though they aren't obligated to do so.
  • Casuals are paid a 'casual loading' that is intended to compensate them for not having all the leave and benefits of a full time worker. This is the trade off and is why Casuals get the short end of the shut-down. I know many are typically low-income, and live paycheck to paycheck, but that is the unfortunate life of the casual worker. This, however, while very unfortunate for the large casual workforce should not be a reason to remain open and compromise the health of the community.
  • Given the large casual nature of the park workforce, perhaps they should consider paying their casuals at least base rate for a period while they are closed.
28 minutes ago, Brendo88 said:

I was at MW today and they most certainly DID have hand sanitizer spread throughout the park, and  at the exit of each ride. I did see them regularly cleaning the rides every 30 mins as well. - I''ve seen the comments on their FB page about no santizer... Those people need to get their eye sight checked because it was literally everywhere.

Hand Sanitiser stations have been shown mounted to several locations around the park on their social channels. I think the question is more whether those dispensers were actually filled? Did you test each station?

If so, and they had sanitiser in them, maybe the reports of no sanitiser are a case of people using them more frequently than anticipated on day one, and they've needed to up their game on having them refilled throughout the day.

47 minutes ago, Brendo88 said:

There would of been lucky to even be 500 people there today to be honest. 

Maybe that's the new cap to stay under the 500 outdoor gathering rules? 🤣

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