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Disney Expanding Footprint Name In Australia


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On October the 10th, 2020 Fox Studios Australia has officially been renamed to Disney Studios Australia. Fox Studios becomes Disney Studios, welcomes next 'Planet of the Apes' film - IF Magazine

Disney Cruise Line recently announce that it's bringing even more to Australia by adding two cruises  World's Seventh Disney Theme Park Gains Traction, Could Appear In South of Country - Inside the Magic

As early as two weeks ago, multiple news related stories detailed that Disney had been looking at establishing itself in Australia, a push was made for Disney to be established in South Australia and at one time, the Gold Coast, Australia. World's Seventh Disney Theme Park Gains Traction, Could Appear In South of Country - Inside the Magic

 With the above mentioned and what appears to be an increase of footprint by Disney into Australia, could Disney be scanning possible locations for a Singapore sized Univesal studio version of Disney Theme Park. 

Gold Coast, Queensland seems to be the logical geographical location although SA as has been referenced as a potential. With Olympics quickly approaching in Queensland, with the Gold Coast being the mecca for Australian theme park and with new infrastructure being constructed and planned for the Olympics, the Gold Coast with its weather and tourism magnate, seems to be a more pragmatic choice. 

Warner Bros. Movie World during recent school holidays had good visitation, it is debatable as to whether Dreamworld was able to attract the same number of foot traffic. Ardent Leisure has significant excess land holding and may/could be looking to divest as per a recent ASX announcement. On face value, it may be possible that Dreamworld and its surrounding land may be viewed by Disney executives and being a potential acquisition. However, this is pure speculation, but would seem to make sense should Disney Theme Park be a real possibility. 

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Look, I don't think Disney is coming, but if they were to build here, the Sunshine Coast is an option. Plenty of land and also technically an international Airport (that would need major investment, but thats part of the Disney draw), otherwise Western Sydney with their new airport isn't a bad shout either.


I can't see VIC, SA, NT or WA getting it over NSW (major population/tourism) and QLD (Tourism).

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Even if (and it's a massive if) the business case for an Australian park stacked up, I can't see Disney buying Dreamworld instead of doing a greenfields build. On the other hand, Dreamworld becoming Legoland Australia is entirely possible, as Merlin have "converted" parks before.

There will absolutely be more Disney cruises coming to Australia. They seem to have sold very well, and it wouldn't surprise me if one or two of the older ships are permanently based in the Western Pacific to serve Asia and Australia going forward.

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It would take Ardent selling the land, the government being the buyer, clearing the land of anything Ardent couldn't sell, and then trying to court the mouse into town, presumably by offering more land (bye bye sports fields?), a butt load of tax incentives and offering to pay some of the building costs. I don't see a version of this where Disney calls Ardent and are like 'How much?'

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I really want a Disney park to come to Australia in some form, and while I don’t think something specific is planned yet, I feel as if Disney is starting to test their waters here with the announcement of Disney cruises coming here. tbh I really feel like we have the economy to support at least something Universal Singapore’s size, and If they ever intend on building another international park, I really can’t see anywhere else being considered, due to our good economic status and our great political relationship with the US. 

When I comes to Merlin buying Dreamworld tho, I believe it’s only a matter of time. It’s the perfect park for a company like that to buy, and Ardent clearly isn’t overly interested in keeping it, however I’m not entirely convinced it would become a Legoland. Mabye something similar to Chessington instead. Also, If Merlin bought dreamworld would it give them the rights to Dreamworks? cause that would be another reason for them to acquire the park.

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4 hours ago, Natti_amusements said:

If Merlin bought dreamworld would it give them the rights to Dreamworks?

Not specifically as Dreamworld simply pays for the rights, they don’t own them. Any contract for sale of DW and its impact on Dreamworks licensing would come down to whether a transfer of rights is applicable under the contract between DW & DW. Without know that however, I’d imagine Merlin or any other buyer would have to enter into a new or renegotiated agreement with dreamworks 

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Fully agree, Ardent certainly seam poised and planed to sell Dreamworld prior to the tragic death incident. The organisation recently offloaded its main event entertainment centres in America it only seems natural that they now move to offload their theme parks.

The question still remains who that entity would be.  I assume for shareholders there would be like coiled springs waiting for any such announcements based on recent Ardent Leisure Gold Coast performances. 

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The Fox Studios move is a rebrand. They bought Fox a few years back and have been slowly but systematically bringing the Fox products under their umbrella - introducing the titles into Disney+ etc. Putting the D on the studios is just another step in the process of Mousification.

As for the cruises - have they brought two ships? I thought it was just the Wonder coming next year, splitting it's shuttle cruises between the east coast ports? The cruises really were a no brainer - we're an island and cruising is a big part of our holiday culture (and a mega industry to boot) so with more ships coming on line, it was a no brainer to branch out and take their older ships to other markets.

And finally, for park rumours - i've lost count of the number of times this has been discussed on these boards. A Disney park, even one the size of Universal Singapore, is out of reach of 'current Australia'. We don't have the population, and our tourism draw isn't enough to support a park of that size and scale. Our parks build a flagship rollercoaster for $30 Million, whereas the upcoming Tron at WDW is reportedly budgeted around $450 Million. Just because Disney has the money, doesn't mean they'll spend it building expensive attractions where they won't get a return on investment. 

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To give an idea, I just bought a 2 day ticket to Disneyland and it cost me over $600 Australian. 
No one in Australia is going to pay that much to visit a park and costs would be even higher with Australian wages. 

*ok not no one, but not enough people to make the park viable

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1 minute ago, rappa said:

To give an idea, I just bought a 2 day ticket to Disneyland and it cost me over $600 Australian. 
No one in Australia is going to pay that much to visit a park and costs would be even higher with Australian wages. 

*ok not no one, but not enough people to make the park viable

$600 for 2 days wouldn’t go well at all, people don’t even like $100+ theme park passes here💀

I will say Disney looks cool, but i personally wouldn’t go as it isn’t my interest, and i wouldn’t pay upwards of $500 just to go. I’d much prefer a six flags / cedar fair type of park on the Gold Coast (with higher theming) or even a Universal Studios park to be built here then a Disney park.

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16 minutes ago, rappa said:

To give an idea, I just bought a 2 day ticket to Disneyland and it cost me over $600 Australian. 
No one in Australia is going to pay that much to visit a park and costs would be even higher with Australian wages. 

*ok not no one, but not enough people to make the park viable

Your point is absolutely valid - Disney are stupid money right now, but it's worth mentioning that uniquely, the only privately owned Disney park - Tokyo Disneyland - currently sells single adult day tickets for an undiscounted 7900 JPY (about $85.76 AUD according to Google) compared to Movie World's day ticket of $109 at the gate or $99 online.

Obviously the value is made in multi day ticketing but it still gobsmacks me that tokyo is comparably so cheap...

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38 minutes ago, rappa said:

To give an idea, I just bought a 2 day ticket to Disneyland and it cost me over $600 Australian. 
No one in Australia is going to pay that much to visit a park and costs would be even higher with Australian wages. 

*ok not no one, but not enough people to make the park viable


I was wondering how you got it to add up to that, but yep, 2 day park hopper with genie plus (yep you pretty much have to suck that up since they took away free fastpass)


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I just checked that info it was $550 AUD for 2 day park hopper at Disneyland, but omg I never remember it being that expensive! I went three times between 2011 - 2019 and tickets never reached more than $250 AUD for the 2 day both parks, so  I’m guessing there’s been a lot of Chapek Markups being done since the Pandemic, which is never a good thing thing.

But when I comes to Disney in Australia, I feel it’s more of a Aussie Disney renaissance that could last several decades, that hopefully leads to park being built here at some point in the future. For now I just hope that Ardent sells Dreamworld relatively soon, to a company that encourages themeing at the park, so we can at least have a park in the nation with a good dark ride or so mixed in with quality coasters

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It's not just the park thats price gouging either. I (tried) priced up a WDW trip the other day with hotels which is borderline impossible to do. I was looking into a 2 bedroom place onsite and found a site that has the rough yearly prices for each hotel. The 2 bedrooms start at 1500usd and go up to 2600usd. That's 2400-4000 aud which is insane when you learn it's per night. Hamilton Island like to have a bit of a circle jerk over qualia being "Australia's highest rated resort" and "Australia's only 6 star resort", while their prices start at 1600 and top out at 2600 a night for the low and mid quality rooms outside of peak. The big one goes for 6k. That includes breakfast, a buggy, gym, non-alcoholic drinks (unlimited), VIP chauffeurs from the airport and 24 hour taxi'ng. At Disney? Cable car, bus and boat.

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16 hours ago, Gazza said:

For what its worth, here's what I paid for Tokyo December 2019

$196 AUD roughly.


I looked at this and thought 'right, that's cheaper again for a multi-day' and then i realised that that was CHRISTMAS DAY at Tokyo Disneyland and now i'm just like - wow.

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5 hours ago, Cactus_Matt said:

Long story short if you want to experience Disney on the cheap forget about the US parks and just go to Tokyo. You'll have a much better (cheaper) time I assure you!

Not to mention you get to experience DisneySea there, I while I’ve never been it looks amazing, and far better than any of the US parks. Especially considering they’re adding that massive Fantasy Springs expansion sometime next year.

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  • 9 months later...

If DisneyQuest was still a going concern, I'd maybe believe one of those gets built in Australia. But a full-size park will never happen, the market is far too small and the population density too light.

The only "big name" park we're likely to see here would be a Legoland, or at a stretch something along the lines of what Universal is building in Texas. 

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