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Arkham Asylum: Shock Therapy (Lethal Weapon Retheme)


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I did not "admit the new train is better". I stated as you quoted "I rode it twice after it reopened as Arkham and had no issues other than tightness on the legs." I never said it was better so please do not put words in my mouth or twist what I have said to support your thoughts.

You clearly stated that the previous train could give you headache that went away a short while later. You then state the new train only had tightness on the legs. How is taking that as the new train is better twisting anything? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but i think I'm now going to have to side with the earlier post that suggested you're actually actively looking for negatives. I'm not really too phased to be honest, I couldn't really care less if someone doesn't like the new ride, I love it and there are many many others that do also and that's good enough for me. I'm not about to set about trying to convince someone who doesn't like it they actually do. But I will work to squash a impression that the ride is now worse of being imparted onto others because I do believe that to very much not be true.
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The seats and restraints are very comfortable at the start... by the inline twists I have the same issue with pain in my legs and have trouble walking off the ride at the end. I also would personally would rather the head banging which could be dealt with by pressing your head to one side.

This was in reference to my first 2 rides and was posted prior to the third ride. As you can see, I didn't say it was better back then either. On the day a park does something that I find amazing I will sing their praises. Until such time I wont. People don't like something they voice their opinion as do those that like something.

But I will work to squash a impression that the ride is now worse of being imparted onto others because I do believe that to very much not be true.

But I will work to squash an impression that the ride is not worse of being imparted onto others because I do believe that to be very much not true. See what I did there? We both have an opposing view. I'm not going to squash your opinion and I understand that you believe it is great. You don't seem to understand that I don't and this is again the pressing issue in these forums that if someone does not comform to your opinions (not you specifically, I mean anyone) that you try to make their ideas worth spit in the eyes of others. Edited by Wyncenuros
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this is again the pressing issue in these forums

If you have such an issue with these forums, as you always express, why don't you just leave them? Why do you keep coming back? Or if you feel as if you're being attacked when you post, why do you keep posting? There's plenty of other theme park forums out there (TPR, CoasterForce, etc.). I just don't get why you'd keep coming back to something you openly dislike. I for one love the new trains. On my first two days of riding it, I found it slightly painful on the legs (but much better than the headache). The headache/ear ache lasted for a few minutes and was so painful that friends would not ride Lethal Weapon at all with me. The leg pain, I'd simply stand up and it'd go away. After maintenance, I found that the leg pain actually got better (didn't hurt as much). During some of the tight turns/loops/barrel rolls the harness did not press in as much. Overall, I'm willing to give a little pain for a great ride. Hell, even on Superman I experience slight pain with my neck sometimes knocking against the thin harness.
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Wyn, there are some employees who fight tooth and nail for their company and will subject anyone who posts a negative thing about the park to an inquisition. I enjoy reading unbiased opinions and just don't pay any attention to the others. I personally had leg pain after the ride but still don't understand how someone could have a headache. I suppose I would swear black and blue about the leg pain as much as others swear black and blue about the head pain. I think I forget sometimes we are not saving the debt crisis or world hunger here. We are talking about theme parks. A lot of passionate people post here. #firstworldproblems

Edited by aussienetman
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I do not always agree with the "Community Leaders" on Parkz but they have every right to give their opinions/counter yours on the Arkham Asylum Coaster. The few days of maintenance on Arkham did not alter the ride experience whatsoever... I would have to agree the lap bars on Arkham can be more painful than the Wipeout, however certainly not bad enough to not consider riding. I often hear guests in the park commenting on how much of an improvement Arkham was over Lethal.

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Wyn, there are some employees who fight tooth and nail for their company and will subject anyone who posts a negative thing about the park to an inquisition. I enjoy reading unbiased opinions and just don't pay any attention to the others.

There is no company promoting here. Of course I wouldn't come on here bashing but if there is something I don't like I will just say nothing. My postings on this topic are from a coaster enthusiast point of view 100%. I, like most other riders was blown away by the transformation in the ride experience with the new train. My passion comes from wanting everyone to try it and see for themselves and not be discouraged from some very negative opinions which I strongly disagree with. It's nature that most of the time people with something good to say, say nothing, but people with a complaint are very vocal. Ask anyone that has worked in customer service. This means the negative views can often overpower the positive ones, I don't want that to indicate to people who haven't ridden that the ride is bad. Wyncenuros doesn't seem to be willing to accept that the vast majority of people DO think the ride is better and even wants to turn around and say his positives are still negative. The good thing is there are a tonn of SLCs out there in the world for people to enjoy with the old trains if they desire. Fortunately for us we have this awesome new variant,
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If you have such an issue with these forums, as you always express, why don't you just leave them? Why do you keep coming back? Or if you feel as if you're being attacked when you post, why do you keep posting? There's plenty of other theme park forums out there (TPR, CoasterForce, etc.). I just don't get why you'd keep coming back to something you openly dislike.

The issue is when there is a disagreeance in regards to something and others seem to try and wipe the negatives. Yes I believe everyone should experience the ride for themselves and make their own decision based on their experience. I am not saying the ride is always the same, I am saying from my experience what I found it to be.

Wyncenuros doesn't seem to be willing to accept that the vast majority of people DO think the ride is better and even wants to turn around and say his positives are still negative. The good thing is there are a tonn of SLCs out there in the world for people to enjoy with the old trains if they desire. Fortunately for us we have this awesome new variant,

Yes LW needed updating. Yes Arkham was a great choice. Yes they have done a wonderful job of the retheme. Yes the ride was a lot better than LW was in regards to guest enjoyment. I enjoy walking through the queue line and looking at the newly themed front of the building. I don't care that there is no audio as I do not see how that would improve the experience.

joz, I agree completely with your comments on the audio. I don't care it isn't there and I don't see what difference it will make to the ride. I have merely in the past mentioned that it is still not there for those that are interested.

I love the earthquake section. I would say more than anything that occurs after the launch. The launch itself though can't be beaten in my opinion.

How am I saying those positives are negative? I don't understand.
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The posts I quoted before are in relation to the ride and themeing as a whole. I stand by that the retheme was needed and it has brought enjoyment back into a ride theme that was dated. (Being a batman fan since young also drags me in.) The coaster and carriage itself is where my issues lay.

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...but are they issues with the coaster \ carriage? You rode after launch without problem (besides leg pressure - which is to be expected from that style of ride) and then the next time several weeks later, you come off with headache \ migraine? If it were the train \ coaster \ carriage that was the problem, then there would be many people complaining of similar symptoms. Lethal Weapon was universally known as giving people headbanging, headaches, sore ears. There are few members on this forum who wouldn't have experienced that over the years. I never experienced anything more than minor irritation, but I still wouldn't ride more than once or twice in a row. I've been on Lethal both before and after it's small downtime, and I notice no difference. Lastly - Gazza - you think leg pressure on Wipeout was bad - can I get an amen from all the Bounty's Revenge riders out there???

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I posted earlier that people near me on the coaster complained of the same issue I had (leg pain and a headache). The launch post was related to me not just posting negatives and referred to Superman. Once again I will explain to those of you that did not understand earlier... This post was related to my experience on this occasion. Because it was not a positive post people got up in arms about it. I stated I had two experiences on the ride where the only issue was the leg pain, and that after the maintenance I had further issues, and that IN MY OPINION it is, IN IT'S CURRENT STATE, (the latest experience I had) it is not better than Lethal Weapon.

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Thanks Internet for posting what I wrote :angry2: Anyway, what I said was, in no way do I want LW back, every time I rode that thing I came off with a thumping headache and ears that felt like they were bleeding, that could sometimes last a whole day. This was not matter what I did, brace or not brace, didn't matter, each experience was the same, pain! I think Wyncenuros, you just had a bad day riding it. I've had them before; I've been on ToT2 10 times in a row when it first opened before I started to feel a bit under the weather and then went a week later, did one go on it and feeling not very good at all. I know with the The Claw, as much as I love it twice in a row in my limit, a third go in a row and it is not a pleasant experience. However, one day I did at least 10 rides on Cyclone, ate breakfast then did Wipeout twice with fairy floss and Krispy kreme in between the 2 and then a go straight after on The Claw, I was fine up until my ride on The Claw, needless to say I needed some time out after that :P Hell I even blacked out once on the Corkscrew (back before it was SV), I blacked out just after the first loop and came to when it hit the brakes. I've done SE once at least 10 time in a row, the park was empty and raining, yet SE had 2 trains going and even chalked up a few rides on batwing straight after and didn't feel a thing. So Wyn, I may not be a doctor, or have any idea about your ride; but from the sound of things I would just chalk it up as a bad day/experience and have another go later and report back again :)

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Its strange. I havent been on Arkham yet ( and probably wont for quite a while) but I never had that many issues riding it when it was Lethal. I never experienced headaches or even bad head banging. However, people I have rode with at the time complained of those very symptoms!! I am not an overly tall person , so you can definitely say it was not due to height!! My interest is piqued to ride Arkham to experience these issues for myself!! And for the record, I reckon Wipeout is much more constricting than Bounty's Revenge ever was--hell the Moon Ranger at LPS also rates higher on the squeezometer!!! :D

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hell the Moon Ranger at LPS also rates higher on the squeezometer!!! :D

That ride is really painful for me. I am on the smaller side of average height and thin. The restraints were tight and when the ride went upside down the pain starts, mostly on my head. I don't know if it was just me or the seats I was in because my head was pushing against the rubber roof.
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Despite the hatin' for the peeps with "orange under their names" their comments really seem to speak true about how much of an epic improvement this is to an otherwise run of the mill come filler come crappily average coaster. My experience not only of the themeing but the new trains was what I think would be the perfect execution of how to revive an old ride and completely make it into something new. Sea Viper was a hit and a miss, and Tower of Terror 2 came close but the themeing was pretty horrid as is the long-ass eyesore tunnel - but these new trains, along with their newfound sense of rider freedom mid-ride and the great themeing really shift the ride experience into something that's genuinely a really, really great thing. And yes, it's a total given that while they did clamp down on my legs noticeably at the end, i'd take the 15 seconds of rolling into the station with a slight numbness in my legs over feeling clustrophobically skull-bashed into padded oblivion any day. And of course with the beauty of Movie World being the kind of ambitious company they are, we'll continue to see more unique touches like the audio that you just don't get from local, small-chain parks. Like seriously, we really are getting shit world-class parks spend huge time and money on in our own backyard. To think the amount of "whoa" comments we get from rides like Scooby from international park goers and we bitch about the smoke not being smokey enough. LOLGASMS ensue. These trains are an awesome thing. They're a steal from a theme park geek POV, and I really hope they deliver a solid ROI so that we can continue to have a long future of awesome little innovations to our ride experiences like this in our local parks. On a side note, is the first install of one of these new trains on an SLC track?

Edited by Slick
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