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What rides have you gotten stuck on, or have seen broken down?


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^ Plus, a lot of my threads seem to die, but they're mostly just me making random crap in RCT3 which most people don't bother to comment on. Either that or a lot of people on here don't like me, neither one would surprise me, and yet I'm still here. On topic though - forgot to mention earlier. Was one ride away from being stuck on Joker's Riddler's (Sorry Gazza) Revenge at SFMM, was stuck on the chain for 35mins. That would have really sucked on that ball brusing stand up coaster :S

Edited by reanimated35
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I also went to luna park melbourne last week and agree the park just doesnt have the charm what it use to.. Someone has blacked out a few of the teeth on the giant mouth.. The park is just so muddled, there is barely anything related to luna park in the gift shop.. Ill always love luna park its sad to see it so run down when lindsey fox was supposed to be making the park alot fresher

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Various lift hill e-stops because some idiot pulled a camera/ipod from his/her pockets. The Claw wouldn't align correctly, restraints wouldn't open. We had to ride three times in a row before we could get off. I threw up. :lol: Same goes for Space Roller at the EKKA. Wouldn't lower, went again. Did not throw up. :) I don't think it was a break down, but I remember being on Thunder River Rapids waiting for the lift with what I assumed was the entire collection of rafts.

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I've seen countless issues on various rides at Dreamworld. ^^ The same thing happened to my friend on the Claw - wouldn't align and they had to go again. The only thing I've actually experienced is being dropped by one of the arms on the Octopus ride at Aussie World from half way up its cycle (which isn't even that much), as the operator was ending the ride.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was a ride operator for nearly 5 years both here in Australia and overseas, so I have pleanty of experience with rides breaking down with people on them. My scariest experince was with The Demon. Have a look at the for all the details as i'm not going to bother typing it up again. I think just about every ride at Wonderland had someone get stuck on it at sometime or another, this even includes the dodgems. Thankfully I never had anyone suffer a serious injury whilst I was operating but I do know there were several incidents. Bussy

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I have been on Spider-man at islands of Adventure when the ride chose to have a dummy spit and all the projection screens went off and our ride vehicle started making random movements and completely stopped during the falling sequence so we got to see how everything works, with the house lights on. The ride continued until the end where we got taken through a walk way straight from the exit back to the start of the queue and got to get straight back on for a flawless ride. I have also been in Terminator 2 3D when the film decided to have a nap. The funny thing about that was the audio was still playing, and the actors still thought it was going for a few seconds until they saw the screen and you could see their faces, thinking "what the heck, what do we do now". They managed to get it back up but only for a second and then we all got told to leave and see the next show which we got giving access to skip the queue, when it was time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

good old AW... the simulator ride there broke down while watching 'Astro Canyon Coaster' if I remember right. The film decided to take a nap and we all were still strapped in until the motion sequence ended. Wild Mouse? Operator error. Bell didn't work, car overshot the manual brakes before the operator had a chance to act. I went on a traveling 'House of Horrors' ride once, the type with electrified track/cars. Same ride that I saw as a B-double trailer a few days before. it broke down going through one part, the transformer just gave up the ghost (no pun intended). So basically I was stuck on said ride for a while until one of the workers in costume came and evacuated me and a few other people. Was worth the admission price IMHO to get stuck in the first part and have one of the workers paid to scare you get you out of the ride.

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  • 1 year later...

I was stuck on Arkham Asylum Shock Therapy when my harness was stuck before the ride started which sucked because they let us off and we couldn't ride it,Haunted Mansion at Magic Kingdom when we got stucked during the ride when I was on it and I waited there for 5 minutes maybe 10 until they continued the ride and Aussie World's The Plunge when I got stuck before my log climbed the lift to the final drop.

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At Dreamworld today I saw some people stuck upside down on the Pandamodum. A security guard and first aid team member rushed to the scene. Also at the same time the floor would not come up on the Claw and people were stuck after the ride. I was next in line but missed out due to the breakdown. Seriously 2 rides broken down at the same time. And the Claw just came out of maintenance. I think I won't return to Dreamworld for a very long time!


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Rollback on SE. We sat in the launch position for about 10 minutes after the failed launch before being evacuated, the ride never reopened. We got led down some stairs to a corridor with a yellow line which took as back to the park. It must be like a labyrinth under the launch area because we took a lot of turns down there to end up at the door next to the queue entry. Has anyone else actually been on it during a rollback because they are so rare?

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At Dreamworld today I saw some people stuck upside down on the Pandamodum. A security guard and first aid team member rushed to the scene. Also at the same time the floor would not come up on the Claw and people were stuck after the ride. I was next in line but missed out due to the breakdown. Seriously 2 rides broken down at the same time. And the Claw just came out of maintenance. I think I won't return to Dreamworld for a very long time!

Wow... Do you know how long the riders were stuck for on The Pandamonium? Really scary stuff.

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