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Escape from Madagascar vs. Road Runner Rollercoaster: What's better & Who's right?

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Jet Rescue was the first ride to make it into Parkz All Stars Aussie Theme ParkMDMC is the first ride turned into paperclips.


Next battle:

Escape from Madagascar vs. Road Runner Rollercoaster. 

Time to see which one will be left standing and which one will be turned into dust.   

If anybody has any ideas of battles they what to see, you can send me a message and I will start a new one each Monday.

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This is a much tougher one, but I have to say Road Runner. Both are good for the young ones not quite up to the big coasters - but both are bumpy, uncomfortable and showing their age. The determining factor for me was Road Runner's theming. I find it more attractive and less "thrown together" than EFM.

Tough decision for me, but Road Runner wins it by a whisker.

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RR is more thrilling with a much faster initial dissent that keeps the ride going at a good pace till the brake stop.

EFM has the allure of being suspended and probably a more comfortable seat with no issue re leg room etc. However I believe the restraints are more comfortable on RR being a simple lap bar, EFM are too tight and over the top for this kind of ride. RR is obviously better themed with all the surrounding Rockwork, Station and Trains.

For the type of rides they are I'll give EFM a 6/10 and a 7.5/10 for RR.

As an area and in their current states, I would rate MW Kid's Zone 5.5/10 and 7.5/10 for DW's DreamWorks. The addition of a decent family dark ride to both properties in these areas is clearly what both are missing.


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As has been said already - this is a much closer battle and in no way hands down winner. I also congratulate you on creating a thread that asks a question without adding a poll to it. :ph34r:

My first inclination was EFM - the nature of being suspended provides a much better 'i'm flying' experience which in my opinion is probably a much cooler thing than RRRC - remembering of course that Dragon Wagons and similar ground level attractions provide much the same experience for the little guys to RRRC - so EFM would be a 'difference'.

I do have a soft spot for RRRC - although I can't really articulate why - but I find that for adults accompanying the little ones - RRRC can be a tight squeeze - whereas EFM permits leg freedom - so long as you don't put your feet on the chairs in front as you crest the lift hill (you can break a leg if you aren't careful!).

so - i like RRRC, and don't want to see it relegated to paperclips - and - ignoring my preference for VRTP over DW parks (much like you'd compare Holden to Ford - everyone has a favourite and everyone has a nemesis), i'd have to say EFM by a whisker.

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Looking at just the ride and its immediate themeing...

RRRC has enough to make it feel like part of the Road Runner vs Wile Coyote chase through the desert...  EFM feels planted on some green grass...  Maybe some trees (even fake) to feel like the Madagascar wild would bring these two closer in competition in this aspect...

RRRC has a continuous feel as it rolls through the ride...  EFM feels way too slow at sections (yes I know it is more for kids) and therefore disjoints the ride...

RRRC harness is much more forgiving for adults who are going on with their children...  EFM is not so...

Hands down a win for RRRC...

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RRRC is a great ride, although my only peeve is the block brakes right at the end.

EFM is an amazing ride as well, one of the first proper coasters I went on when I was younger so both of these rides have some meaning to me.

As much as I love them though the theming and the ride itself for excitement goes to RRRC. I have a sentimental part of me for RRRC due to it previously being next to LTRR which still today is a ride I adore and I always went on RRRC after or before LTRR.

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1 hour ago, jake_hunt said:

This is a much tougher one,

The first one was a practice one to get all the cobwebs out.

30 minutes ago, AlexB said:

I also congratulate you on creating a thread that asks a question without adding a poll to it. :ph34r:

About time you recognised my greatness.  I'm not much of a poll man but I do like a chat.


I'm going to give my thoughts latter because this one has many reasons to be reasoned out in my head first.




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So, what do we have here....

Stats (RRRC / EFM)
Length:  335 / 341
Speed: 45 / 41
Duration: 1:06 / 1:30
Theming: LT fits in well / What theming?


On paper, they're pretty evenly matched. It really comes down to personal preference and comfort. I'm going to put my vote towards RRRC as IMO it really is more of a easy entry point to the world of coasters. Some kids/families won't like the idea of being on a suspended coaster, especially if they're new to them. 

I view both these rides as kids rides that are a gateway to bigger things, and RRRC really caters more as a gentle beginning for all ages. Not only that, but it's already a winner with the LT theming, and who doesn't love some LT. 

Edited by reanimated35
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RRRC & EFM have the exact same ride layout - one is just higher due to being a suspended rollercoaster. Whilst I haven't seen EFM's theming, I believe RRRC has more immersive theming still plus for it's target market, the rollercoaster is a lower height making it easier to be brave to ride. EFM does have better restraints though in my opinion as it clearly has more room for the legs - RRRC has little room making it uncomfortable (particularly when you hit the brake run - the lap bar goes straight into your abdomen) - the taller you are, the more uncomfortable. So I think RRRC wins this round in my opinion - it just suits the target market better.

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especially considering EFM is a retheme, i think they've done pretty well - the train itself was given an overlay, there were madagascar cargo boxes all around with clever little details. It's been a while since I was on it, but the station got a really nice once over too. Sure they don't have a forest of trees - but thats a bit harder to do in a coaster envelope....

i think saying EFM has 'no theme' is a bit too harsh - although i'll agree it's probably not as detailed as RRRC - you have to take into account the fact that it's pretty easy to theme a desert.

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Road Runner is about as flawless as a ride can get.  Low height requirement, massive capacity (900+ if you're on your game) and quite thrilling even for older kids. Escape from Madagascar isn't bad by any stretch, it just doesn't do things quite as well as Road Runner does them.  


It's not really a close call, Road Runner is the better ride.  Escape from Madagascar crushes Boating School and any other kiddie coaster you care to mention in Australia, but when it's up against one of the best executed coasters around it's always going to be a struggle.

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I personally prefer Escape from Madagascar, I think even if it's not as 'thrilling' as Road Runner, a suspended/inverted kiddie coaster is a bit more unique. And while it may be sacrilegious to say, the theming of Road Runner doesn't add to the experience for that particular coaster in my opinion. It's very nice, but it doesn't give the ride any extra points.

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I always wondered why if they have the same layout RRRC hits the breaks harder, I guess it doesn't lose as much speed as EFM does during the ride.

I think theming does get taken into account with the ride making it better, imagine RRRC without the the ACME TNT on the roof, or passing through the rockwork on the road, I think it definitely wouldn't make it as interesting. 

The extra train on RRRC to help with capacity is great as well, it'd be nice if EFM had that too with the lap bar restraints, but I don't there's space on the ride for a maintenance bay like RRRC has? 

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Road runner rollercoaster            Escape from Madagascar

Theming              10/10                                                     9/10

Speed                   10/10                                                     9/10

Height                   9/10                                                       10/10

Layout                  9/10                                                       9/10

Train                      9/10                                                       10/10

Capacity               10/10                                                     9/10

Re-ride                 9/10                                                       09/10


I have it as a draw.  I don’t think the theming of RRRC is that good that it KO’s EFM in the first round.  RRRC carries the speed better throughout the ride.  Even it both rides were the same height I think EFM would feel higher just because it’s easier to spot the ground.  I think skater trains are ugly.  I don’t ever re-ride any of them. 

MW might theme a ride better but until DD came along I would say DW themes a whole area better.  I think the theming of DW kid’s area ties better in with the ride.  Because DW kids area just KO’d MW and I’m more likely to go into DW kid area in the first place, my vote will to go to EFM.



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