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Movie World Hypercoaster intensity: greying or blacking out

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12 hours ago, Ryande16 said:

^You guys can't be serious can you? I mean c'mon everyones been praying for a ride like this for the past 10 years now, and when we finally get it people are complaining that it looks to intense and doesn't look fun. Im honestly not sure if you're taking the piss @Glubbo by saying you need to get conditioned to ride it more then once because that made me LOL. As far as my thoughts for the ride are I'm fucking pumped and keen to ride this beast!!! Btw I've already booked a plane ticket to fly up in october to ride it 

Also if you guy's can't handle this ride then don't bother going to any six flags or cedar fair parks just saying :/

Also no hard feelings

Im praying 

I've never greyed out on a ride. Some make me queasy, such as Claw, Pandamonium (hard), but I'm right a few minutes later.

Ryande16, I certainly want to sit in the front seat of this hyper for a half dozen rides in a row, but my stomach wouldn't. I've re-ridden a few times, and loved it (Incredible Hulk, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril), but needed a half hour before I rode the next ride. I've never ridden a hyper, and am looking forward to the negative and lateral G's it'll bring.

I've only been sick from a ride once - as a 10 year old from the Zipper. That was after having a dagwood dog right before! For me part of the fun is going on a ride that'll give you thrills while on it, and have to recover after riding it.

@Gazza for me, no issues with twistyness on coasters such as Jet Rescue.

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The only ride I have ever greyed out on was DW's Enterprise ride, just before lift off and then the lights would begin to come back on for me as it lifted... disconcerting stuff and it happened almost every time I rode.

Funny, I didn't have that issue with the Reef Diver. Maybe it didn't rotate on the ground as fast, not sure..

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I blacked out on Deja Vu at SFMM, just before the first drop. It was a combination of dehydration (we stood in the sun for about an hour without anything to drink before riding) and, according to doctors, massive stress I had placed on my body riding hundreds of rollercoasters and rides in the preceding 6 weeks (About 112 different rollercoasters at about 10 different parks across the USA).

All I remember is when we returned to the station and I woke up all I wanted to do was ride it again because I didn't remember the ride.

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I don't understand all the fuss about greying out. It does not mean going unconscious.

You just lose some vision for a bit, akin to when you stand up too quickly after lying down for a while.

I also don't understand why everyone's so concerned when we have another ride in the same park that is known to induce grey outs in Superman Escape.

It's different for different people, I'm sure some will laugh at me when I say people grey out on Superman but if I relax my muscles when riding I usually grey out a bit on the first turn after the top hat, I'd say at worst I lose 1/2 to 3/4 of my vision, at best I just get a few black spots. If I take steps to avoid it, it doesn't happen (ie. squeezing my legs, tensing up my neck/face a bit etc.)

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On 5/23/2017 at 10:29 PM, wikiverse said:

Actually, if you look at the the track profile, most of the sharp turns are placed at the high points in the ride (so far), so the coaster will actually lose a lot of speed at the top of the loop, at the top of the Stengel Dive, and just before the turnaround which will reduce the lateral G forces on those twists to what you would experience on Jet Rescue at Sea World.

So far, the High-Speed turns (like the S-Bend) are profiled to have heart-line offset banking.  So, the G-forces look more forceful than your experience of them, because the coaster 'turns' on the z-axis at your chest height, not at the track height.

You seem to be focusing on the banking transitions in and out of elements, which really have nothing to do with the greying/blacking out that people here are speaking of. Jet Rescue is a (surprisingly) wild ride that throws you around smoothly from side to side, but these are not sustained positive g-forces. The concept of so-called heartline design you refer to is about smoothing the ride experience rather than reducing the forces.

I believe the point @Gazza was making with Jet Rescue is that these rapid-fire turns and direction changes don't typically result in heavy sustained positive g-forces for the pure fact that they're manageable forces in short bursts. Those momentary let-ups in positive g-forces would help hugely with blood flow for those prone to greying out.

Jet Rescue -- and even Motocoaster -- are nothing but banked turns and they're fine. I see no reason for anyone to be scared about the forces on this one based on photos of a few twists and turns.

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3 minutes ago, Richard said:

I see no reason for anyone to be scared about the forces on this one based on photos of a few twists and turns.

Thanks Richard. What about the Helixes on this one that some people have compared to Goliath? And on that note, do you know why the forces are so strong in that particular element of Goliath, especially when it comes straight after major trim brakes?

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As @Richard said Greying/Blacking out is due to sustained positive G-Forces such as what you get in a long, fast helix like on Goliath at SFMM. I've ridden Goliath and did grey out a bit on my first ride but if you hold your core and legs tight it helps prevent that. The coaster going in at Movie World has a lot of wild transitions but these are more likely to create nausea (if you're prone to that) rather than make you grey out. Looks like it's going to be forceful but not in a way with sustained forces, I guess we will be able to make a call when we see more of the coaster come together.

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I've ridden Goliath & it didn't make me grey out, was pretty intense in that helix & you could definitely feel the G's. 

On another note, most of what I've been hearing lately is "it's gonna do this to me", "it's gonna do that to me"... Can we get some more positivity into this ride?!? :lol: Come on people :P 

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@Richard I don't disagree with you.  Sustained G Forces are what cause blackouts. I haven't experienced them myself, although spin & spew rides make me nauseous. 

The reason I didn't refer to it is because the two posters I originally replied to were just observing that the coaster looked 'too intense' and 'not fun'.  Much of the greying out conversation has happened after that.

But from what we see so far on the coaster, there aren't any elements that should impose sustained G-Forces.  Hopefully that same pattern keeps up through the rest of the layout.  If not, at least the coaster is close enough to Justice League so people that greyout can recover on a dark ride before riding again! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Rode Helix and Alpina Blitz (which small height should not deceive you!) and both are clearly a notch less intense than the best Intamins I've done (El Toro, Expedition GeForce, Superman: the Ride and Taron). The Intamins can crush you into your seat, sometimes for quite sustained periods of time. Helix and Alpina both do apply some positive forces, but never to the same level of insanity some Intamin coasters do. I can see DC Rivals being the same, although perhaps Mack decided to up their game...

On the topic of rapid-fire turns, Taron mostly consists of twisty turns and surprisingly delivers very, very strong and sustained G+. Those turns and overbanks may look somewhat inoffensive, but (especially at night) they literely took my breath away with sheer intensity! I'm not expecting the same to happen with DC Rivals because the layout is more drawn-out and... well, because it's Mack, but I can tell you rapid-fire turns can end up very forceful if the curves are very tight! 

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