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Hot Wheels Sidewinder Refurbishment

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7 minutes ago, Rachelkinks said:

Well someone is definitely right about steel fatigue sadly, yepppp Dreamworld should've checked this before doing a complete repaint but didn't. This explains why the maintenance period is extended to December and we might not even see this ride operate again. 

That's a lot of assumptions.

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3 minutes ago, Rachelkinks said:

Well someone is definitely right about steel fatigue sadly, yepppp Dreamworld should've checked this before doing a complete repaint but didn't. This explains why the maintenance period is extended to December and we might not even see this ride operate again. 

If Dreamworld shuts down this 4 named coaster. Big Dipper, Cyclone, Sidewinder, GoldCoaster. Whatever you call it. There will only be 2 roller coasters and 6 thrilling flat rides remaining in the park. Not even Wonderland in it's dying days was like that!

Movie World seems to be the best theme park now in the Gold Coast thrills wise. Movie World has 5 coasters, 1 log flume, and 2 thrilling flat rides. And Sea World has 4 coasters and 1 thrilling flat rides. Dreamworld is slowly becoming destroyed. Dreamworld is the next Wonderland. And Ardent Leisure is the new Sunway.

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1 hour ago, Rachelkinks said:

Well someone is definitely right about steel fatigue sadly, yepppp Dreamworld should've checked this before doing a complete repaint but didn't. This explains why the maintenance period is extended to December and we might not even see this ride operate again. 

And you know that the ride wasn’t checked over before proceeding with work? That’s a very big assumption especially considering this change over/ retheme has been in the works for over 12 months now (IP application for the name Gold Coaster was submitted in September 2019). 

Steel Coasters aren’t immune from track issues such as steel fatigue, one only has to look at Jet Rescue for a recent example. It’s not uncommon for many steel coasters to get touch ups here and there throughout its life. It’s when those become larger problems that we need to be concerned. 

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@T-bone just remember prior to October 2016 Dreamworld did hardly any maintenance and I doubt they have learnt to check the track prior to painting it. 

Remember Wipeout they wasted $$$ on a refurbishment and it only lasted another year. 

Tower of terror never got a upgrade 

Rocky hollow log ride was refurbished but then closed a year later as well


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7 minutes ago, Rachelkinks said:

@T-bone just remember prior to October 2016 Dreamworld did hardly any maintenance and I doubt they have learnt to check the track prior to painting it. 

Remember Wipeout they wasted $$$ on a refurbishment and it only lasted another year. 

Tower of terror never got a upgrade 

Rocky hollow log ride was refurbished but then closed a year later as well


That’s even more barrels of assumptions.

when you make too many of those you end up looking like a, well, you know how it goes...

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In defense of the troll; ToT didn't get the same system upgrade that Superman got. They got the backwards car but it wasn't upgraded. Also the stuff about Wipeout is true that they spent a lot on keeping it going when in reality it was knackered. Rocky Hollow wasn't upgraded in any meaningful way beyond the cages, which apparently caused massive damage to the boats. You wouldn't care but Wipeout and Log Ride dodginess was after TRR, along with the DW designed secondary restraint on Shockwave.


Wether they're still doing crap stuff like that I couldn't say, but it's fair to say that after the accident they weren't suddenly awesome.


As for Sidewinder, I'd have thought it  too new for widespread metal fatigue. A few patches here and there that need work on the other hand, would not be a huge shock given how the train bounces around and slams into the rails. 

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Joz is right, there were some silly decisions that occured post TRR, however if mistakes have been learnt from the past, then maybe they should be given the benefit of the doubt?  This project has commenced under the guidance of the new management structure, the new management structure that felt the brunt of those previous mistakes. I’m sure they are keen to not repeat those mistakes. 

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The reason its taking so long is the actual painting. Its not uncommon on any project to start the paint job while other trades are also working, come back and fix the paint or rub it back to do work and then repaint again. This is who projects get done in month and not years.  Its the same way they repaint bridges. There is also significant over spray that tends to blow from the south, so they can only paint from 7pm to 5am. Otherwise they cover all the guest and staffs vehicals in the carpark. This is why the carpark was closed back at Buzzsaw when only the Lego shop was open, because they could paint during the day.

Also the Genie Lift has a wind rating, so when the wind gets up, they have to bring it down and stop work. 

But i did enjoy the conspiracy theory's :)

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3 hours ago, T-bone said:

Joz is right, there were some silly decisions that occured post TRR, however if mistakes have been learnt from the past, then maybe they should be given the benefit of the doubt?  This project has commenced under the guidance of the new management structure, the new management structure that felt the brunt of those previous mistakes. I’m sure they are keen to not repeat those mistakes. 

You should know; the CFO at the time of the Thunder River Rapids tragedy is the now CSO who writes the news announcements that say they are new managment.

When Warner Bros. Movie World opened up with some rides closed some people on the forum called them the next theme park hitlers for it. now dreamworld is doing the same old thing. dreamworld is putting up more barriers and closing more lands than wonderland did. dreamworld is closing rides forever for dumb reasons without replacements, they are pushing ride open schedules back and taking many thrill attractions down at the same time next month. Where are those who spoke ill about Warner Bros. Movie World now?

you are a fool to think they are not quietly just waiting for someone to buy it.

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13 minutes ago, themagician said:

Did they show the updated entry/sign for the coaster in that video too?

Nope Sadly , Guys if anyone goes to dreamworld during happy Halloween can someone try and get a good photo of the gold coaster sign unless it is covered up

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