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New Movie World Plaza Screens

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19 hours ago, AlexB said:

I don't mind most of the poles but the ones in the middle of the plaza should go. the light trusses aren't that difficult to erect when needed - just requires riggers to be involved. it honestly ruins the look at other times (but at least they went to the trouble of ordering white fixtures)

Well the poles in the plaza kinda hold the roof up so won’t be going anywhere soon...

Cost of putting up and pulling down lighting trusses for every event would be far too cost prohibitive so they’ll stay too. 

As for white fixtures, ‘they’ did this at one point. But a lot of black crap has been hung in the roof years since. 

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2 hours ago, aaronm said:

For me the lighting fixtures look ok, but the fairy lights seem somewhat tacky, especially when they're only used for a handful of nights each year. That big white canvas would be great for nighttime projections though... 

The fairy lights  are used consistently. 
you are forgetting that there are corporate/group events at the park almost every week. 

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1 hour ago, themagician said:

They have also added new speakers on the floor which are very loud. And they have also completely updated the footage that is shown on the screen too

Those are just the old speakers now stacked up on the ground instead of hung off the screen. 
Definitely totally wrong for that kind of space. 

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3 hours ago, themagician said:

They have also added new speakers on the floor which are very loud. And they have also completely updated the footage that is shown on the screen too

They are due to be hang back up where they used to be soon, I believe they are getting new audio system including speakers soon

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On 13/03/2020 at 2:08 PM, themagician said:

But also, did they not ever take all these lights down after last years WC

I've been saying that for quite a while now...

On 13/03/2020 at 5:24 PM, themagician said:

They have also added new speakers on the floor which are very loud.

Haven't they always had speakers on the ground behind the curtains? or are you saying they've replaced those with new ones?

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Install truss towers to support the lighting trusses - this is meant to be a Hollywood movie set after all, and lighting rigs are part of that.

If they must persist with a roof, do the engineering works to have the supports coming out of the buildings so they’re hidden. 
The fairy lights have to go. Anybody with a sufficient budget and a few trips to Bunnings/Big W could achieve that result - it’s not special enough. Either get RGB pixels or install fibre optics in a black fabric to fake the night sky. You could even draw characters in it if you did that. Then since you’ve ditched the fairy lights on the roof, lose the ones on the buildings. Projection mapping is the solution here. Tokyo Disneyland does the expertly. 
Screens need to go. Unless your parade requires CGI VFX, you don’t need a screen. Design your shows to be on a stage or in a theatre. 

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13 hours ago, ads086 said:

Projection mapping is the solution here. Tokyo Disneyland does the expertly. 

I think we’ve concluded movie world doesn’t understand what projection mapping is.

nek minnit, Main Street is levelled and replaced with white box facades.

8 hours ago, djrappa said:

All these ideas about just removing the poles and changing the roof at all are just ridiculous 

It could be done if they wanted to. Beams supported from behind the facades could be constructed. It’s expensive, and it’s only to benefit aesthetic, so it won’t happen, but I think the talk of removing the poles just demonstrates how badly they fucked up by putting them in in the first place, and how they should have mounted them behind the buildings like USS or TDL.

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You cant cantilever a structure like this because its basically a big sail. So you need those posts pretty much exactly where they are at those spacings. Its not holding the roof up, its holding the roof on

Cant just move them back another 8m even if the hsd seating had enough space for the supports.

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Yeah if you moved the supports back then the span gets bigger so then the whole arch structure goes from being tubes to being full on arch trusses like at USJ / USS.

More tonnes of steel and hence bigger foundations = more cost.

And nothing that gets built here ever really gets gold plated. Its no different to how any other addition is a cheaper version of what is seen at larger parks.

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So we forego the guest experience and authenticity for the sake of the corporate market? Might as well just throw some roller coasters in at the convention centre and call that a theme park.

Screens can be put up for the night and then removed again.

If the current roofing can’t be supported while hiding the structure, then change it. Make it glass or perspex and let some light in. 

At the very least, get rid of the icicle fairy lights. It looks tacky!!

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4 hours ago, ads086 said:

So we forego the guest experience and authenticity for the sake of the corporate market? Might as well just throw some roller coasters in at the convention centre and call that a theme park.

Screens can be put up for the night and then removed again.

If the current roofing can’t be supported while hiding the structure, then change it. Make it glass or perspex and let some light in. 

At the very least, get rid of the icicle fairy lights. It looks tacky!!

Worst idea ever. Aside from a money maker;

The screens are used during the day. Even if they werent, its not something you hang and setup inside the hour after park closure waiting for the event to start. 

It effectively turns the whole plaza into a multipurpose venue. 

Qld summer, the main street provides massive amounts of shade.

Plus. Qld summer, main street provides massive amounts of shelter in torrential rain. 

Hail is common. The existing material would survive better than anything like that. 

Youd also have to frequently clean those surfaces, but they arent really capable of being stood on. Mold and mildew shows up on the existing roof as it is, but at a glance its largely ignored. Imagine what a clear surface would look like covered in bird crap, moss, dirt, mold, etc..

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15 hours ago, ads086 said:

Screens can be put up for the night and then removed again.

If the current roofing can’t be supported while hiding the structure, then change it. Make it glass or perspex and let some light in. 

At the very least, get rid of the icicle fairy lights. It looks tacky!!

Constructing and hanging a screen (LED or projection) isn't a 1 hour job. You'd be closing substantial parts of main street for at least the day prior and after the event as a minimum.

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I’ve seen a significantly large one built in around 4hrs. And that included the winch getting stuck and needing a reset. 
They’ve got a roof there, why not just fly it up and out of the way for the day times when it isn’t needed?

I just feel like everyone has settled for “it’s easier/more convenient” as being acceptable without any attempt to preserve guest experience and thematic integrity. It’ll obviously never be a Disney level experience, but is that an excuse to not even try?

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34 minutes ago, ads086 said:

They’ve got a roof there, why not just fly it up and out of the way for the day times when it isn’t needed?

but we've already covered this. they use them during the day.

Plus, a live rig holding a large LED screen isn't something i'd want people walking under, especially with some of the winds that flow through main street at times.

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I say bravo, what an improvement to the streetscape. There is certainly attention being put back into the aesthetics of Main Street. The flags have returned, Daily Planet has returned (Seems as though its getting a new colour scheme also) plus i noticed on my last visit some of the windows have received new curtains and dressings. 

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